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The Wise/Jimenez/Vetere AND KEVIN KEEGAN appreciation thread


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Viduka coming back into the side (along with Martins) kept us up last season, so i'd say having him here was a godsend. Barton's not been great but if Guthrie can be deemed a 'good' signing then so can Barton.


How can you compare Barton's time here to Guthrie's?  Bartons undoubtedly a good player but overall he's been a nightmare for us, prison, injuries, inconsistent form.  Meanwhile Guthrie's come in for one third what we paid for Barton and been quite consistently good.  Plus he hasn't gone to jail yet, not even once! :)

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Viduka coming back into the side (along with Martins) kept us up last season, so i'd say having him here was a godsend. Barton's not been great but if Guthrie can be deemed a 'good' signing then so can Barton.


How can you compare Barton's time here to Guthrie's?  Bartons undoubtedly a good player but overall he's been a nightmare for us, prison, injuries, inconsistent form.  Meanwhile Guthrie's come in for one third what we paid for Barton and been quite consistently good.  Plus he hasn't gone to jail yet, not even once! :)


im more going on about on field performances. Barton was decent in the spell towards the end of last season, while guthrie's had 3 or 4 good performances and been anonymous other times. i wouldnt exactly say either have done enough to qualify as successes yet. it's true that Barton's been a disaster off the field, though. if you dont want to include him, just take Enrique instead. If the choice is Guthrie or Enrique then i know who i'd rather have as a fixture in the team in a year's time.

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Did gonzalez loan get terminated?


As far as I'm aware he's still here.


Hhmm anyone not think its pointless since hes out til march? wish he was fit like would have been nice to have a different option in cm

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While Keegan wasn't a bad judge of a player, unearthing and buying relatively unknown players for small fees wasn't really his way of doing things otherwise he'd be the most sought after manager in the world.


When someone signs a better £ for £ signing at Newcastle than Rob Lee it will be good day. Or we sign striker from the lower leagues as good as Andy Cole, I will be very impressed.


Who are these relatively unknown players we signed for the first team? Because everyone of them played in one Europe's major leagues the previous season & I think all of them have some type of international caps.


I'm sure you must have recommended us targetting Jonas and Bassong as great potential signings then. Fair play to you, I had f*** all knowlegde of them in truth.


Tbf I would rather we had signed another Argentinean from Real Mallorca (Ibagaza) instead of Jonas.


Did you recommend him before we signed Jonas or is this our chief scout Mr Hindsight talking?



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While Keegan wasn't a bad judge of a player, unearthing and buying relatively unknown players for small fees wasn't really his way of doing things otherwise he'd be the most sought after manager in the world.


When someone signs a better £ for £ signing at Newcastle than Rob Lee it will be good day. Or we sign striker from the lower leagues as good as Andy Cole, I will be very impressed.


Who are these relatively unknown players we signed for the first team? Because everyone of them played in one Europe's major leagues the previous season & I think all of them have some type of international caps.


That was a fair old while ago now. How well do you feel he did in terms overall signings at his more recent clubs like Man City?


He signed a lot of older players at city which helped them stop pinging up down as they have not be relegated since KK took them up iirc, which is big thing especially for Man City. Did he sign Benarbia? As I always enjoyed watching him play football.


I agree, but will go into more detail below.


While Keegan wasn't a bad judge of a player, unearthing and buying relatively unknown players for small fees wasn't really his way of doing things otherwise he'd be the most sought after manager in the world.


When someone signs a better £ for £ signing at Newcastle than Rob Lee it will be good day. Or we sign striker from the lower leagues as good as Andy Cole, I will be very impressed.


Who are these relatively unknown players we signed for the first team? Because everyone of them played in one Europe's major leagues the previous season & I think all of them have some type of international caps.


That was a fair old while ago now. How well do you feel he did in terms overall signings at his more recent clubs like Man City?


Keegan brought in a lot of good foreign players at city, but i think his problem with the failures was being TOO adventurous in his transfers, the opposite of what some are suggesting.


of his better signings - Anelka, Distin, Bernabia, Berkovic, Tarnat, Van Buyten, Foe.


Anelka was an obvious signing, certainly not uncovering a gem, though I grant he was one of the few he ever made a profit on.

Van Buyten was only on loan, as was Foe I think.

Distin was a good buy I'll grant you, though you would hope so as a record signing as a defender (just like Colo) and he left on a free (not Keegans fault though).

Berkovic, yes a good player, but he had already been through 4 british club on big transfers so hardly a massive spot. Besides he only lasted a year or so after er... falling out with Keegan, and left on a free.

Tarnat lasted what, a season as well? Same with Bernabia who was 32 when he arrived.


So I wouldn't class any of those as showing the ability to spot a bargain or as we were discussing, showing an ability to sign talented youngsters.


(as for the rest of his signings such as Bischoff, Sommeil, Mettomo, Negouai, Macken, Vuoso, Jensen, Fowler and McManamanaman who cost around £20 million between them..... Hmmmmm)



I love Keegans ability to get good players to play even better, and sell the club to stars, but I have never had great confident in his ability to get the most out of a transfer budget and despite reservations about his return, thought the new setup would have been the perfect combination.


Sadly, for us, he couldn't work under those conditions.


