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West Ham agree fee in region of £15m with Liverpool for Andy Carroll

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Guest Howaythetoon

Come on, man. He's in a different league to the likes of Kevin Davies.




Because he's developed into far more of a goal threat and is more mobile. Where Carroll has this natural ability to bully defenders in the air, Davies has to rely on experience and lenient refereeing.


And Davies was not even close to being as good as Carroll at the same age.


Davies at an even younger age was in many ways similar to Carroll, regarded as a hot prospect and future England number 9 who was sold to Blackburn for a then record fee for them only to do a Carroll and struggle. Since then he has developed into a mature decent all-round target man type forward who actually has shown to contain a decent footballing brain with some level of creativity, hence his ability to play deeper and almost as a Teddy Sheringham type forward for Bolton over the past few years.


Davies has always been underrated, when he was at Chesterfield he had the lot as he started to show at Southampton but the big move especially at that price didn't work out for him, plus he had a few injuries. I've always though under a manager like say Sir Bobby he would have excelled and showed himself to be a far better player than he will go down as.


Ronaldo, even at what 35 or something Davies is more mobile than Carroll :lol:


And if that is your argument as to why he is in a different league, then the parameters have gotten shorter and shorter. That's like saying Messi is in a different league to C. Ronaldo because he scores more goals.... slightly!


As for Carroll's so-called greatness in the air... I don't buy it. He can head the ball don't get me wrong... when a good cross comes in and he can attack it but ask him to deftly flick the ball to space or feet using his head and it goes all over the place. He does have great heading technique to be honest, its his timing and the way he jumps that screws him over mostly.


Davies does get away with a lot RE the refs mind I will give you that, Shearer-esque in the way he uses those elbows, body and complaints to the ref.

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Guest BooBoo

Thread titles are all important in transfer threads. That's all I'm bothered about when it co ex to updating them.


The wacky thread titles are irritating, but I get that the kids find 'em cool.

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Guest bimpy474

Carroll is still going to mature.


Love the posts normally HTT but on this you are trying to land a shit in your toilet from outer space.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Because he's developed into far more of a goal threat




Play to Carroll's strengths and you'll get a goal every other game. Play to Davies' and you'll get one every four.


That's a cop-out type of argument to be honest. Play to anyone's strengths and the chances they will do well is higher than not regardless of the degrees of well. Playing to Davies strengths may not get you the same goals returns but it could well yeald better retuns in over areas. Likewise with many players.


If we were to simply let Ben Arfa play in total freedom he would probably perform well as an individual in most games but at what cost to the team and to what dividend so to speak? His?

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Guest icemanblue

Thread title  :snod:


Why. The. f***. Does. It. Matter?!




This forum prides itself on the accuracy (and comic value) of the thread titles.


:lol: Have you asked it, like?

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Guest BooBoo

HTT's posts are always interesting and readable but they always without fail contain a nugget of horseplop that ruins them.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Ronaldo, even at what 35 or something Davies is more mobile than Carroll :lol:


Biased garbage.


Howay man, watch some of his 'highlights' from last season, even when super charged up against us he lacked more mobility than Shearer on the touchline during his fucking testimonial.


Davies puts himself about and works his socks off. He may not be fast but he covers the ground and moves around.


Carroll is not mobile. If he applied for Motability he'd get it.  :lol:

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Of course Carroll's weakness is mobility but it's not a massive weakness. In my opinion, his greatest failing is his movement in the box. When you take a look at him as a player, he's outstanding in the air, he brings other players into the game, his left foot is class and he bullies the shit out of defenders. There's not another player like him in the PL who is anywhere near as good at doing what he does. I say all this and I don't want him back

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Davies is more mobile than Carroll? :lol:


Carroll's ability is meh atm (most likely down to confidence issues) but there's no way Kevin Davies is a more mobile player than Carroll. I've heard it all now.


Btw, hope West Ham get serious about this move. I know they've denied this £2 million loan deal but it's definitely not the last we'll hear from them with regards to Carroll.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Perhaps I'm becoming a bit of a football snob or even spoilt but when I've seen the likes of Alan Shearer, Andy Cole, Sir Les, Cisse, Ba and yes even Michael f***ing Owen wear our colours, the thought of Andy Carroll, a throw-back to the past in that he is a a limited target man/battering ram style of forward, being heralded and considered as some kind of future great based on little other than some heading ability and strength and a very short hot streak for us, then shoot me f***ing down as a no-nowt gobshite full of horseplop.


