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Newcastle United 0 - 0 Portsmouth - 27/04/09 - post match reaction from page 22


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I feel so bad right now. Couldn't watch the game live, just watched it recorded without knowing the result. I feel absolutely sick. I just don't know what to do. Was so nervous when the game started, so proud of the support we had, so proud to be part Geordie. Now, I'm looking forward to another week of knobcheesed fuckards asking me "How can Newcastle be so bad?". If you're really interested, look it the fuck up you twat. I know we're shite, and I know why, and I also know that you glory hunting Liverpool "fan" twat don't give two shits.


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Guest toonlass

Owen was utter wank tonight. Can anyone tell me why he deserved to be on the field?


cos he's good friends with shearer, that's the only reason


even hughton dropped him in his last game v arsenal


I don't care if Shearer and Owen are bumming each other, why does Owen deserve to be in the team?

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2nd half was awful, there was just nothing from every player at there, this clubs needs relegating to get rid of these shitters


when are ppl at this club going to stop making excuses for one another


we're shit and all of the players are fucking shite


owen, butt, duff, smith, martins (he's the dumbest footballer i've seen, has he actually improved as a footballer since his flash in pan game v arsenal, nope), coloccini, jonas


msg to shearer: stop playing your m8's cos if you don't then your you should not be managing this club


4 games with shearer, 1 goal and that was quite lucky, never looked like scoring in those 4 games as well


We were shit today, but never looked like scoring? :dowie:  Some of our lot need to be shot for missing the chances they had today.


apart from the owen chance, did david james have anything much do nope, portsmouth looked more like scoring the 2nd half


Because we missed sitters, Martins volley over the bar from point blank range in the first half was particularly glaring.  Viduka also had a great chance and hit it straight at James.

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Am I the only one who is quite happy to have Duff in the team? At least he has a bit of energy and trys to get attacks going.


(waits for reply saying 'yes')


Yes...but only in a 4-4-2.


So you're cool with him in a 4-3-3?

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Guest neesy111

Owen was utter wank tonight. Can anyone tell me why he deserved to be on the field?


cos he's good friends with shearer, that's the only reason


even hughton dropped him in his last game v arsenal


I don't care if Shearer and Owen are bumming each other, why does Owen deserve to be in the team?


he doesn't, but that's the only reason i can give ya

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Duff represents everything wrong with the club, overhyped, overpaid, past his best, a serial blame shifter and basically a ineffective tosser of a footballer. Oh, and a cheat who's incredibly shit at cheating

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Am I the only one who is quite happy to have Duff in the team? At least he has a bit of energy and trys to get attacks going.


(waits for reply saying 'yes')

aye. duff was a MOTM  contender today. he played well.
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Am I the only one who is quite happy to have Duff in the team? At least he has a bit of energy and trys to get attacks going.


(waits for reply saying 'yes')


Yes...but only in a 4-4-2.


So you're cool with him in a 4-3-3?


Not as part of a midfield 3...a wide player playing in a 4-3-3 leaves glaring gaps in midfield...i'd probably play him as an outside-left or right though..

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Am I the only one who is quite happy to have Duff in the team? At least he has a bit of energy and trys to get attacks going.


(waits for reply saying 'yes')


He wasn't bad in a "try hard without conviction" sort of way. Hard to tell really. It might be he's shit or maybe everyone else is.

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Guest neesy111

out of the midfield that started, do ppl feel we had a better midfield on the bench


barton, guthrie, jonas, lovenkrands all on the bench ffs

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Guest toonlass

Can anyone tell me why Steven Taylor was on the pitch in a suit before the game getting a round of applause. The PA system is still fucked in Level 7 and no-one could work out what the frig was going on.

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Can anyone tell me why Steven Taylor was on the pitch in a suit before the game getting a round of applause. The PA system is still f***ed in Level 7 and no-one could work out what the frig was going on.


player of the month for March

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Am I the only one who is quite happy to have Duff in the team? At least he has a bit of energy and trys to get attacks going.


(waits for reply saying 'yes')


He's a good player, but I wish he could just cross the fucking ball into the box instead of trying and failing to get past his man and then pass backwards. A poor cross is worth more than no cross; at least it puts the defence under some pressure.

