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Coloccini wants out; Sevilla confirm interest

Guest Howaythetoon

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Guest Howaythetoon

I agree with your last point, although Ideally he needs to assert himself more and be that bit more stronger too. Which player do you have in mind Baggio? I'd liked to have seen Faye and Colo together but Faye despite his presence and strength in the air was quite clumsy in anticipating movement and runs and wasn't the true answer either. Like I said he was decent but never top drawer and if Colo isn't we need such a defender, but who...

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I agree with your last point, although Ideally he needs to assert himself more and be that bit more stronger too. Which player do you have in mind Baggio? I'd liked to have seen Faye and Colo together but Faye despite his presence and strength in the air was quite clumsy in anticipating movement and runs and wasn't the true answer either. Like I said he was decent but never top drawer and if Colo isn't we need such a defender, but who...


Maybe someone like Samba from Blackburn off the top of my head, I'd like to give Bassong a run first because he won everything today and from the looks of him he has the making of a very good player.

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Guest Howaythetoon

I agree with your last point, although Ideally he needs to assert himself more and be that bit more stronger too. Which player do you have in mind Baggio? I'd liked to have seen Faye and Colo together but Faye despite his presence and strength in the air was quite clumsy in anticipating movement and runs and wasn't the true answer either. Like I said he was decent but never top drawer and if Colo isn't we need such a defender, but who...


Maybe someone like Samba from Blackburn off the top of my head, I'd like to give Bassong a run first because he won everything today and from the looks of him he has the making of a very good player.


Good shout regarding Samba. Would it be another case of big fish in small pond though? Aye I'd like to see Bassong at the back too, he has the pace to recover and seems not only very physical but also good in the air. Everton got no joy from him down our left when he come on and he actually helped Zog out going forward too. He could end up our best all-round defender oddly enough and he cost peanuts and had to go through a trial period. Its always those types that often do well. Take Samba for example, came from nowhere and now look at him.

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Guest Heneage

We could do with a big bully of a centre back £8m for Samba would be good. Coloccini doesn't seem like the bully we are after, he strikes me more as your composed centre back like a nesta.

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Guest Stephen927

Can be quite neat and tidy and in an attacking, confident team I think he'd be a lot more comfortable.


It's all about getting the right partnerships. through the middle of the field we have no real partnerships. He has no real cover in front of him so he often looks quite exposed.

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I don't see why Bassong and Colo wouldn't work. Bassong's got the pace and power to cover up his own mistakes and Colo reads the game beautifully. Enrique is, in my opinion, an awesome LB who's one of the most comfortable players on the ball in our team and he needs games to improve (which he will). Beye is a solid RB, and as far as I can tell, that's our defence sorted.

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If heading isn't really Coloccini's game perhaps playing him at the back isn't so wise...


Sorry but that just reads like an excuse. You can win headers against the likes of Yakubu without having to be some kind of beast at the back, Coloccini for £10m should be more than able to compete in the air with strikers like that. I like how you put the blame onto Taylor by the way, Baggio. Isn't Colo the experienced senior international defender?!


I wasn't talking about winning headers - I think he's decent in the air - I'm talking about being out-muscled by CFs with good body strength who put themselves about - that's what I think we need a bit more strength for.




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Colo was poor first half, but recovered very well second half and put in a decent performance. As has been said in this thread already, alongside Faye he could form an excellent cb pairing. As it stands I'd have him alongside Bassong.

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If heading isn't really Coloccini's game perhaps playing him at the back isn't so wise...


Sorry but that just reads like an excuse. You can win headers against the likes of Yakubu without having to be some kind of beast at the back, Coloccini for £10m should be more than able to compete in the air with strikers like that. I like how you put the blame onto Taylor by the way, Baggio. Isn't Colo the experienced senior international defender?!


Interesting you mention heading or competing with strikers like Yakubu not being his game, then what is?


That's what I'm concerned about with Colo mainly. Off the ball he does look class I will say that but that doesn't prove anything. When Everton dropped off and sat back in the second half trying to protect their lead it give our midfield some time and space and even Nicky Butt was pinging balls about and he is generally rubbish in possession.


If Colo is to step up and show his real class or become a defensive rock for us he needs to be stronger in the air and in a 1v1 tussle. He also needs to stop going walk abouts which he does a lot, vacating his central position for no real reason whatsoever.


