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Sir Bobby Robson (1933–2009)

Guest Stephen927

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May the great man rest in peace. The man has lived a great life and there is no tragedy to be found in this. It is better that one celebrates the life than fixates over the death. Condolences to the family, the friends, and anyone who feels pain at the loss.

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Don't laugh


Just had a weird thing happen when I went home for lunch.


Was in the back garden having a cuppa and was thinking about bobby, and don't know why but I looked up into the sky and saw this white bit of cloud sahped like a head surrounded by all the grey and I swear down it looked like bobby!


Grey bits of cloud for his eyes and nose and a long thin bit which was how he looked with his mouth closed.


I know people say you can see anything you want if you look hard enough, but this was like looking straight up and seeing it straight away.  Freaked out I got my misses out and she agreed it was so like him.


Miss you bobby! Hope you can pull some strings in heaven to get this club on the right track.

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Watched and re-watched that documentary with Gary Lineker that was on BB2 a few year back in the day.


was that the 'just call me bobby' one?


i remember a great bit in that with sir bobby enthusing about the quality of the wood used for the door frames :)


I remember that!  Complementing how good the wood was.


I'll be watching that tonight. :thup:

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I just got home to the news of Sir Bobby's passing.


Whilst we all knew it was inevitable, and we all knew that he was fighting his illness like a true Geordie hero of ages past, it is an immense shock none the less.  Sir Bobby is one of the true legends of humanity, not just the great game we all loved him for, but for all that he has done to better the world.


I am truly gutted at his passing, and as a fellow Robson I can but say, "You have done your name, and your people proud!"


You will always live on in my, and many others' hearts.

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Some kind words from Sir Alex Ferguson..


"I was never too big or proud to ask him for advice, which he gave freely and unconditionally.


"I'm sure I am speaking for a lot of people when I say that.


"In my 23 years working in England there is not a person I would put an inch above Bobby Robson. I mourn the passing of a great friend.


"He was a wonderful individual, a tremendous football man and somebody with a passion and knowledge of the game that was unsurpassed.


"The strength and courage he showed over the past couple of years when battling against his fifth bout of cancer was indescribable.


"The world, not just the football world, will miss him.


"Let's hope it won't be long before another like him turns up because we could never get enough of them."


Wouldn't usually call him Sir Alex but on this occasion it seems right. :thup:

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Finally the man is at peace.  My thoughts and prayers to his family and friends.  What a legend.  I always loved his enthusiasm and passion for the game and for Newcastle United in particular.  Always inspired me and it gave me a real sense of joy when he was our manager.

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So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell,

blue skies from pain.

Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail?

A smile from a veil?

Do you think you can tell?

And did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts?

Hot ashes for trees?

Hot air for a cool breeze?

Cold comfort for change?

And did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?

How I wish, how I wish you were here.

We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year,

Running over the same old ground.

What have you found? The same old fears.

Wish you were here.


Pink Floyd- Wish You Were Here



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Guest Phil K

To be fair to Dyer, he seems to have matured a fair bit now.

That wouldn't take much.

He could hardly have got LESS mature.

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