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RIP sale thread.

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Another batch of quotes from Mike Ashley appeared over the weekend. Once again they're embarrasing half truths and misrepresentations the club would call 'public relations' but the rest of us call 'horseshit'.


First of all he said:


“Barry Moat has been driving me mad for two years. If he wants to buy the club, he’s got a one-off opportunity to come up with the cash — £80m upfront.”


This has led to a rush of headlines across the sporting media:


"Mike Ashley cuts price of Newcastle United" - The Times


"Ashley reduces asking price" - Sky Sports


"Ashley puts £80m price on Newcastle" - The Independent


I'm sure i'm not the only one that will be questioning the leap of logic in these reports. Mike Ashley has said he wants £80m up-front. Not £80m. There is no doubt in my mind his asking price includes future payments. The portrayal from todays press of Ashley as a man willing to haggle down to a more realistic price gives him undue credit.


He went on:


“I have to put £20m a year into the club — I spend more than every other fan put together puts into the club each year. If you can’t pay upfront to buy the club, you can’t afford it.”


We'll have to wait a few more months for the accounts to be released to see if there's any truth in the £20m every year claim. The last set of accounts did say £20m was pumped in during his first season. It came in the form of a loan, which is STILL outstanding to be repaid to him. I don't think I'm due back any of the money I've ploughed into the club.


More importantly, it's an outright lie that it's more than the fans "put together" (I refuse to say "other fans" like Mike has presumed to). Before you get into pies and pints and strips (3 new this season) and stadium tours and cup games and a host of other ways we invest, just on match tickets alone we're only slightly short of overshadowing his yearly 'investment'. Our average attendance is 40,801 at the moment. Estimating conservatively at an average of £20 a ticket over 23 games, that's over £18.75million of income per season.


Strange also that he derides buyers who "can't afford it". This is the man who has reiterated with every public utterance since he arrived the financial cost of taking on the club. He's constantly moaned about the level of investment required, he's already taken it down to a championship level of investment and seems to be determined to go further (see below) and he has the gall to complain that it's other people that can't afford it. If anyone can't afford this club, it's demonstrably Mike Ashley.


The most frightening thing about Ashley's delusion though is how it is going to go on hurting the club.  In one breath he says:


"I never said I was an expert in football clubs. I tried my best. But I accept my best was woefully short."


And with the next:


"if I keep the club I will have the final say on players."


A self confessed dunce when it comes to football matters, who's shown over two years that all he can do is take us on a downward spiral, is still insisting he's the one to identify which players we need.


Get out of our club

Get out of our club

You fat cockney bastard

Get out of our club

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The fat cunt never intended to sell, which is why he's attatched unrealistic prices on the club for the past 13 months. Hes a self confessed lier and has admitted only saying things for publicity. His ridiculous statements every 6 months are just fuckin annoying and every time he makes them he shows a total lack of understanding which makes him look idiotic. Even the January transfer window was a farce where the club made two riudiculous bids that they knew would never come off. Keep the fans sweet so it looks like where trying. Knew it at the time and know it now.


the longer he stays the worse it will get.

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Aren't the options in the poll rather loaded?



Don't think it matters what we want, we ain't gonna get it.  More chance of Dave winning a header against Jan Koller than the club being sold.



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Once again Mike Ashley's numbers just don't add up

By Simon Bird


Published 13:13 19/10/09



Well done Mike Ashley. You give an interview amounting to a few lines of quotes, and still you managed to offend Newcastle United fans!


Ashley spoke this weekend to the Sunday Times Business section, and the gist was that Barry Moat needs to cough up £80million by the end of the week to buy the club, or it’s off the market.


We’ve heard all that many times before during this tedious takeover saga.


But Ashley took time to rather bitterly point out: “I have to put £20m a year into the club - I spend more than every other fan put together puts into the club each year.


Well, let’s look at that boast in detail.... because as with most statements from this discredited regime, it doesn’t stand up to a simple fact test.


Newcastle’s last published accounts (I assume Ashley has read them, although you never know, maybe not) says "matchday income" from ticket sales and corporate fans brought in £32million.


That’s right, £32million pumped in from fans who it appears are having their loyalty questioned by Ashley. And then there’s the £27 million of "commercial income", a sizeable chunk of which included shirt sales... purchased by fans out of their own pockets.


So Ashley is only a few tens of millions out in his figures.


With that sort of grasp for detail, no wonder Newcastle have been in such a mess since he took over.


Perhaps it is another one of those lies that the club tells as a "public relations exercise" and exposed by Kevin Keegan’s recent tribunal against Ashley.


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Once again Mike Ashley's numbers just don't add up

By Simon Bird


Published 13:13 19/10/09



Well done Mike Ashley. You give an interview amounting to a few lines of quotes, and still you managed to offend Newcastle United fans!


Ashley spoke this weekend to the Sunday Times Business section, and the gist was that Barry Moat needs to cough up £80million by the end of the week to buy the club, or it’s off the market.


We’ve heard all that many times before during this tedious takeover saga.


But Ashley took time to rather bitterly point out: “I have to put £20m a year into the club - I spend more than every other fan put together puts into the club each year.


Well, let’s look at that boast in detail.... because as with most statements from this discredited regime, it doesn’t stand up to a simple fact test.