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Guest toonlass

the atmposphere in the Gallowgate tier 3 was nowhere near what I expected, the only voice I heard for 90 mins was my own, then when injury time was announced the fuckers just poured out, hope the cunts never come back


You can't say that. People will start calling you an "Uberfan" for having some passion and desire to support the team man.

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Guest yoshi

Kevin f***ing Keegan is one of the major contributors to this sorry pile of s***...stop now with this keegan is god and blameless s**** please the man is a f***ing spineless cretin who spits his dummy out if he cant get his own way...if he was one of our kids you would smack his arse and send the little s*** to bed for his behaviour...THE MAN IS A c***




Okay that has cheered me up a little.


Ahh right so it wasn't Keegan that kept us up when Fat Sam had us in the s*** and gave us a half decent start this season.


Go support Chelsea next season which i'm sure you probably will. Pathetic


oh im sorry mr uber supporter i cant have a view now can i...ive been following this team for 30 f***ing years and for what false dawn after false f***ing dawn and let down after let down so go take your KEVIN f***ing KEEGAN loving head and stick it up your arse oh and shove f***ing ELMO up there while you are at it


You know, it's "fans" like you that makes me think we actually deserve to go down.


Even without regarding the great things Keegan did for this club, he didn't leave us "stranded" by walking out--and not entirely his fault. Then was still the early season, and we weren't exactly in a precarious position. There was still enough in the team for whoever's taking over to work on. It's the inability to sort out the mess for the rest of the season that got us here.


We've had managers that quit/got sacked after Keegan did, and these teams are still faring better than us.


That's Keegan's fault too?


Good grief.



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Guest neesy111

guy next to me was calling viduka all the shit in the world, but if i criticise owen, then i get struck down for it because he was a good player and will score if he get's the chance

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Guest neesy111

Kevin f***ing Keegan is one of the major contributors to this sorry pile of s***...stop now with this keegan is god and blameless s**** please the man is a f***ing spineless cretin who spits his dummy out if he cant get his own way...if he was one of our kids you would smack his arse and send the little s*** to bed for his behaviour...THE MAN IS A c***




Okay that has cheered me up a little.


Ahh right so it wasn't Keegan that kept us up when Fat Sam had us in the s*** and gave us a half decent start this season.


Go support Chelsea next season which i'm sure you probably will. Pathetic


oh im sorry mr uber supporter i cant have a view now can i...ive been following this team for 30 f***ing years and for what false dawn after false f***ing dawn and let down after let down so go take your KEVIN f***ing KEEGAN loving head and stick it up your arse oh and shove f***ing ELMO up there while you are at it


You know, it's "fans" like you that makes me think we actually deserve to go down.


Even without regarding the great things Keegan did for this club, he didn't leave us "stranded" by walking out--and not entirely his fault. Then was still the early season, and we weren't exactly in a precarious position. There was still enough in the team for whoever's taking over to work on. It's the inability to sort out the mess for the rest of the season that got us here.


We've had managers that quit/got sacked after Keegan did, and these teams are still faring better than us.


That's Keegan's fault too?


Good grief.




it's all fine and well saying that manager's have got us down, but these players are dreadful, we would have struggled with keegan at the club


players win you games not managers, as brian clough once said, i don't think too many ppl will disagree with him

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Guest neesy111

The atmosphere sounded piss to be honest.


You should have bought a ticket and been there then.


they got a good reception throughout the first half, but they couldn't expect the support to be fantastic throughout after giving us another shower of shit performance

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Guest toonlass

The atmosphere sounded piss to be honest.


You should have bought a ticket and been there then.


they got a good reception throughout the first half, but they couldn't expect the support to be fantastic throughout after giving us another shower of shit performance


Personally I think the fans did the best they could given the performance. The fans up in "the corner" tried really hard to get something going, but its hard when a lot of the rest of the ground can't be arsed. But the fans can only do so much, they need the team to give something to shout about too.

