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Joey Barton

Guest sicko2ndbest

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I think Pardew has to step in now. After January, Joey became more and more outspoken, and Pardew's response was to say that he didn't mind players voicing their opinions. It felt like Joey was too powerful a figure in the dressing room and/or too important on the field for him to risk confronting. The problem has steadily snowballed, and I think Pardew's inaction is partly to blame.



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Guest thenorthumbrian

The comments players are coming out on twitter with are not the problem.

They are just the sympton, the owner is the disease. 

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Not that I really think potential targets are reading Joey's tweets but they will make the news which some potential players might read.  Doesn't Joey realize this and how counter-productive that is to the goal he (and the club) are trying to achieve?  He wants better players to come in yet better players will fuck off with this kind of news coming out. 


There's really only one answer to this whole thing and it's that Joey needs to tweet about his own personal stuff and keep club business/unhappiness off of his twitter.

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He seems a bit confused by what he wants to, he seems very eager to keep his friends at the club but also wants us to sign better players. His comments have already been a little disrespectful to Cabaye even if he directly meant it or not.


He really does need to shut the fuck about NUFC. He thinks he is the people champion and is lapping it up but as others have said, he isn't doing anything but cause trouble. I do think there is a selfish agenda in there.


The only people this will be impressing are the militant Ashley haters who seem to be happy with anything that just makes Ashley look bad, even if it is counter productive to the club as a whole.

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Not that I really think potential targets are reading Joey's tweets but they will make the news which some potential players might read.  Doesn't Joey realize this and how counter-productive that is to the goal he (and the club) are trying to achieve?  He wants better players to come in yet better players will fuck off with this kind of news coming out. 


There's really only one answer to this whole thing and it's that Joey needs to tweet about his own personal stuff and keep club business/unhappiness off of his twitter.


It seems to me that Joey has constructed the justifcation in his head, that what he's doing is for the benefit of the fans and the club as a whole, in that he is exposing the problems which the owner is supposedly creating. I think the reality is that he's been hurt and embarrassed by the brush-off that he received when he didn't get a new contract, and this tweeting is an extension of that particular personal battle.


He's acting like a stroppy adolescent who can't recognise his own part in the situation, or the viewpoint of other people. He comes across as so wrapped up in himself that I can't see him responding to the little heart-to-heart chats which Pardew seems to put a lot of faith in.

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All for it, the more unrest the better as far as I'm concerned. What is happening to our club is scandalous.


That has to be a joke right?  ???


I was being serious, I'd be willing to go through anything for Ashley to leave the club. With him there I don't get one bit of enjoyment in following the team.


I think it's disgusting how the fans/city have just let him do what he wants with the club without much protest.


Personally speaking I don’t go to any matches or even watch matches on the box because I just don’t get any enjoyment from Newcastle at the moment. I even avoided this football forum for a long time and only log on at the moment because I’ve been travelling for work the best part of 8 weeks solid and also try to adopt the attitude of not taking some of the views on here too seriously.


I might come over as a fair weather fan but believe me that’s not the case, just best for me if I stay away from supporting Newcastle because otherwise I just become angry/depressed about the whole situation.


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So what is your point then?


My point is that Barton wasn't a Shepherd signing, I thought that was obvious.


In that case my point is that Nolan was well paid as a Nebwcastle player and he should thank Ashley and Llambias from the bottom of his heart for raising his profile and pay packet for the last two years and next five onwards instead of bleating about being hard done by. He could have been stuck in Bolton reserves under Gary Megson instead after all.


I swear your posts get worse and worse by the day, and that's quite a feat, considering the the first post I ever read of yours was you saying that Newcastle didn't win the First Division in 92/93



That's the shittest comment I've read for quite some time. Irrelevant to the subject and having to refer to some offhand remark I made years ago to get a dig in. You should really stick to Skunkers or some other charv forum if you can't whinge constructively.

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Guest johnson293

All for it, the more unrest the better as far as I'm concerned. What is happening to our club is scandalous.


That has to be a joke right?  ???


