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The England Thread


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Chambers is nowhere near international class, another case of getting picked based on who you pay for. Christ, just realised Delph is playing.

Really, I think he's looked decent.

Who? Chambers seems to think he is playing as a winger but has no attacking ability at all. I never noticed Delph for 40mins and after watching him for the last 5 I just can't work out what his role is meant to be.

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All English players have been coming off the same conveyor belt for about 10 years now. Someone like Gazza would have had his natural talent coached out of him in favour of mastering "the basics" if he'd turned up in the current generation and Shearer would be on the wing like Welbeck.

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We move the ball at a ridiculously slow pace.  The whole team is just slow to think.  It should be one touch and pass within milliseconds of receiving the ball.  The amount of times Baines has been free on the left and been ignored is ridiculous, that or he'll be free, the player will wait and then give him a horrendous pass when he's marked.  I know he's not on great form, but he deserves better than he's been getting in this game.


Playing with an eye on not getting injured. Simply a case of 'let's get this over with' these days.


That's the shame of it.  There's no real effort or enjoyment had by the players playing.  They definitely don't look like they feel that playing for their country is a privilege.


Rooney and Welbeck have been dreadful.  The amount of times the balls have bounced away from them is shambolic.  I'd be tempted to get someone else on if we had another striker in form, but with Sturridge out they're pretty much all we've got.  Could see Lambert being useful at some stage, but he really hasn't been on it yet this season.

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If the aim was to keep the ball well in the first ten yards of the oppositions half then yes we're playing well.  When I'm watching a team continually failing with the final pass, strikers squandering the chance to control the ball and generally bad decision making going forward, I really struggle to say the team I'm watching is playing well.  They're doing alright, but not well.  Just my view on it though.

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