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The England Thread


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One of the first things Low did when joining Germany:


"and finally a mental coach, Dr. Hans-Dieter Hermann, who has the job of preparing the German players for extremely stressful situations in major tournaments."


Its not magic like. Its no random event that Germany seem cool and collected all the time, we're just morons.


Should hire a "Here's where the goal is" coach for Ashley Young while we're at it.

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One of the first things Low did when joining Germany:


"and finally a mental coach, Dr. Hans-Dieter Hermann, who has the job of preparing the German players for extremely stressful situations in major tournaments."


Its not magic like. Its no random event that Germany seem cool and collected all the time, we're just morons.


Schweinsteiger was really cool and collected in the CL Final tbf.

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Not sure why everyone is raving about pirlos penalty, he scores it looks good, if Hart saves it he would have looked a right dick.


Because he scored and it looked good.

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Such a bad squad, didn't expect them to get this far. Need to follow Germanys example and start playing a young squad who will grow up together and long term hopefully be a good enough side to compete at the very highest level.

Difference being their young players from that time were a cut above our young players.

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English players are technically poor and as much as people go on about composure/mental side of it you are ultimately striking the ball which is a skill that needs technique. I think it's a combination of bottling it and poor technique when taking them personally.

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One of the first things Low did when joining Germany:


"and finally a mental coach, Dr. Hans-Dieter Hermann, who has the job of preparing the German players for extremely stressful situations in major tournaments."


Its not magic like. Its no random event that Germany seem cool and collected all the time, we're just morons.


Schweinsteiger was really cool and collected in the CL Final tbf.


I imagine he works with them more when theyre playing with the national team like. Just a wild hunch.

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We have a young team and it will be a lot better in the next tournament.


I hope we keep with Roy until the next tourni.


Really not confident of the next generation but maybe I am forgetting some obvious players.


We have a couple who look like they will be real gems but some of those going/gone were real top players even if they bottled it at international level.


I think ultimately players like Henderson and Martin Kelly will come good. We have AOC, Theo will be reaching his prime soon, Rooney will be about too. Cahill will be a starter along with Jones. Wilshire, Hart etc. A lot to build on imo. Not the greatest batch of youngsters but not as bad as some make out.


There's another Rooney/Gazza due through the academys anytime soon. Maybe our very own Adam Campbell?

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rooney was shit like


Garbage for both games he played, despite the goal. He should have gone off instead of Welbeck tbh.


Looked massively unfit not that it is an excuse.

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One of the first things Low did when joining Germany:


"and finally a mental coach, Dr. Hans-Dieter Hermann, who has the job of preparing the German players for extremely stressful situations in major tournaments."


Its not magic like. Its no random event that Germany seem cool and collected all the time, we're just morons.


Should hire a "Here's where the goal is" coach for Ashley Young while we're at it.


Would have hired Dr Harold Shipman for Ashley Young if he was still alive.

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Some very poor tournaments from players we were within our rights to expect better from in Rooney and Young.


I thought Terry, Gerrard (tonight apart), Glen Johnson and Ashley Cole all did themselves proud.


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Just didn't have a proper go at them apart from two 5min spells in the first half. Dismal really. And make no mistake this is a pretty average Italian side which will be swept away by Germany.

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Wake me up in five years when we stop playing Milner and Young pls.


I know, when I saw the teamsheet I felt numb.


Should've been



Walcott                    Oxyface(not Milner)











What the fuck is this? are you from RTG? :lol: :kinnear:

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