I was being serious, I'd be willing to go through anything for Ashley to leave the club. With him there I don't get one bit of enjoyment in following the team.


I think it's disgusting how the fans/city have just let him do what he wants with the club without much protest.


Personally speaking I don’t go to any matches or even watch matches on the box because I just don’t get any enjoyment from Newcastle at the moment. I even avoided this football forum for a long time and only log on at the moment because I’ve been travelling for work the best part of 8 weeks solid and also try to adopt the attitude of not taking some of the views on here too seriously.


I might come over as a fair weather fan but believe me that’s not the case, just best for me if I stay away from supporting Newcastle because otherwise I just become angry/depressed about the whole situation.



Yes, because 'Boycoutts' and 'Cockney Mafia' banners did the club a world of good, and forced Ashley to chnage his ways in 2008/09 season didn't it?



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Not that I really think potential targets are reading Joey's tweets but they will make the news which some potential players might read.  Doesn't Joey realize this and how counter-productive that is to the goal he (and the club) are trying to achieve?  He wants better players to come in yet better players will fuck off with this kind of news coming out.  


There's really only one answer to this whole thing and it's that Joey needs to tweet about his own personal stuff and keep club business/unhappiness off of his twitter.


Well, as always, it has made the papers, local and national.


If I were on the verge of signing, I'd be mad not to have second thoughts whether his utterances actually reflected reality or not. Utterly irresponsible, and helps no one.


Cheers Jezza. :thup:

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Not that I really think potential targets are reading Joey's tweets but they will make the news which some potential players might read.  Doesn't Joey realize this and how counter-productive that is to the goal he (and the club) are trying to achieve?  He wants better players to come in yet better players will fuck off with this kind of news coming out. 


There's really only one answer to this whole thing and it's that Joey needs to tweet about his own personal stuff and keep club business/unhappiness off of his twitter.


Well, as always, it has made the papers, local and national.


If I were on the verge of signing, I'd be mad not to have second thoughts whether his utterances actually reflected reality or not. Utterly irresponsible, and helps no one.


Cheers Jezza. :thup:


you could say the same about nolan though? and enrique? keegan? hughton even if we get down to the e mail he sent to someone saying how hard they'd made it for him in the last weeks.


at what point do you start to think, ok, there may actually be something in it if this many people feel the need to speak out about how bad a job they think those running the club are doing.

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He seems a bit confused by what he wants to, he seems very eager to keep his friends at the club but also wants us to sign better players. His comments have already been a little disrespectful to Cabaye even if he directly meant it or not.


He really does need to shut the fuck about NUFC. He thinks he is the people champion and is lapping it up but as others have said, he isn't doing anything but cause trouble. I do think there is a selfish agenda in there.


The only people this will be impressing are the militant Ashley haters who seem to be happy with anything that just makes Ashley look bad, even if it is counter productive to the club as a whole.



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Not that I really think potential targets are reading Joey's tweets but they will make the news which some potential players might read.  Doesn't Joey realize this and how counter-productive that is to the goal he (and the club) are trying to achieve?  He wants better players to come in yet better players will f*** off with this kind of news coming out. 


There's really only one answer to this whole thing and it's that Joey needs to tweet about his own personal stuff and keep club business/unhappiness off of his twitter.


Well, as always, it has made the papers, local and national.


If I were on the verge of signing, I'd be mad not to have second thoughts whether his utterances actually reflected reality or not. Utterly irresponsible, and helps no one.


Cheers Jezza. :thup:


Players talk to other players.  How many times do you hear of them speaking to players who have a connection to a particular club to find out more before decidiing on a move.  If the players are unhappy, whatever Barton says on Twitter will make little difference to potential new arrivals - they probably know what's going on anyway.  It is just the supporters who remain in the dark.

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Guest Wally_McFool


Players talk to other players.  How many times do you hear of them speaking to players who have a connection to a particular club to find out more before decidiing on a move.


Probably explains why Newcastle can no longer attract any decent British players, only old journeymen or unproven Championship players who are desperate for a stab at playing in the Premier League.


At least most foreigners aren't aware of Ashley's antics and reputation yet, though that may be changing anytime soon.