Newcastle’s last published accounts (I assume Ashley has read them, although you never know, maybe not) says "matchday income" from ticket sales and corporate fans brought in £32million.


That’s right, £32million pumped in from fans who it appears are having their loyalty questioned by Ashley. And then there’s the £27 million of "commercial income", a sizeable chunk of which included shirt sales... purchased by fans out of their own pockets.


So Ashley is only a few tens of millions out in his figures.


With that sort of grasp for detail, no wonder Newcastle have been in such a mess since he took over.


Perhaps it is another one of those lies that the club tells as a "public relations exercise" and exposed by Kevin Keegan’s recent tribunal against Ashley.



you can add a large chunk of the TV money to that as it is ultimately coming from fans forking out for sky sports packages.

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the longer he stays the worse it will get.


With every transfer window that passes while Ashley is in charge, another opportunity to rebuild this mess disappears. With every month that passes, another opportunity to install a manager and identify the players we need to keep and those we need to move on disappears.


This man and those he has put in charge (his mates Mort and Llambias thus far) have made a horrible mess. But it is not beyond repair. If we don't go up this season though, the repair job becomes massive because all of our decent and half-decent players will leave, and so too will a growing number of utterly disillusioned fans. If we don't get promoted this season it could take years - the stakes are massive. The January window is a huge opportunity for us - if we're in contention for promotion by then we could attract young and promising players with the promise of promotion. With Ashley at the helm - nothing will happen and more players may be sold. It is vital he is gone by then but the only way I see him selling up is if a poor run of results sends us down the table.

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Just about to post that. Been quite a few good articles by Simon "you're a cunt" Bird recently :thup:


The critics of the Ashley regime have been cropping up more and more of late. They're very late on the bandwagon but the media always are in football.

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I envy the people on this board who still belive we will be sold this year.


So far we have Moat who looks serious, but it just not moving forward.

Sherd or whatever, never trusted that man, havent heard a good word about him from anyone, except Silliman Soddus and his deadline galore.


Then a dirty dozen of fabricated stories from Ashleys PR dept, who by the way have won alot of major prizes for business excellent.... NOT!



Ill just give up... :weep:

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the longer he stays the worse it will get.


With every transfer window that passes while Ashley is in charge, another opportunity to rebuild this mess disappears. With every month that passes, another opportunity to install a manager and identify the players we need to keep and those we need to move on disappears.


This man and those he has put in charge (his mates Mort and Llambias thus far) have made a horrible mess. But it is not beyond repair. If we don't go up this season though, the repair job becomes massive because all of our decent and half-decent players will leave, and so too will a growing number of utterly disillusioned fans. If we don't get promoted this season it could take years - the stakes are massive. The January window is a huge opportunity for us - if we're in contention for promotion by then we could attract young and promising players with the promise of promotion. With Ashley at the helm - nothing will happen and more players may be sold. It is vital he is gone by then but the only way I see him selling up is if a poor run of results sends us down the table.




We al know it, but dickhead doesn't or wont.


He is gambling again on the club getting promoted with whats it got.


Without a proper manager installed I think we'll start to slip up.


This will scrape off even more money from his investment.

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Guest ToonBart

Just about to post that. Been quite a few good articles by Simon "you're a c***" Bird recently :thup:


The critics of the Ashley regime have been cropping up more and more of late. They're very late on the bandwagon but the media always are in football.


Apart from the local rags who should be ashamed of their silence

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Guest sicko2ndbest

After the kk findings the chron/journal should have had open season on ashleys regime. They never get any good scoops anyway so what are they fearful of. Ryder and co are gutless

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After the kk findings the chron/journal should have had open season on ashleys regime. They never get any good scoops anyway so what are they fearful of. Ryder and co are gutless


Yup, they should be going for them hell for leather.


But sadly they wont.


Crazy headlines like "destroying our club"


Get some pressure on the fat stinker.

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After the kk findings the chron/journal should have had open season on ashleys regime. They never get any good scoops anyway so what are they fearful of. Ryder and co are gutless

ashley obviously doesn't like the local press as seen by giving interviews to the sunday times not once but twice to discuss newcastle, something ryder seemed pissed off about in his last blog

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After the kk findings the chron/journal should have had open season on ashleys regime. They never get any good scoops anyway so what are they fearful of. Ryder and co are gutless

ashley obviously doesn't like the local press as seen by giving interviews to the sunday times not once but twice to discuss newcastle, something ryder seemed pissed off about in his last blog


Because he is a f****n cockney c**t

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Guest The_Scoreboard

If the Chronicle doesn't get behind the fans and start blasting the hierarchy (A.K.A Bunch of amateur cunts) I for one will stop buying it. :rant:







Well, stop visiting their site at least :whistle:

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So the Nolan quotes were in the Journal this morning, apparently hughton and the squad have been asking for strengthening and it has, to use Nolan's phrase, "fallen on deaf ears."

Yet Hughton still wants the job  :doh:


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Guest Alan Shearer 9

I really dislike Moat as well. I think he may be in some sort of scheme with Ashley to make it appear as though he's trying to sell when in reality it's just a stalling scheme there to placate the fans. Obviously there's no takeover on the cards if he's appointing Hughton now. I never actually imagined we'd fall this low, I thought Ashley would be gone after relegation. What a cunt.

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Guest The_Scoreboard

Just do this and fuck off Ashley :duff:



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