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Joey Barton

Guest sicko2ndbest

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Not good signs that the team spirit is going to remain intact after the Carroll sale. Nolan happy to lose a key player to another club, Barton stalling on signing a contract, Enrique making remarks on Carroll's salary. Sounds a lot like our last relegation season when too many players had one eye on the exit door.


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How come it's always the "loyal brits" pulling this bullshit. Enrique was so upbeat about things despite the sale, in comparison. Carroll shamelessly bails out with the smallest encouragement, Nolan pouring his heart out for his hometown club and pushing our best player there like he's a fan on the street and now Barton is looking for excuses too. I'm just praying the team manages to stay up somehow, and if by some miracle there is a committment to build the squad up wwith the big fee, then get rid of these idiots.

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Dunno if it's true but I'd be doing exactly the same in his position. Where's the ambition?


I'd say the club was lacking ambition if we hadn't accepted the deal, limiting ourselves to a stupidly overhyped, glorified battering ram of a striker who, if anything limited our style of play. We can get players a on a different level to AC with that cash. Seriously what is with the clamour for Carroll on here, he's not that good and never will be, he wasn't even the best player in our squad. What tools apart from heading does he really have to make it as a great player? His skill is average, as is his pace, intelligence and finishing. People need to give their heads a shake saying he was going to be a PL great (not specifically you Dave), after scoring 11 goals in one of the worst standard seasons in the league's history, a season where Leon Best has scored a hattrick and a newly promoted club has hit 5+ goals in 3 matches and lets not forget Kevin Nolan already has 10 goals as well. We now have a great chance to build a good footballing side with some higher level players, with this money we can get 6/7 Ben Afra/Tiote like signings ffs, If Andy Carroll had stayed we'd have been confined to alot of boring route 1 stuff and i wouldn't want a team to be built around him for long as he can only take you to a certain level as aplayer. Onwards and upwards i say.

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So a team is lacking ambition when they don't sell their best players? ???


And there's no chance that money will be reinvested properly. We'll certainly not get a better striker than Carroll.


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Dunno if it's true but I'd be doing exactly the same in his position. Where's the ambition?


I'd say the club was lacking ambition if we hadn't accepted the deal, limiting ourselves to a stupidly overhyped, glorified battering ram of a striker who, if anything limited our style of play. We can get players a on a different level to AC with that cash. Seriously what is with the clamour for Carroll on here, he's not that good and never will be, he wasn't even the best player in our squad. What tools apart from heading does he really have to make it as a great player? His skill is average, as is his pace, intelligence and finishing. People need to give their heads a shake saying he was going to be a PL great (not specifically you Dave), after scoring 11 goals in one of the worst standard seasons in the league's history, a season where Leon Best has scored a hattrick and a newly promoted club has hit 5+ goals in 3 matches and lets not forget Kevin Nolan already has 10 goals as well. We now have a great chance to build a good footballing side with some higher level players, with this money we can get 6/7 Ben Afra/Tiote like signings ffs, If Andy Carroll had stayed we'd have been confined to alot of boring route 1 stuff and i wouldn't want a team to be built around him for long as he can only take you to a certain level as aplayer. Onwards and upwards i say.


An excellent rant, and I hope you're right.


At the end of the day, we can all have our opinions about whether or not Ashley could have taken the £35 million, but it's not exactly a crazy decision, is it? We can disagree, but there's no need to condemn. If we use the money wisely, we could well end up with a better team than if Carroll had stayed.

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So a team is lacking ambition when they don't sell their best players? ???


And there's no chance that money will be reinvested properly. We'll certainly not get a better striker than Carroll.


as odd an opening to the rant as it was its worth reading as it raises some decent points

of coarse its built on the assumption of ashley reinvesting the cash which is a large assumption

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So a team is lacking ambition when they don't sell their best players? ???


And there's no chance that money will be reinvested properly. We'll certainly not get a better striker than Carroll.



