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Joey Barton

Guest sicko2ndbest

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and yet Twitter still isnt banned!!!?



They cannot ban him from twitter, nor can any other employer ban an employee, freedom of speech, thought and expression are enshrined in the human rights act

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Joey7Barton Joseph Barton

I am on a free but the honour of wearing those B+W stripes, surpasses that




The guy is just looking to cause as much drama as possible. Ultimately he knows it won't cost him anything.


Pathetic guy.


Heh, yeah.  Maybe he should have considered what his actions could do to the honor of the club before spilling his over emotional ramblings.


Guy was willing to take a pay cut to stay, what other top quality players in their prime would do that? Plenty of clubs would be willing to offer him a deal after last season.



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Seeing some of the feeble attempts at defending the board over this is depressingly like battered wife syndrome.


Seeing some of the feeble attempts at defending Barton over this is depressingly like battered wife syndrome.


Well, that nasty man won't make you upset on twitter any more. 


Let's wait and see if Ashley kicks you in the crotch again.


Some fans want to see the players become puppets too, it seems.


No I prefer my players to be big f***ing babies shouting about our problems in public because they haven't gotten the lucrative contract they wanted.  Much better for the club then just dealing with things behind the scenes like an adult.


it's not just about contracts though, is it? The players are not happy with the level of ambition the club's showing.


I don't see Arteta and them going mentalistic on twitter.


Most of your posts are just -  :kinnear:


Get real dude.


The players are not happy with the level of ambition the club is showing?!


Is the window even closed yet? Besides, is that an excuse to then do and say whatever they like damn the consequences?



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Seeing some of the feeble attempts at defending the board over this is depressingly like battered wife syndrome.


Seeing some of the feeble attempts at defending Barton over this is depressingly like battered wife syndrome.


Well, that nasty man won't make you upset on twitter any more. 


Let's wait and see if Ashley kicks you in the crotch again.


Some fans want to see the players become puppets too, it seems.


No I prefer my players to be big fucking babies shouting about our problems in public because they haven't gotten the lucrative contract they wanted.  Much better for the club then just dealing with things behind the scenes like an adult.


it's not just about contracts though, is it? The players are not happy with the level of ambition the club's showing.


Do you think Barton would be saying one word if we'd given him the contract he wanted?  My guess is he's be talking about how good the new players are.


Of course he would, he's annoyed about his own situation, that's it.


Do you think he'd be ecstatic about our ambition if we signed a £10m player to take his place in midfield?

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neesy111 Michael Nee

by Skirgey


@Joey7Barton just fuck off you scouse twat.



Neesy at it again. You, Michael Nee, are one of lifes genuine idiots. Nothing more than that can be said.


Sometimes, yes.

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We just lost someone who was instrumental last season. Who is going to be the replacement? Are we even going to have one? And is his passion replaceable?


One of the best things SBR mentioned was the role of the manager in actively managing troubled personalities, and getting the best out of them. Just to highlight how far the club is from getting anyone remotely as intelligent as SBR at it's core again, they continue to act as childish and reactionary as possible.

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Guest cr4igora
How much have you seen of Cabaye?

Enough to know he can already take better free kicks, better corners and pass the ball better than Barton.


I'm laughing at this. No-one knows yet how Cabaye is going to do, as the lads is unproven. I'll say not (and feel safe in saying it) that as good as he could be, he won't replace Nolan's goal threat. As for Ben Arfa, he hasn't played 5 games for us yet so he needs a run too to see if he can adapt to the PL. And again, the squad is currently weaker than the one that started last season. Why can't some people see the bigger picture rather than focusing their ire on Barton?

Why can't some people focus on the positive aspects instead of always jumping on the negatives? Don't get me wrong, I think the board are doing a terrible job and have done ever since they took over, but I don't think our transfer activity has been too bad so far this summer, as long as we haven't seen the last of the new players to join us.


thanks for putting it simply but having '3 players instead of 2 and therefore we'll be better' is a little bit too simple dont you think?

Again, that's not quite the whole argument of mine there is it?


Stéphane Guivarc'h won the world cup, was top goal scorer in france two years running and also top goal scorer in the UEFA cup, what's your point ?

Some players do well over here, some don't. What's your point? Maybe the problem here is people thinking negatively, instead of thinking 'maybe he'll be great, the signs so far are promising...'


It seems far easier for some to pin their hopes on Cabaye, while forgetting the key contributions made by others last season. He's using twitter, hang him! I'd sooner see the three at the top swinging

What's wrong with feeling hopeful about the new season? The fact he is using Twitter doesn't bother me, but he needs to think about the consequences if he is going to. I'm more concerned with his genuine ability. He certainly isn't the player he tells French football magazines he is.

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Guest thenorthumbrian

From .com, how true.


In a word, spirit - the very thing that many fans were relying on Barton to provide this season following the departure of Kevin Nolan. His departure makes us look less United, less threatening and less competitive - in isolation cause for concern but as a whole, a massive worry.


There's NUFC.com with their characteristically positive take on things.


There's NUFC.com with their characteristically realistic take on things.

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Joey7Barton Joseph Barton

I am on a free but the honour of wearing those B+W stripes, surpasses that




The guy is just looking to cause as much drama as possible. Ultimately he knows it won't cost him anything.


Pathetic guy.


Heh, yeah.  Maybe he should have considered what his actions could do to the honor of the club before spilling his over emotional ramblings.


Guy was willing to take a pay cut to stay, what other top quality players in their prime would do that? Plenty of clubs would be willing to offer him a deal after last season.


Erm, that's totally irrelevant here.  Move along.


He feels betrayed, other players have come out and done similar in the past. Only Bellamy springs to mind recently but I know there was an occasion this season with another player too.

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Joey7Barton Joseph Barton

I am on a free but the honour of wearing those B+W stripes, surpasses that




The guy is just looking to cause as much drama as possible. Ultimately he knows it won't cost him anything.


Pathetic guy.


Heh, yeah.  Maybe he should have considered what his actions could do to the honor of the club before spilling his over emotional ramblings.


Guy was willing to take a pay cut to stay, what other top quality players in their prime would do that? Plenty of clubs would be willing to offer him a deal after last season.


You think he was really willing to take a pay cut simply because he said so?  Joey says a lot of things..

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Seeing some of the feeble attempts at defending the board over this is depressingly like battered wife syndrome.


Seeing some of the feeble attempts at defending Barton over this is depressingly like battered wife syndrome.


Well, that nasty man won't make you upset on twitter any more. 


Let's wait and see if Ashley kicks you in the crotch again.


Some fans want to see the players become puppets too, it seems.


No I prefer my players to be big f***ing babies shouting about our problems in public because they haven't gotten the lucrative contract they wanted.  Much better for the club then just dealing with things behind the scenes like an adult.


it's not just about contracts though, is it? The players are not happy with the level of ambition the club's showing.


I don't see Arteta and them going mentalistic on twitter.


Most of your posts are just -  :kinnear:


Get real dude.


The players are not happy with the level of ambition the club is showing?!


Is the window even closed yet? Besides, is that an excuse to then do and say whatever they like damn the consequences?





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Barton tweet 18 hrs ago "Sold?? Not a chance matey. Am here till it (deal) expires or am given a free transfer..."


So, you've been given a free transfer you attention seeking pleb, please go.



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