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Newcastle Time of Our Lives


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that was fascinating and really enjoyable. if only it went on for longer......ginola's honesty was a nice touch.


That programme has a lovely, relaxed format. I've enjoyed watching the programmes on other teams as well.


I'd agree that Ginola stole the show. I could have done with more of him.


They confirmed what I'd felt for a long time now - that it was our lack of a Plan B that did for us. There are times when you have to shut up shop, but the team wasn't mentally prepared for that.


The pain and frustration of failure was still very apparent. You wonder whether that influenced Keegan's decision to quit - like he couldn't bear to go through it again.

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Did he not say when he left that the pain of defeat was starting to get stronger than the joy of victory? Im sure he mentioned the look on the Spurs managers face after we howked them 7-1 a few weeks earlier.

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Other airings:


Tue 2nd, 3.30am SS1/HD1

Thu 4th, 11pm HD1



You're telling me that its only repeated at 3:30 in the fucking morning again!?!? Why the fuck is it only on the stupid HD channel that nobodies got on thursday too!?!?!?




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Great to watch, with the 3 lads recalling the great times at Newcastle, and reminding me of how good we were (long, distant memories!)


Bit that suprised me, and which sounded like the point it all started to go wrong, was when we signed Shearer, and Sir Les had to give up the no. 9 shirt, which the lads said narked him, and then narked Clarkie, who, in turn, had to give up the no. 10 shirt for Sir Les.


So Mary Poppins started the rot then.


Never liked him as a person....(admired him as a player though)

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Did he not say when he left that the pain of defeat was starting to get stronger than the joy of victory? Im sure he mentioned the look on the Spurs managers face after we howked them 7-1 a few weeks earlier.


Just watching the videos on youtube you can tell he isn't really getting any joy out of that 7-1 beating... just contrast it to the 5-0 game months earlier when he looks like he just won the lotto and a night with Jessica Alba each time a goal's scored.

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One thing that struck me during this, Ginola was particularly upset at blowing a "3-1" lead against Liverpool, when I'm pretty certain we were never 3-1 up? 2-1 and then 3-2 again courtesy of Asprilla wasn't it? In fact I'm certain this is the case, except Ginola mentioned it at least 3 times and Howey and a clearly half-cut Bezza agreed and said blowing a 2 goal lead acted as something of a turning point.


Can't be arsed dredging out 'So Close' to check like.

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Just watched it, wish it had gone on for hours, reallu shocked at how much Ginola still seems to hurt over Keegan going, ober Kenny fkn him off and at missing out on the title.

Still very much an open wound for him.


Bez said it first "I tnink it was 3-1" - Ginola agree'd.

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Anyone copied to their betamax machine could run me a copy off?


Anyone know of a torrent doing the rounds? I'm over in Oz and haven't got Foxtel.


This, would really appreciate it if I could see this and can't find it anywhere.

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One thing that struck me during this, Ginola was particularly upset at blowing a "3-1" lead against Liverpool, when I'm pretty certain we were never 3-1 up? 2-1 and then 3-2 again courtesy of Asprilla wasn't it? In fact I'm certain this is the case, except Ginola mentioned it at least 3 times and Howey and a clearly half-cut Bezza agreed and said blowing a 2 goal lead acted as something of a turning point.


Can't be arsed dredging out 'So Close' to check like.


Yeah, I'm sure it was 'only' 3-2. It's interesting though that Ginola pointed to that game as the one where he lost heart, because there was something inevitable about that defeat, even as I was watching it at the time.


I wanted them to talk about the Blackburn away game, which came a short while later. That was the big missed chance to get back in the driving seat. We scored with 10 minutes left, but then fell apart because we didn't know whether we were supposed to attack or defend, and lost 2-1. If we'd won that game, we have gone into the last match only needing a home win to get the title.


If I end up in hell, the worst they could do is play the last ten minutes of that game to me, over and over again. It was like a collective nervous breakdown swept through the side. We were just terrible.

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Anyone copied to their betamax machine could run me a copy off?


Anyone know of a torrent doing the rounds? I'm over in Oz and haven't got Foxtel.


This, would really appreciate it if I could see this and can't find it anywhere.


You people.


This is not legal chatter!

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Guest wshmag

i've found a torrent, not downloaded it as already seen it on sky. if anyone wants it, PM me.

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Nice to hear Ginola speak about KK leaving, "stabbed in the back".


The Barcelona contact thing was very interesting indeed.


Rather sad overall I thought, with a few chuckles along the way.

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West Ham A - L 0-2

Man City A - D 3-3

Man Utd H - L 0-1

West Ham H - W 3-0

Arsenal A - L 0-2

Liverpool A - L 3-4

QPR  H - W 2-1

Blackburn A - L 0-2

A Villa H - W 1-0

Sthamton H - W 1-0

Leeds Utd A - W 1-0

Forest A - D 1-1

Spurs H - D 1-1


Considering we lost the title by 4 points, there were loads of missed opportunities in those last 13 games, particularly West Ham, Man C, Blackburn, Forest & Spurs.


Win a couple of those winable games, and the losses to Manure and Liverpool wouldnt have matter. As has already been pointed out, Blackburn away may have been the nail in the coffin - Flowers was mint that night btw.

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I remember the Forest game their fans were singing we'd never win fuck all then straight away Beardo worked his magic, scored a quality goal and shut them all up :lol:


shame we let Ian Woan score that screamer though :(

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