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The England Thread


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Seriously though when i look at that team it doesnt look half as bad as i thought if Wilshere and Rooney were available i would actually like the look of it.


And probably Lampard in the form he's been of late.

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almost an exciting line up for england. ALMOST. bit of pace and youth. f*** the old guard.





Milner on the wing kills everything.


I mean, how has everyone forgotten how well he did in central midfield for Villa?


There's a supposed crisis in central midfield so stick him in there and get soem more speed and athleticism on the wing.


Good idea actually. Milner can cross the ball well he doesn't have the pace to play on the wing. He still can drift out wide here and there again while playing CM.

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Wellbeck is a good footballer but not a goal-scorer.


Plenty of time to improve his finishing, considering how much other aspects of his game have improved over the last 18 months.


He still scored 12 in 29 starts last season, not terrible at 21.

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