A team should sell one of their current best players to open the door for superior ones to come in, surely? AC as aplayer was going to limit our ambitions in the future because he's an average striker who is only suited to a one dimensional style of play. The timing of the sale was shocking to but the opportunity was too big to miss. Te second point is moot tbh but recent windows suggest the club can do smart business.

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So a team is lacking ambition when they don't sell their best players? ???


And there's no chance that money will be reinvested properly. We'll certainly not get a better striker than Carroll.



A team should sell one of their current best players to open the door for superior ones to come in, surely? AC as aplayer was going to limit our ambitions in the future because he's an average striker who is only suited to a one dimensional style of play. The timing of the sale was shocking to but the opportunity was too big to miss. Te second point is moot tbh but recent windows suggest the club can do smart business.


Sorry but Carroll didn't limit our play, rather made the very best of what limited play we are capable off. If we're being truthful, bar Ben Arfa who's not played 3 full games this season, Barton's been the only bit of creativity in our midfield and Carroll made the most of that.

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So a team is lacking ambition when they don't sell their best players? ???


And there's no chance that money will be reinvested properly. We'll certainly not get a better striker than Carroll.



A team should sell one of their current best players to open the door for superior ones to come in, surely? AC as aplayer was going to limit our ambitions in the future because he's an average striker who is only suited to a one dimensional style of play. The timing of the sale was shocking to but the opportunity was too big to miss. Te second point is moot tbh but recent windows suggest the club can do smart business.


Sorry but Carroll didn't limit our play, rather made the very best of what limited play we are capable off. If we're being truthful, bar the Ben Arfa who's not played 3 full games this season, Barton's been the only bit of creativity in our midfield and Carroll made the most of that.

That first sentence pretty much encompasses my point, our team attack wise is terrible, we now have the opportunity to build something better overall.

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So a team is lacking ambition when they don't sell their best players? ???


And there's no chance that money will be reinvested properly. We'll certainly not get a better striker than Carroll.



A team should sell one of their current best players to open the door for superior ones to come in, surely? AC as aplayer was going to limit our ambitions in the future because he's an average striker who is only suited to a one dimensional style of play. The timing of the sale was shocking to but the opportunity was too big to miss. Te second point is moot tbh but recent windows suggest the club can do smart business.


Sorry but Carroll didn't limit our play, rather made the very best of what limited play we are capable off. If we're being truthful, bar the Ben Arfa who's not played 3 full games this season, Barton's been the only bit of creativity in our midfield and Carroll made the most of that.

That first sentence pretty much encompasses my point, our team attack wise is terrible, we now have the opportunity to build something better overall.


So to become better we need to go back to being shit again? The only team that has worked out how to do that was Manure as far as I can remember, when RVN left. Surely you do realise that the reason people are pissed is because AC was still improving with every game he played?

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So a team is lacking ambition when they don't sell their best players? ???


And there's no chance that money will be reinvested properly. We'll certainly not get a better striker than Carroll.



A team should sell one of their current best players to open the door for superior ones to come in, surely? AC as aplayer was going to limit our ambitions in the future because he's an average striker who is only suited to a one dimensional style of play. The timing of the sale was shocking to but the opportunity was too big to miss. Te second point is moot tbh but recent windows suggest the club can do smart business.


Sorry but Carroll didn't limit our play, rather made the very best of what limited play we are capable off. If we're being truthful, bar the Ben Arfa who's not played 3 full games this season, Barton's been the only bit of creativity in our midfield and Carroll made the most of that.

That first sentence pretty much encompasses my point, our team attack wise is terrible, we now have the opportunity to build something better overall.


So to become better we need to go back to being s*** again? The only team that has worked out how to do that was Manure as far as I can remember, when RVN left. Surely you do realise that the reason people are pissed is because AC was still improving with every game he played?


