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I think Cole has one more tournament in him, whereas I don't think Gerrard and Lampard do. So I'd be looking to replace those two first. (Hopefully Wilshere can return as good as he was before all of his problems)


I'd agree with that, if nothing else due to the difference in positions. I wouldn't trust Gerrard/Lampard to do the job in 2 years but I would trust Cole.


Worry about Wilshere, absolutely massive layoff at such a young age. Hope he isn't rushed back though ultimately.

Btw I've got nothing against Baines as I think he's developed into a top drawer attacking full-back.


What's he like defensively Neil? As I've never really watched Everton enough to have a fully informed opinion of that aspect of his game.

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I think Cole has one more tournament in him, whereas I don't think Gerrard and Lampard do. So I'd be looking to replace those two first. (Hopefully Wilshere can return as good as he was before all of his problems)


I'd agree with that, if nothing else due to the difference in positions. I wouldn't trust Gerrard/Lampard to do the job in 2 years but I would trust Cole.


Worry about Wilshere, absolutely massive layoff at such a young age. Hope he isn't rushed back though ultimately.

Btw I've got nothing against Baines as I think he's developed into a top drawer attacking full-back.


What's he like defensively Neil? As I've never really watched Everton enough to have a fully informed opinion of that aspect of his game.


I'd be kidding myself if I said he was great defensively. He's decent and improving but he does have an error in him. Remember a couple of times for example last season he got caught out by his starting position, and it led to a goal. That's what made Cole, in his prime, so good. Solid defensively and a real asset going forward. It's an incredibly tough position to play in a positional sense, it should be said.


I just think at this moment in time, it's the right time to put confidence in Baines at national level.

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