Has he ever played in a back 3 or is he accustomed to that kind of system? I ask because in a back 3 one of the 3 centre-backs will often vacate their position which Colo is very prone to doing so I'm thinking maybe that is why he keeps doing it or at least I'm hoping why so it can be ironed out with more matches in a 4-4-2 or a flat back four.


At times against Everton there was Colo, Taylor and Geremi on the right attracted to the ball or man on the ball which allowed Osman time and space to attack the penalty box totally unopposed. This happened several times when Colo vacated his central position to go towards the right side of the final defensive third too.


This is a worry and needs pointing out.


Because I see a defensive partnership being someone who's very good on the deck who's capable of bringing the ball out from the back and the other being more of a defensive rock who wins everything in the air, just because Colo is an experienced international doesn't mean he should be able to be the main ball winner in the air, the same way as i wouldn't expect Gallas or Carvalho to win everything in the air if they were here either, simply because it's not their game either and it's why they have been partnered with defenders who are superior in the air in Terry and Toure.


I'm not putting the blame onto Taylor, I'm questioning what sort of defender he is because people kept on about how similar he was to Faye to form a good partnership yet now Faye has gone he's not stepping into that role of being the main ball winner in the air.


IMO, Taylor when he's played alongside Colo hasn't taken the role of being the main ball winner in the air, he's dropped off deep far too often and let Coloccini go up against the big guys. I don't know if this is by accident or by design, but it's not the answer. In reality, Taylor should be more than physically equipped to play the 'Faye' role but it hasn't happened this season. Maybe Bassong is worth a go but he seems more the Coloccini mode as well to me. Although for the price he's looked a bloody good player so far.

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Its a team game, once the main (midfield) component goes to shit (on any side, not just ours), then theres usually only one outcome.


The midfield did a disappearing act in the first half so Everton could attack at will, so no surprise to me that 'all' the back four looked shaky due to the near constant pressure put upon them. It (the defence) looked a whole lot better in the second half when the midfield started to look abit like they knew what they were out there for.


We may not have any Maldini's at the back, but we've certainly got no Ramage's either.

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If heading isn't really Coloccini's game perhaps playing him at the back isn't so wise...


Sorry but that just reads like an excuse. You can win headers against the likes of Yakubu without having to be some kind of beast at the back, Coloccini for £10m should be more than able to compete in the air with strikers like that. I like how you put the blame onto Taylor by the way, Baggio. Isn't Colo the experienced senior international defender?!


Interesting you mention heading or competing with strikers like Yakubu not being his game, then what is?


That's what I'm concerned about with Colo mainly. Off the ball he does look class I will say that but that doesn't prove anything. When Everton dropped off and sat back in the second half trying to protect their lead it give our midfield some time and space and even Nicky Butt was pinging balls about and he is generally rubbish in possession.


If Colo is to step up and show his real class or become a defensive rock for us he needs to be stronger in the air and in a 1v1 tussle. He also needs to stop going walk abouts which he does a lot, vacating his central position for no real reason whatsoever.


Has he ever played in a back 3 or is he accustomed to that kind of system? I ask because in a back 3 one of the 3 centre-backs will often vacate their position which Colo is very prone to doing so I'm thinking maybe that is why he keeps doing it or at least I'm hoping why so it can be ironed out with more matches in a 4-4-2 or a flat back four.


At times against Everton there was Colo, Taylor and Geremi on the right attracted to the ball or man on the ball which allowed Osman time and space to attack the penalty box totally unopposed. This happened several times when Colo vacated his central position to go towards the right side of the final defensive third too.


This is a worry and needs pointing out.


Because I see a defensive partnership being someone who's very good on the deck who's capable of bringing the ball out from the back and the other being more of a defensive rock who wins everything in the air, just because Colo is an experienced international doesn't mean he should be able to be the main ball winner in the air, the same way as i wouldn't expect Gallas or Carvalho to win everything in the air if they were here either, simply because it's not their game either and it's why they have been partnered with defenders who are superior in the air in Terry and Toure.


I'm not putting the blame onto Taylor, I'm questioning what sort of defender he is because people kept on about how similar he was to Faye to form a good partnership yet now Faye has gone he's not stepping into that role of being the main ball winner in the air.