No people are mainly pissed off because the lack of immediate replacement is stupid but won't be detremental to our survival chances ultimately imo. And we don't have to become shit again, we're already fairly crap but extremely lucky the league is abysmal this year but on top of that all we need to do is ensure survival then we have a great budget to dramatically improve, so 6 more months of playing exactly the same way but with potentially less efficiency. The lad's improved no doubt but his potential is limited, let's just see how he does in a side who prefer to play the ball on the deck.

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Dunno if it's true but I'd be doing exactly the same in his position. Where's the ambition?


I'd say the club was lacking ambition if we hadn't accepted the deal, limiting ourselves to a stupidly overhyped, glorified battering ram of a striker who, if anything limited our style of play. We can get players a on a different level to AC with that cash. Seriously what is with the clamour for Carroll on here, he's not that good and never will be, he wasn't even the best player in our squad. What tools apart from heading does he really have to make it as a great player? His skill is average, as is his pace, intelligence and finishing. People need to give their heads a shake saying he was going to be a PL great (not specifically you Dave), after scoring 11 goals in one of the worst standard seasons in the league's history, a season where Leon Best has scored a hattrick and a newly promoted club has hit 5+ goals in 3 matches and lets not forget Kevin Nolan already has 10 goals as well. We now have a great chance to build a good footballing side with some higher level players, with this money we can get 6/7 Ben Afra/Tiote like signings ffs, If Andy Carroll had stayed we'd have been confined to alot of boring route 1 stuff and i wouldn't want a team to be built around him for long as he can only take you to a certain level as aplayer. Onwards and upwards i say.


Good luck with that.

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Well the club has a hell of a while to scout a lot of players, hardly impossible is it? Anyway that's only one way to spend the money, there's tons of varieties. I just think this saga doesn't necessaily signal a lack of ambition, fair enough if  we'd sold at 20m but we've given ourselves a platform to get a better team, which would show ambition. One door shuts another opens etc. Obviously if they go for someone inferior to what we had then i'll hold my hands up and say yeah we're small time but the club have been giving off great signals with the latest transfers in, so i'd rather wait and see.

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This could become very frustrating, I really hope we can keep our players together for at least one more season because if we spend the money well we could have a good season next year.


In terms of Barton, I'm not as worried about this potential news as I would be if it was someone like Enrique or Tiote because there is no club in the top 4 who would go near Barton. If he left he'd end up at somewhere like Villa which won't be highly attractive to him I don't think.

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Guest Tall Striker

Ridiculous that people are believing Tall Striker.


Don't shoot the messenger, its just what I've read on toontastic!

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Dunno if it's true but I'd be doing exactly the same in his position. Where's the ambition?


I'd say the club was lacking ambition if we hadn't accepted the deal, limiting ourselves to a stupidly overhyped, glorified battering ram of a striker who, if anything limited our style of play. We can get players a on a different level to AC with that cash. Seriously what is with the clamour for Carroll on here, he's not that good and never will be, he wasn't even the best player in our squad. What tools apart from heading does he really have to make it as a great player? His skill is average, as is his pace, intelligence and finishing. People need to give their heads a shake saying he was going to be a PL great (not specifically you Dave), after scoring 11 goals in one of the worst standard seasons in the league's history, a season where Leon Best has scored a hattrick and a newly promoted club has hit 5+ goals in 3 matches and lets not forget Kevin Nolan already has 10 goals as well. We now have a great chance to build a good footballing side with some higher level players, with this money we can get 6/7 Ben Afra/Tiote like signings ffs, If Andy Carroll had stayed we'd have been confined to alot of boring route 1 stuff and i wouldn't want a team to be built around him for long as he can only take you to a certain level as aplayer. Onwards and upwards i say.


Good luck with that.


Jesus H. Christ.

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Dunno if it's true but I'd be doing exactly the same in his position. Where's the ambition?


