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Always hated Barry until this season at city when thought he actually had developed a reasonable range of passing, wasn't a terrible anchor man. Not world class but not the embarrassment Parker Milner Downing and Richardson are to put on the england shirt.

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Harsh as fuck to put him on a par with Downing and Richardson. And as far as an anchorman goes, I'd prefer Parker holding the defence ahead of Barry. Also harsh to an extent on Milner also. Not world class, and not a starter for England, but who would you stick in ahead of him?

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Is Cleverley any good btw? Saw quite a few people raving about him but whenever I've watched him he doesn't exactly look top class if you know what I mean.


Saw a lot of him live when he was at Watford and even then he was a class above everytime he played. He's very creative and chips in with his fair share. If he'd stayed fit this season he would've been in the squad imo.


Saw him at Watford and he looked a cut above then but when in the Premiership he hasn't looked a cut above if you like. Just wanted to know if I am missing something and if he's being hyped simply due to the lack of quality in his position.


Also when I first saw Wilshere play he stood out immediately as did Chamberlain.


Yeah, was a bit disappointed he didn't shine a bit more at Wigan. He strikes me as having a good footballing brain though as he always seems to pick the right option which is rare, and tbf Fergie gave him a good run in the side before he was injured. He's one I'm really looking forward to seeing more of. He's not as good as Wilshere and doesn't have the pace of Ox which why he doesn't really stand out but he's potentially one to link everything together for England as his passing range is excellent.

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Been impressed with Cleverley when I've seen him. Not spectacularly outstanding, but put it this way, I'd prefer to see him being given a chance in England games than Barry.

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There's a legitimate debate between Parker and Barry for that anchor role in midfield, but it's ridiculous to say that Barry is crap. He can't have somehow managed to completely fool the likes of Mancini, Capello and now Hodgson into a place in the best club side in the Premiership and the international team. He must have something.


Parker has the energy and does a great job in protecting the back four. Barry's distribution and vision is better and if we're looking to try and feed in players who operate between the midfield and the strikers (which we struggled to do against Norway), then Barry is the better bet. Personally, I'd have gone for Barry because a player in that position sees a lot of the ball, and I'd prefer to see someone there who's better at getting the ball forward quickly and creatively.


Parker will do a decent job, but my worry is that he'll get found out at a certain level.

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There's a legitimate debate between Parker and Barry for that anchor role in midfield, but it's ridiculous to say that Barry is crap. He can't have somehow managed to completely fool the likes of Mancini, Capello and now Hodgson into a place in the best club side in the Premiership and the international team. He must have something.


Parker has the energy and does a great job in protecting the back four. Barry's distribution and vision is better and if we're looking to try and feed in players who operate between the midfield and the strikers (which we struggled to do against Norway), then Barry is the better bet. Personally, I'd have gone for Barry because a player in that position sees a lot of the ball, and I'd prefer to see someone there who's better at getting the ball forward quickly and creatively.


Parker will do a decent job, but my worry is that he'll get found out at a certain level.

thats the thing, I don't see Barry as an anchor for midfield, he's better at keeping possession and passing the ball than purely winning and if England are going to go for 1 up front with Young or Gerrard behind then having Parker as the destroyer and Carrick as the passer both sitting deep could have worked well

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Although i disagree with Hodgsons squad. If i had to pick a team out of that lot i would go with:




Johnson      Cahill        Terry        Cole


                Lampard      Parker


Gerrard              Rooney              Young




Christ what a crock of shit to choose from.

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Although i disagree with Hodgsons squad. If i had to pick a team out of that lot i would go with:




Johnson      Cahill        Terry        Cole


                Lampard      Parker


Gerrard              Rooney              Young




Christ what a crock of shit to choose from.


Yep me too except with Lescott in for Cahill. I think unfortunately Gerrard will play with Parker deep, Lampard will be off Rooney with Walcott and Young out wide though.

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Although i disagree with Hodgsons squad. If i had to pick a team out of that lot i would go with:




Johnson      Cahill        Terry        Cole


                Lampard      Parker


Gerrard              Rooney              Young




Christ what a crock of shit to choose from.



Swap Gerrard for Ox/Walcott and I agree. Without Rooney I'd probably swap for Gerrard/Welbeck.

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Johnson      Cahill        Terry        Cole


                Lampard      Parker


Ox                      Rooney              Young



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Is Cleverley any good btw? Saw quite a few people raving about him but whenever I've watched him he doesn't exactly look top class if you know what I mean.

Not convinced. Don't think he is anywhere near as good as he is made out to be. Next season will be make or break with him at Manure.

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Is Cleverley any good btw? Saw quite a few people raving about him but whenever I've watched him he doesn't exactly look top class if you know what I mean.

Not convinced. Don't think he is anywhere near as good as he is made out to be. Next season will be make or break with him at Manure.


He was injured over half the season :lol: Looked a real class act when played, especially at the start of the season. With that form he had then he would had been in the squad.

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Is Cleverley any good btw? Saw quite a few people raving about him but whenever I've watched him he doesn't exactly look top class if you know what I mean.

Not convinced. Don't think he is anywhere near as good as he is made out to be. Next season will be make or break with him at Manure.


I'm in the yet to be fully convinced brigade too. Looked alreet but I remain to be fully convinced.

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There's a legitimate debate between Parker and Barry for that anchor role in midfield, but it's ridiculous to say that Barry is crap. He can't have somehow managed to completely fool the likes of Mancini, Capello and now Hodgson into a place in the best club side in the Premiership and the international team. He must have something.


Parker has the energy and does a great job in protecting the back four. Barry's distribution and vision is better and if we're looking to try and feed in players who operate between the midfield and the strikers (which we struggled to do against Norway), then Barry is the better bet. Personally, I'd have gone for Barry because a player in that position sees a lot of the ball, and I'd prefer to see someone there who's better at getting the ball forward quickly and creatively.


Parker will do a decent job, but my worry is that he'll get found out at a certain level.

thats the thing, I don't see Barry as an anchor for midfield, he's better at keeping possession and passing the ball than purely winning and if England are going to go for 1 up front with Young or Gerrard behind then having Parker as the destroyer and Carrick as the passer both sitting deep could have worked well


The issue is do you really need a Rotweiler in that position? Fine if you have someone whose tackling and distribution are equally good, but as it is, you have to make a choice.


I'd question the value of an anchor midfielder whose function is purely defensive, at that level anyway. You may win a lot of ball, but keeping it and using it will be more of a challenge. In the modern game, players are having to switch positions and improvise in order to open up defences and you need players who can be flexible and adapt to different situations.


Maybe Parker has got enough in his game for this not to be a worry, but I've seen too many England sides with these busy little midfielders ending up looking impotent when the competition reaches the later stages.

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Ox yes, Walcott no.


Why? i genuinely get the feeling that Walcott is very underrated in this country he has probably been one of Arsenal's better players this season and has created RVP's goals this season and scored a fair share of his own.


He actually has more assists and goals than practically every top wide player in the league.


Where as Ox while he has talent has proved very little so far and majority of the games he plays in tries too much and decision making is not up to par and i dont feel he's mentally ready for this level yet.


I would actually consider using the both of them considering the options but think i prefer Walcott to Ox atm who might not have the overall game that Ox has is definitely more effective and has better decision making and mentally mature ( obviously) than Ox.


Do expect this to be a very controversial opinion though.

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