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Feel The Hate


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Funny how so many of the Newcastle haters are registered as from Newcastle - I guess Sunderland doesn't have a region defined in Facebook.

Read yesterdays Express, it says Cisse might stop partying now all the NEWCASTLE players are banned, states how he's regular in our parts. They go on about how Cisse is a Mackem, but he's always over here.


Is it true that Sunderland doesn't even have a cinema?


Nah they have one. Pretty new as well.


Damn. I read in FourFourTwo  few years ago that they didn't...

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Oh dear, sad people.


I wonder why so many people hate us...


You hear the same old cliches. Deluded, always expect top 4, only got crowds of 150 before Keegan, think we're the best fans in the world, think we're one of the biggest clubs in the world, blah blah blah. I don't know where people get this bullshit.



Because most of our fans think that stuff is true.


and Mistle17, i believe the cinema through sunderland only opened up in the past year or two

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Oh dear, sad people.


I wonder why so many people hate us...


You hear the same old cliches. Deluded, always expect top 4, only got crowds of 150 before Keegan, think we're the best fans in the world, think we're one of the biggest clubs in the world, blah blah blah. I don't know where people get this bullshit.



Because most of our fans think that stuff is true.


and Mistle17, i believe the cinema through sunderland only opened up in the past year or two


I don't know most of our fans, but the ones i do know don't believe this stuff.

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Oh dear, sad people.


I wonder why so many people hate us...


You hear the same old cliches. Deluded, always expect top 4, only got crowds of 150 before Keegan, think we're the best fans in the world, think we're one of the biggest clubs in the world, blah blah blah. I don't know where people get this bullshit.



Because most of our fans think that stuff is true.


and Mistle17, i believe the cinema through sunderland only opened up in the past year or two




Wow, their really catching up with modern day society now! What next, the wheel?

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Guest optimistic nit

Its time to bring out my favourite stat of all time:


Sunderland Premier League Goals: 278


Alan Shearer Premier League Goals: 260



Its not as good as what it was, but its still piss funny.




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Its time to bring out my favourite stat of all time:


Sunderland Premier League Goals: 278


Alan Shearer Premier League Goals: 260



Its not as good as what it was, but its still piss funny.






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Funny how so many of the Newcastle haters are registered as from Newcastle - I guess Sunderland doesn't have a region defined in Facebook.

Read yesterdays Express, it says Cisse might stop partying now all the NEWCASTLE players are banned, states how he's regular in our parts. They go on about how Cisse is a Mackem, but he's always over here.


Is it true that Sunderland doesn't even have a cinema?


There is one in Boldon i think, though thats more a part of washington than sunderland...


Boldon is in South Tyneside, NE (Newcastle) postcode, the last outpost of sanity before the dark makem wastelands.





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Guest Phil K



Oh dear, sad people.


I wonder why so many people hate us...

Actually, theres more than just makems

Sometimes a good deal worse than the makems.

And from journos too

Theres an Everton fan journo who every two years or so does a big "expose" against Newcastle, city, fans, team and probably new born babies too - really is astonishing the spite he pours out. Its almost a religous hatred.

Bill Barkely or something his name is - normally in that arch-Newcastle hating rag the Mirror.

But it is true that other fans seem to think (with no evidence whatsoever) that we are our own biggest fans, similar to the Liverpool mirror kissers - who amazingly never get the abuse we get, yet actually deserve it, because with them it's accurate !

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Oh dear, sad people.


I wonder why so many people hate us...

Actually, theres more than just makems

Sometimes a good deal worse than the makems.

And from journos too

Theres an Everton fan journo who every two years or so does a big "expose" against Newcastle, city, fans, team and probably new born babies too - really is astonishing the spite he pours out. Its almost a religous hatred.

Bill Barkely or something his name is - normally in that arch-Newcastle hating rag the Mirror.

But it is true that other fans seem to think (with no evidence whatsoever) that we are our own biggest fans, similar to the Liverpool mirror kissers - who amazingly never get the abuse we get, yet actually deserve it, because with them it's accurate !


But at the same time, there do seem to be a few (even from comments I've seen on this board) who do play the "we're victimised" card a bit too much. There's a lot of unnecessarily (and inaccurate) scathing articles about the club, fans, or whatever, but it's got to a point that some people seem to see any negative comment about Newcastle as "ZOMFG THEY PROPER HATE US!"


I'd say the general bias towards Liverpool etc is stronger than the 'hatred' of Newcastle, among others.

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Guest toonlass

From the RTG site tonight.


"They play on Sunday 19th April 2009 the day after we play Hull at home. They are safe and fat Ashley is Daniel Levy's best pal, as reported in the Chronicle on numerous occassions."



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest toonlass

Do you reckon they would have the nerve to release a "cock of the north" DVD this season if they were to finish above us?

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Do you reckon they would have the nerve to release a "cock of the north" DVD this season if they were to finish above us?


Fans probably will. Probably release one of our season as well as theirs.

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Guest Phil K

But at the same time, there do seem to be a few (even from comments I've seen on this board) who do play the "we're victimised" card a bit too much. There's a lot of unnecessarily (and inaccurate) scathing articles about the club, fans, or whatever, but it's got to a point that some people seem to see any negative comment about Newcastle as "ZOMFG THEY PROPER HATE US!"


I'd say the general bias towards Liverpool etc is stronger than the 'hatred' of Newcastle, among others.

Don't agree.

Its mainly spite, rather than hate - but I can honestly say there is a rags-directed "respect" for Liverpool fans - monkey told, monkey do approach - for the dumber of fans. Whereas I have seen more than enough atrocious attacks on Newcastle, team, fans and city while not seeing similar against Liverpool.

One of the worst came from an knob-end called McNulty I think it was, in the Liverpool Echo at Dalglish's walkout/sacking/whatever - started "If you lie down with dogs" and got steadily worse. He was invited to put his points out in the Chronicle and answer questions by Alan Oliver, who knew him - but he didn't respond like the coward he was.

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to be fair newcastle fans are the most deluded fans in the country, they think st james' has the best atmosphere but you needed some fat c*** trying to sing Blaydon races and free flags to generate any sort of atmosphere in what was your biggest game of the season. never happen at anfield.

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to be fair newcastle fans are the most deluded fans in the country, they think st james' has the best atmosphere but you needed some fat c*** trying to sing Blaydon races and free flags to generate any sort of atmosphere in what was your biggest game of the season. never happen at anfield.


Only because someone would steal his microphone.


EDIT:  Hang on, don't they play the music to You'll Never Walk Alone before every home game at Anfield for you lot to sing along to? :lol:


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to be fair newcastle fans are the most deluded fans in the country, they think st james' has the best atmosphere but you needed some fat c*** trying to sing Blaydon races and free flags to generate any sort of atmosphere in what was your biggest game of the season. never happen at anfield.


We had a great atmosphere despite this contrived stunt. Whether he was there or not was immaterial.



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to be fair newcastle fans are the most deluded fans in the country, they think st james' has the best atmosphere but you needed some fat c*** trying to sing Blaydon races and free flags to generate any sort of atmosphere in what was your biggest game of the season. never happen at anfield.


Like the fans actually arranged for the fat cunt and the free flags like?  :rolleyes:

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to be fair newcastle fans are the most deluded fans in the country, they think st james' has the best atmosphere but you needed some fat c*** trying to sing Blaydon races and free flags to generate any sort of atmosphere in what was your biggest game of the season. never happen at anfield.

I think you'll find that most newcastle fans openly admit that our atmosphere is no where near as good as it used to be.


You read too many newspapers dont you ?

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