The lad is distinctively average if we are taking about top quality centre-forwards who has cost his current club an English transfer record fee and while that says quite a lot about the idiots at Liverpool and indeed our idiotic transfer system when it comes to young British players  it says a whole lot more about our football values as fans and our development of footballers that Andy f***ing Carroll, a charver from Gateshead who can head a ball sometimes, bully the odd defender and be strong at times, is considered the future of English football or indeed our own Newcastle United, then we are f***ed I tell you.


Why the hell we would want him back I do not know. I can only feel that this is opportunistic, ego-driven and ballsy becuase on a footballing level he is to what we are and want to be to what David Cameron and co are to the UK. Surely we can do better on every level, footballing, price wise, personality wise etc. etc.


He ranks alongside your Grant Holts, Fletchers, Doyles etc. in terms of genuine ability, players who although decent enough in certain ways and in certain circumstances, a club like ours with eyes on the top 6 and European football, who is used to top quality forwards, should never ever consider for silly money.


He is worth around 8m max and only as a squad player. We can do better. Best was a better option and a better all-rounder. english football transfers and football values = madness.

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theres a few interesting bits in this



dunno how true but worth posting

Carroll's position is further complicated because it is understood Liverpool have not yet paid Newcastle the final instalments of his transfer fee.


It is also understood the Geordies are entitled to a cut of any deal, after inserting a 25 per cent sell-on clause into their agreement with the Anfield outfit.

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theres a few interesting bits in this



dunno how true but worth posting

Carroll's position is further complicated because it is understood Liverpool have not yet paid Newcastle the final instalments of his transfer fee.


It is also understood the Geordies are entitled to a cut of any deal, after inserting a 25 per cent sell-on clause into their agreement with the Anfield outfit.


So if we buy him back, we pay ourselves a 25% cut of our own transfer then? :D

Must be some sort of tax dodge

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They paid £30m up front wasn't it? Could explain why we've supposedly offered so much less than West Ham. Write off the outstanding £5m?

or whatever's left of it since some of it has clearly been paid given llambias said they were late in a payment

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They paid £30m up front wasn't it? Could explain why we've supposedly offered so much less than West Ham. Write off the outstanding £5m?


Dekka -


We had the control. We knew the Torres deal was there.


We drew that f****** deal, perhaps the ultimate.


So £30m? F*** off! Don’t waste my time and I slammed the phone down.


£35m? Everybody including Pardew [manager Alan Pardew] all agreed.


But the £35m they wanted to pay over four years. It was rubbish. Mike (Ashley) said — and he is a brave boy Mike I promise you — get all the £35m up front.


We got it all up front and then they never paid us on time and we charged them 12 grand f****** interest.

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Guest Archie


He is worth around 8m max and only as a squad player. We can do better. Best was a better option and a better all-rounder. english football transfers and football values = madness.


Bullshit and utter drivel. Carroll with backing and confidence is unplayable. 8 mill max and Best better ffs. Sometimes I wonder if people suffer from acute amnesia.

I`d love to have him back and I believe he can become a true great if he digs his heels in and takes fotball seriously. Heaven or hell its all up to you Andy.

He is barely in his twenties and already one of the most physically dominant strikers in the league while binging every weekend, add to that he is just 180 lbs and 6`2.  Imagine with a proper diet and cardio/weights training. Could easily become the next Christian Vieri.

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They paid £30m up front wasn't it? Could explain why we've supposedly offered so much less than West Ham. Write off the outstanding £5m?


Dekka -


We had the control. We knew the Torres deal was there.


We drew that f****** deal, perhaps the ultimate.


So £30m? F*** off! Don’t waste my time and I slammed the phone down.


£35m? Everybody including Pardew [manager Alan Pardew] all agreed.


But the £35m they wanted to pay over four years. It was rubbish. Mike (Ashley) said — and he is a brave boy Mike I promise you — get all the £35m up front.


We got it all up front and then they never paid us on time and we charged them 12 grand f****** interest.




Either could be true or false, this seems to fit though. Same paper mind.

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