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Guest yoshi

Kevin f***ing Keegan is one of the major contributors to this sorry pile of s***...stop now with this keegan is god and blameless s**** please the man is a f***ing spineless cretin who spits his dummy out if he cant get his own way...if he was one of our kids you would smack his arse and send the little s*** to bed for his behaviour...THE MAN IS A c***




Okay that has cheered me up a little.


Ahh right so it wasn't Keegan that kept us up when Fat Sam had us in the s*** and gave us a half decent start this season.


Go support Chelsea next season which i'm sure you probably will. Pathetic


oh im sorry mr uber supporter i cant have a view now can i...ive been following this team for 30 f***ing years and for what false dawn after false f***ing dawn and let down after let down so go take your KEVIN f***ing KEEGAN loving head and stick it up your arse oh and shove f***ing ELMO up there while you are at it


You know, it's "fans" like you that makes me think we actually deserve to go down.


Even without regarding the great things Keegan did for this club, he didn't leave us "stranded" by walking out--and not entirely his fault. Then was still the early season, and we weren't exactly in a precarious position. There was still enough in the team for whoever's taking over to work on. It's the inability to sort out the mess for the rest of the season that got us here.


We've had managers that quit/got sacked after Keegan did, and these teams are still faring better than us.


That's Keegan's fault too?


Good grief.




it's all fine and well saying that manager's have got us down, but these players are dreadful, we would have struggled with keegan at the club


players win you games not managers, as brian clough once said, i don't think too many ppl will disagree with him


Very true, but a decent manager might still have gotten more out of the lot. Guess what really killed us was the lack of one. Stoke didn't have great players either, but they sure play like a better team.

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guy next to me was calling viduka all the s*** in the world, but if i criticise owen, then i get struck down for it because he was a good player and will score if he get's the chance


It's crazy to think people are insulting the only player with an ounce of creativity in our team. Not what we need at the moment to be honest.


I'm never sure, not being at the games myself, if the opinions stated here are common amongst the fans. Probably not.

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Just got back. I think we must be the only team in the history of relegation battles to barely see the ball from 80 minutes on in a home game we have to win, it was embarassing. We finally got the 4-3-3 we've been begging for and it was about as successful as you can expect when 2 of the midfield 3 are Butt and Smith. Neither of them had shit games but neither of them can create anything. If there is nobody to provide, then playing Owen in this deeper role is pointless. Having said that, playing him at all is seeming more and more pointless by the game. Even when he gets a chance he misses these days, and he's running out of excuses.


Width was a huge problem tonight, once Duff was moved to left back he seemed reluctant to cross half way. When he was in midfield he was constantly in the centre. Not good. Guthrie came on and was decent, faded in the 2nd half though. Coloccini, Bassong and Butt saw so much of the ball but the movement in front of them was shoddy and most things fizzled out without incident.


Carroll actually worked the channels when he came on, something Martins didn't do at all second half. Problem with this was there was ntohing to aim at. Urgh. Smith wasn't seen at all second half, I don't even recall him touching the ball. Jonas came on and ran about a bit...then stopped. Carroll had the ball on the left touchline looking for somebody to lay it off to, and Jonas just stood and watched, backed up by Duff 10 yards further back. Duff actually bollocked Jonas for it when the ball went dead but how fucking hard is it to move forward.


The fans were pretty good, as good as you can expect with that performance. I thought it was disgusting that people left early but each to their own, if it's for transport reasons then I can understand it, but if it's just to beat the crowds those fans needs to have a serious look at themselves.


The solution? I have no fucking idea. We played with 4-3-3 as hoped and we lacked width. So many 2 on 1's against our fullbacks, just not acceptable. 4-4-2 doesn't work because Michael Owen is no longer a threat in a 4-4-2. Viduka and Martins? I don't know, fortunately it's not my job to. The Liverpool game is a write off, then we have to win the 2 home games and go into the Villa game with a chance. Then anything can happen. But I can't see us winning any games anytime soon, they just don't seem to care.


On a positive note, Greame Danby was good. The club got their money's worth from him tonight, what with his singing and then brief comedy routine....and then reading the teamsheet.....and then welcoming the players back for the 2nd half. Think it was good for the atmosphere though.

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