I'd say the club was lacking ambition if we hadn't accepted the deal, limiting ourselves to a stupidly overhyped, glorified battering ram of a striker who, if anything limited our style of play. We can get players a on a different level to AC with that cash. Seriously what is with the clamour for Carroll on here, he's not that good and never will be, he wasn't even the best player in our squad. What tools apart from heading does he really have to make it as a great player? His skill is average, as is his pace, intelligence and finishing. People need to give their heads a shake saying he was going to be a PL great (not specifically you Dave), after scoring 11 goals in one of the worst standard seasons in the league's history, a season where Leon Best has scored a hattrick and a newly promoted club has hit 5+ goals in 3 matches and lets not forget Kevin Nolan already has 10 goals as well. We now have a great chance to build a good footballing side with some higher level players, with this money we can get 6/7 Ben Afra/Tiote like signings ffs, If Andy Carroll had stayed we'd have been confined to alot of boring route 1 stuff and i wouldn't want a team to be built around him for long as he can only take you to a certain level as aplayer. Onwards and upwards i say.


Good luck with that.


Jesus H. Christ.

I'm sure that post is all just in our heads, it can't really have happened, can it?

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Dunno if it's true but I'd be doing exactly the same in his position. Where's the ambition?


I'd say the club was lacking ambition if we hadn't accepted the deal, limiting ourselves to a stupidly overhyped, glorified battering ram of a striker who, if anything limited our style of play. We can get players a on a different level to AC with that cash. Seriously what is with the clamour for Carroll on here, he's not that good and never will be, he wasn't even the best player in our squad. What tools apart from heading does he really have to make it as a great player? His skill is average, as is his pace, intelligence and finishing. People need to give their heads a shake saying he was going to be a PL great (not specifically you Dave), after scoring 11 goals in one of the worst standard seasons in the league's history, a season where Leon Best has scored a hattrick and a newly promoted club has hit 5+ goals in 3 matches and lets not forget Kevin Nolan already has 10 goals as well. We now have a great chance to build a good footballing side with some higher level players, with this money we can get 6/7 Ben Afra/Tiote like signings ffs, If Andy Carroll had stayed we'd have been confined to alot of boring route 1 stuff and i wouldn't want a team to be built around him for long as he can only take you to a certain level as aplayer. Onwards and upwards i say.


Good luck with that.


Jesus H. Christ.

I'm sure that post is all just in our heads, it can't really have happened, can it?


Unbelievable.  6 or 7 Ben Arfa/Tiote-style signings?  On this day I weep for the tragic passing of reality-based arguments.

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Dunno if it's true but I'd be doing exactly the same in his position. Where's the ambition?


I'd say the club was lacking ambition if we hadn't accepted the deal, limiting ourselves to a stupidly overhyped, glorified battering ram of a striker who, if anything limited our style of play. We can get players a on a different level to AC with that cash. Seriously what is with the clamour for Carroll on here, he's not that good and never will be, he wasn't even the best player in our squad. What tools apart from heading does he really have to make it as a great player? His skill is average, as is his pace, intelligence and finishing. People need to give their heads a shake saying he was going to be a PL great (not specifically you Dave), after scoring 11 goals in one of the worst standard seasons in the league's history, a season where Leon Best has scored a hattrick and a newly promoted club has hit 5+ goals in 3 matches and lets not forget Kevin Nolan already has 10 goals as well. We now have a great chance to build a good footballing side with some higher level players, with this money we can get 6/7 Ben Afra/Tiote like signings ffs, If Andy Carroll had stayed we'd have been confined to alot of boring route 1 stuff and i wouldn't want a team to be built around him for long as he can only take you to a certain level as aplayer. Onwards and upwards i say.


Good luck with that.


Jesus H. Christ.

I'm sure that post is all just in our heads, it can't really have happened, can it?


Unbelievable.  6 or 7 Ben Arfa/Tiote-style signings?  On this day I weep for the tragic passing of reality-based arguments.


I think we're taking that particular statement a bit too literally, no? The general point is that we can strengthen the team in several areas with that money, and end up with a better side than if we'd kept Carroll. A perfectly reasonable opinion.

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