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Guest The Libertine

something that (somehow) gets thrown in their faces is the fact that we pretty much broke even in the last window. near the end of it, we were down by quite an amount and looked to stay down until milner handed in a transfer request. so i think its unfair to say we/they were desperately looking to break even when we/they had no real choice but to break even in the end (with an excellent price negotiated for miner btw).

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I don't think Keegan is the world's hardest worker on the managerial front. Arsene Wenger will go home and watch a video of a South American under 17 tournament to try and spot some talent which others have missed. I don't think Keegan is into that kind of hard grind. His focus is more on the players who have already got a reputation.


When he was England manager, and England got knocked out of the Euros, he went straight home. Every other manager stayed till the end of the tournament, watching the other players and the other team's tactics in the hope of picking up some useful information for the future. Keegan was very conspicuous by his absence, and we all know what happened next.


It's been said that Guthrie was Keegan's buy, but in fact he was the only signing who had actually played against us. He didn't need to do much in the way of research.

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Guest Howaythetoon

I don't think Keegan is the world's hardest worker on the managerial front. Arsene Wenger will go home and watch a video of a South American under 17 tournament to try and spot some talent which others have missed. I don't think Keegan is into that kind of hard grind. His focus is more on the players who have already got a reputation.


When he was England manager, and England got knocked out of the Euros, he went straight home. Every other manager stayed till the end of the tournament, watching the other players and the other team's tactics in the hope of picking up some useful information for the future. Keegan was very conspicuous by his absence, and we all know what happened next.


It's been said that Guthrie was Keegan's buy, but in fact he was the only signing who had actually played against us. He didn't need to do much in the way of research.


He didn't need to, he was just the motivator.

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I don't think Keegan is the world's hardest worker on the managerial front. Arsene Wenger will go home and watch a video of a South American under 17 tournament to try and spot some talent which others have missed. I don't think Keegan is into that kind of hard grind. His focus is more on the players who have already got a reputation.


that's what scouts are for. pick the best ones to show the manager and if he thinks there's enough talent evident then he makes the decision to go after the player. at least, that's how its supposed to work. there's a problem when the scout begins to have more authority than the manager. obviously that's for another thread though.

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Wise = c***


Jimenez = Don't know him but probably a c***


Vetere = Don't know him either but probably a c***


Keegan = Flawed in many ways but has done more for this club than almost any other man in the last 40 odd years


Allardyce = c***




So you know Wise? I guess you can provide some evidence of his c**tish behaviour. Without media-manufactured fanfare.

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Wise = Cunt


Jimenez = Don't know him but probably a cunt


Vetere = Don't know him either but probably a cunt


Keegan = Flawed in many ways but has done more for this club than almost any other man in the last 40 odd years


Allardyce = Cunt





Shepherd, Souness, Gullit, Dalglish, Roeder, Ashley, Kinnear. All CUNTS!!!


:lol: Fuck me the irony isnt lost on anyone is it?

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Guest Alan Shearer 9

They're made some very good signings, but they also made some poor ones, especially Gonzales which has been an utter disaster.  Meanwhile they left numerous holes in the squad while £12 or so million sat in the bank unused.  They also missed out on quite a few signings, and I'd hardly say Jiminez hoodwinked Mallorca into handing over Jonas for peanuts, they had no say in the matter.  But I congratulate them none the less for identifying him and acting quickly to sign him first.  In other words its been a very mixed bag IMO.


You're blaming them for a player picking up an injury mackems.gif


He had injury problems before that, why the fuck do you think they loaned him out?  To prove his fitness, and it blew up in their faces :doh:


Footballers get injuries :doh:


How would you compare their transfers over the summer, with say Allardyce's success in the market the summer previous?


Yes Footballers get injuries, doesn't change the fact that they signed a player with injury problems and got stung, they could have gone for a player who didn't have injury problems.


I'd say they did much better then Allardyce overall, Bassong, Coloccini and Gutierrez in particular were excellent signings and Guthrie was a good signing too.


To compare like for like then, Rozenhal, Cacapa, Geremi & Smith?


Allardyce's best four/five signings:


Faye, Beye, Viduka, Barton/Enrique


Keegan/Wise/Vetere/Jiminez's four best signings:


Jonas, Colo, Bassong, Guthrie


very little in it.


None of the 2nd group of signings got arrested, Colo's probably nearly played as many games as Viduka already, and Enrique, well a lot of people really don't rate the lad.


2nd group wins comfortably in my opinion looking at how the signings have done since coming here.

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Guest Heneage

While Keegan wasn't a bad judge of a player, unearthing and buying relatively unknown players for small fees wasn't really his way of doing things otherwise he'd be the most sought after manager in the world.


When someone signs a better £ for £ signing at Newcastle than Rob Lee it will be good day. Or we sign striker from the lower leagues as good as Andy Cole, I will be very impressed.


Who are these relatively unknown players we signed for the first team? Because everyone of them played in one Europe's major leagues the previous season & I think all of them have some type of international caps.


I'm sure you must have recommended us targetting Jonas and Bassong as great potential signings then. Fair play to you, I had f*** all knowlegde of them in truth.


Tbf I would rather we had signed another Argentinean from Real Mallorca (Ibagaza) instead of Jonas.


Good luck he's at Villarreal.

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Do have to say that the players brought in so far by Wise etc not only look like good players but all seem to be decent personalities with a very professional attitude. They're just the sort of players we want in our club.


A big difference to some we have signed in the last few years and also in stark contrast to some of the "established" premier league trouble makers Sunderland have brought in recently.

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