Gallas and Carvalho are both very good in the air and while I understand your point about partnerships that compliment one another is it too much to ask from multi-million pound players to be able to do the basics well enough like heading the ball? It doesn't have to be his game per se of course like it isn't Gallas' or Carvalho's but both when challenged are more than capable in the air and so too should be Colo. I'm not so sure about his ability on the floor either. With time and space as well as options he looks good of course, but I've yet to see him dribble his way out of trouble, use quick feet to escape an attacker or make telling passes which suggest he's something else with the ball or on the floor. He's no Ramage of course but he's no Rio Ferdinand either.


As for Taylor, when he's playing centrally you'll find he is the main ball winner in the air - see the Man Utd match away for example or against Arsenal at the Emirates. That's not to say he's great in the air and problem solved, but he does win his fair share and does like to attack that ball whereas Colo seems weak in the air and reluctant to attack it when challenged.


I'm hoping this is to do with adapting issues rather than any quality issues because in Spain crossing isn't done as much as it is here and nor is high line pressing forward play from big burly centre-forwards either.


I'd like to see him assert himself more though, like his compatriot Jonas has done who isn't a man mountain or a beast.


Time will tell.


He does win his fair share of headers in the box though similar to Gallas and Carvalho, he's just not going to win every long ball forward when he's in a straight jump against the more dominant strikers in the Premiership, but neither does Gallas or Carvalho, that's why they have the likes of John Terry partnering them who comes out and win practically every long ball that gets pumped down field.


What we need is a big dominant partner to play next to him if Taylor and Bassong are not up to playing that role.


apparently the Arsenal fans are on Gallas` back alot because of his brain fart moments. They say he`s certainly not a leader and is not the same player he was like when he had a top class player like Ricardo Carvalho alongside him. Maybe you could relate Colo to that. I have no doubt Colo is a top class defender, just needs someone competent beside him (like Gallas was with Carvalho) without having to worry about other central defenders dropping clangers in the back of his mind

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We need Bssong at LB and Beye at RB, Colo needs a bigger stronger CB next to him rather than Taylor, all though right now lack of confidence and that sinking feeling is creating panic defeding right across the back four.

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I think Collocini has done well for us given the circumstances. He's made a few mistakes where he's not had the time he's used to but he will get used to it, he just needs time.


Couldn't disagree more with the "panic whenever someone runs at him" comment because thats probably his strongest point, he seems to win most one on ones.


We really should be giving players like him a chance because you can see he's got class about him.

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He look good on the ground but weak in the air, for a CB. In English football, I think defenders have to make more headers against physically strong opponents, and it's not what he's used to.


I think he'd do well as a DM though. Now that Keegan's gone we can buy Faye back, push Colo forward and problem solved. (Ho ho ho)

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I do agree that his positioning can be a bit iffy and he does follow his man out of position far too often for my liking (but I suspect this can be rectified if he is told to stick to zonal marking instead of man to man). But I completely disagree with HTT's observation on headers and one on ones. He wins his fair share of headers for me either from crosses or those long punts upfield. If he does miss any, it's because of positioning (like the second goal) and not because of physical weakness. In one on one situations, he is easily the best we've had so far. He easily won all the one on ones yesterday with minimal fuss.   

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I think all of the defenders will look a lot more comfortable if we can get a few people back in midfield who can compete. If you add Barton and Jonas to the midfield I'd say we'd look a lot more solid in defence. Butt and Geremi did alright yesterday but they just aren't mobile enough out of possession.

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His big weakness for me is how tight he marks the opposition. He was getting dragged across the field by Yakubu. Someone needs to tell him about his "zone". It actually reminds me of the way Boumsong used to do it.


Looks to have a lot of class, a bit weaker in the air but with a good partner (Bassong/Taylor) , I don't see him being anything less than a success as he has obvious ability.

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Do teams aim their punts and long balls towards him or is it him and Taylor that decides who goes for them? Or who they are marking?


I remember when we had Bramble and Woodgate, it would always be Titus who would go for the aerial challenges and it worked. I thought it was done intentionally as Titus was very strong in the air and Woodgate had the positioing to sweep up the mess Titus would inevitably make sooner or later.

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If Yobo is out of favour at Everton, bring him in, i believe he and Colo would be good foil for one another. However, what is much more important is bringing quality in to protect the back four. Personally, i think signing someone like Palacios would be the key, just to sit in fornt of Colo and Co.

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Guest palnese

Colo cant speak english very well, can he? Give him time  to learn the language and to settle in the north-east and im sure he will be a class act for this club! argie regular isnt he?!

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