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When do you think Michael Owen will leave Newcastle United?

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The only hope we have of keeping him is if a new owner gets in quickly, and appoints Shearer.


He's the only person he "might" stay around for.


So yet again, the whole club is run around the needs and wishes of one player. No thanks.


The whole 'fitness' issue has always been an excuse. Kinnear - quite rightly - feels that the present striking partnership has done well enough to keep their places but then - quite wrongly - because of Owen's status he has to come out with all this rubbish about what a great player he is, but he doesn't want to risk him. If he rated him that highly, he'd have picked him.


This whole thing is bad for the team. If Owen gets picked now, everyone's now going to wonder whether it's because of who he is.


Sorry, but what a steaming hot pile of sh*te.


Owen is picked now because he's our best goalscorer and still best striker.


Well that's a matter of opinion. But if the player is making some kind of protest in the match programme, and the manager is coming out with excuses like he's on the back foot, then it's bound to introduce some doubt in the other players' minds if and when Owen comes back.


The manager shouldn't be trying to justify himself like that. Unless these big name players can really justify their status through performances on the pitch, then they're more trouble than they're worth.

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Guest toonlass

Mike Ashley has clearly said he is not willing to bank roll the club anymore, so I wonder if any players whose contracts are due up for renewal will get offers while he is still in charge. I can see Owen leaving asap for his own career prospects. He has no affinity to Newcastle United, we just pay his wages. He is the true footballing mercinary, and will go where the money is.

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16 goals in 24 starts (5 sub apps) in 2008.


Not really sure what Owen has to do to prove himself tbh.


These stats about his goal-scoring don't tell the full story IMO. He's a specialist goal-poacher who doesn't do a lot of work outside the penalty box and doesn't create much for others. He's not a Beardsley or a Rooney. So if you pick a player like Owen, you are sacrificing something in another area of the team, and you have to feel reassured that he's worth it. It doesn't help his case that he misses as many as he scores.



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16 goals in 24 starts (5 sub apps) in 2008.


Not really sure what Owen has to do to prove himself tbh.


These stats about his goal-scoring don't tell the full story IMO. He's a specialist goal-poacher who doesn't do a lot of work outside the penalty box and doesn't create much for others. He's not a Beardsley or a Rooney. So if you pick a player like Owen, you are sacrificing something in another area of the team, and you have to feel reassured that he's worth it. It doesn't help his case that he misses as many as he scores.


Being there to miss > not being there at all.

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16 goals in 24 starts (5 sub apps) in 2008.


Not really sure what Owen has to do to prove himself tbh.


These stats about his goal-scoring don't tell the full story IMO. He's a specialist goal-poacher who doesn't do a lot of work outside the penalty box and doesn't create much for others. He's not a Beardsley or a Rooney. So if you pick a player like Owen, you are sacrificing something in another area of the team, and you have to feel reassured that he's worth it. It doesn't help his case that he misses as many as he scores.



And yet his hottest goalscoring streak came when he was dropping off the front-two playing a lot more as a team-player, so go figure.

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16 goals in 24 starts (5 sub apps) in 2008.


Not really sure what Owen has to do to prove himself tbh.


These stats about his goal-scoring don't tell the full story IMO. He's a specialist goal-poacher who doesn't do a lot of work outside the penalty box and doesn't create much for others. He's not a Beardsley or a Rooney. So if you pick a player like Owen, you are sacrificing something in another area of the team, and you have to feel reassured that he's worth it. It doesn't help his case that he misses as many as he scores.


Being there to miss > not being there at all.




In those two games, I remember Ameobi being in that position once (he scored but was offside), and don't think I saw Martins get in that position to miss.

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16 goals in 24 starts (5 sub apps) in 2008.


Not really sure what Owen has to do to prove himself tbh.


These stats about his goal-scoring don't tell the full story IMO. He's a specialist goal-poacher who doesn't do a lot of work outside the penalty box and doesn't create much for others. He's not a Beardsley or a Rooney. So if you pick a player like Owen, you are sacrificing something in another area of the team, and you have to feel reassured that he's worth it. It doesn't help his case that he misses as many as he scores.


Being there to miss > not being there at all.




In those two games, I remember Ameobi being in that position once (he scored but was offside), and don't think I saw Martins get in that position to miss.


Yet Martins is our top scorer in the league so far this season even though he doesn't operate in the same areas as Owen, so go figure.

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16 goals in 24 starts (5 sub apps) in 2008.


Not really sure what Owen has to do to prove himself tbh.