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Not that I really think potential targets are reading Joey's tweets but they will make the news which some potential players might read.  Doesn't Joey realize this and how counter-productive that is to the goal he (and the club) are trying to achieve?  He wants better players to come in yet better players will fuck off with this kind of news coming out. 


There's really only one answer to this whole thing and it's that Joey needs to tweet about his own personal stuff and keep club business/unhappiness off of his twitter.


Well, as always, it has made the papers, local and national.


If I were on the verge of signing, I'd be mad not to have second thoughts whether his utterances actually reflected reality or not. Utterly irresponsible, and helps no one.


Cheers Jezza. :thup:


you could say the same about nolan though? and enrique? keegan? hughton even if we get down to the e mail he sent to someone saying how hard they'd made it for him in the last weeks.


at what point do you start to think, ok, there may actually be something in it if this many people feel the need to speak out about how bad a job they think those running the club are doing.


That's the crux of this for me. If it was just Barton going off on one of his own accord then we could quite easily write this off as Joey being Joey but there's patently something very wrong going on behind the scenes.

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Yes, because 'Boycoutts' and 'Cockney Mafia' banners did the club a world of good, and forced Ashley to chnage his ways in 2008/09 season didn't it?




I wouldn't call a few banners an organised and on going protest movement which is what I had in mind when I wrote earlier. Even if it didn't force Ashley out at least it would give the fans some pride, being treat with contempt and not doing anything about it doesn't feel too good to me.

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If I was manager, I'd fine Barton heavily and then put every player on a Twitter ban.


There's no need for it at all.  Even if you disagree with something, everyone is still part of Newcastle United and a united front is important.


And as long as he's under contract, he can screw then nut.

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Not that I really think potential targets are reading Joey's tweets but they will make the news which some potential players might read.  Doesn't Joey realize this and how counter-productive that is to the goal he (and the club) are trying to achieve?  He wants better players to come in yet better players will fuck off with this kind of news coming out. 


There's really only one answer to this whole thing and it's that Joey needs to tweet about his own personal stuff and keep club business/unhappiness off of his twitter.


Well, as always, it has made the papers, local and national.


If I were on the verge of signing, I'd be mad not to have second thoughts whether his utterances actually reflected reality or not. Utterly irresponsible, and helps no one.


Cheers Jezza. :thup:


you could say the same about nolan though? and enrique? keegan? hughton even if we get down to the e mail he sent to someone saying how hard they'd made it for him in the last weeks.


at what point do you start to think, ok, there may actually be something in it if this many people feel the need to speak out about how bad a job they think those running the club are doing.


Honestly, I think we all can see that there is 'something in it', a number of staff and players with either contractual grievences, or have been unceremonialy told to leave the club, have no love for the bosses and no faith that they are willing to invest to take the club forward.


However I also see that there are plenty of players and staff who are very happy at the club who will be as annoyed by Bartons muttterings as I am.


The thing is, if he came out with the line Jack Wiltshires just trotted out, that we need more investment to kick on, that we need more players, then that would be just as pointed and hard hitting if said often enough as what he is saying now, but without the inarguably large down sides.


Can you not see that taking cheap shots at supporters being plants for a certain high street retailer is taking things too far? Can you not see that implying that another departing players grievences are just the tip of the iceberg gives any prospective player who might help push us on pause for thought?


Sorry, Dr Venkman, but when Barton shows less sense and decorum than Wiltshire, fuck him. I've always had a good deal of regard for Barton, but he is currently being a massive helmet.

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Do we seriously need JB to let us know all is not well? Seriously?


There was a tribunal and countless other things that made that clear.


We don't need the players coming out and saying nothing but vague comments and stirring up the shit just before a season starts.


None of them have said anything specific...they're helping nobody but themselves.


No, but I can't get worked up over a few daft tweets. Barton doing what he has will have little or no impact on goings on at the club. It's obvious he's not the only player that's thoroughly fucked off with the management so morale wont soar or nosedive on the back of what Joey posts. All it does is garner a few extra column inches.

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