These stats about his goal-scoring don't tell the full story IMO. He's a specialist goal-poacher who doesn't do a lot of work outside the penalty box and doesn't create much for others. He's not a Beardsley or a Rooney. So if you pick a player like Owen, you are sacrificing something in another area of the team, and you have to feel reassured that he's worth it. It doesn't help his case that he misses as many as he scores.


Being there to miss > not being there at all.




In those two games, I remember Ameobi being in that position once (he scored but was offside), and don't think I saw Martins get in that position to miss.


Yet Martins is our top scorer in the league so far this season even though he doesn't operate in the same areas as Owen, so go figure.


So imagine how many he'd get if he got in the positions Owen did.

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16 goals in 24 starts (5 sub apps) in 2008.


Not really sure what Owen has to do to prove himself tbh.


These stats about his goal-scoring don't tell the full story IMO. He's a specialist goal-poacher who doesn't do a lot of work outside the penalty box and doesn't create much for others. He's not a Beardsley or a Rooney. So if you pick a player like Owen, you are sacrificing something in another area of the team, and you have to feel reassured that he's worth it. It doesn't help his case that he misses as many as he scores.



What a load of bollocks when has he or anyone ever said that he is a player like Beardsley or Rooney and you contradicted yourself with that first paragraph ,he is there to do a job score goals and when he drops deeper he contributes more than Martins i.e not giving the ball away and bringing other players into the game .I cannot get my head around your logic at this moment in time ,the moment he came on the pitch vs Wigan he had chances and scored one what more do you want and we looked a damn site better offensively with him on the pitch with 3 strikers rather than withMartins and Amoebi .
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I'm fed up with everything to do with Owen really.


I think in general he is more of a distraction than anything else.


His return has coincided with our results worsening. Not necessarily his fault, but it has meant the manager has totally lost it as far as substitutions go. Jonas is now being sacrificed, when we all know he is a match winner that can put us in a position to win at any moment.





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Newcastle striker Michael Owen is willing to take a pay cut in order to leave St James' Park in January. (Sunday Express)


Emile Heskey will snub a January move to Aston Villa, but the 30-year-old striker is likely to leave Wigan for nothing when his contract expires at the end of the season. (Sunday Express)


Just a thought, but suppose Owen doesn't leave in Jan, could notifying him in our interest of Heskey maybe sway him towards signing a new contract.  Shola has just been a makeshift, and I'd be surprised if we renewed Viduka's contract, so we're going to need a new striker.


It was Owen who supposedly had a hand in Heskey being recalled to the England team, he obviously feels they play well together...

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Should we cash in now? we have a thin squad and if Ashley is not going to invest more money we need Owen, problem is Ashley will want the money from the Owen sale.

Let him take a wage cut and sit injured at another club, lets bring in the Ranger!!


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Guest Howaythetoon

Any decent bid for any of our players will be accepted by Ashley and co so I can see Owen leaving on that point as much as Owen leaving because he wants out.

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I am assuming that the club isnt going to get sold any time soon so for the forseeable, Mike is still going to be the owner. If Michael leaves in the summer he goes for free so my guess is that the club will get as much as they possibly can for him in January.

No way will Ashley let him go for free - unfortunately for him, Michael holds all the aces.

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I am assuming that the club isnt going to get sold any time soon so for the forseeable, Mike is still going to be the owner. If Michael leaves in the summer he goes for free so my guess is that the club will get as much as they possibly can for him in January.

No way will Ashley let him go for free - unfortunately for him, Michael holds all the aces.


Yup. I imagine we'll go all out to flog him in January.


As a result we'll be lucky to get £7m.

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Can anyone honestly blame the bloke if he does go? Honestly?


Looking at that game yesterday, although it was a good result, showed just how far we've fallen over the past few years. Owen in particular spent the majority of the game in his own half chasing shadows. No striker is going to be happy with being asked to play like that... and that's even without taking into account all the other shite that has gone on since he's been here.


Aye, it hasn't been the fairytale for us either since he signed (injuries, etc.), but unlike us he does have the option of leaving it all behind and fair play to him if he takes and does go on to bigger and better things. You only want players who want to play for your club, at the end of the day, replace him with someone young, fit and hungry and he'll soon be forgotten.

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I can see him selling Owen, Given, Zoggy, Oba,, Duff and any other player we get offers for.

It is a worrying thought that we might dump all the high earners to make the club more sellable


Think about that again for a second. Who's going to want to buy this club with those players, let alone without them!?


"Our wage bill makes great reading, but we're getting relegated!"

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