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Joey Barton

Guest sicko2ndbest

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Footballers, with the wages they are on, should keep their mouths shut no matter what goes on at boardroom level at their clubs. It's part of being professional role models. At the end of the day they are sportsmen, who are meant to serve a noble purpose. Spouting off at every opportunity shows they don't take their position seriously enough. Fantastic as Barton has been for us recently, he can now f*** off and will have no sympathy as far as I'm concerned.


i respectfully disagree. it's more than a little short sighted to believe that because someone's paid well they should keep their opinions to themselves, and that goes for anyone not just footballers. I'm not sure about you but if I wanted a footballer to be a 'role model' which i'm not sure about anyway! Then I'd certainly want my kids to look up to the sort of person who speaks out on what they perceive as injustices or wrong doing, not the sort of person who takes the money and shuts up, that's an appalling example for any kid.


Sportsmen? Noble purpose? What are you talking about? They're paid to play football, that's it.


I think there are channels where unhappy players can vent their anger, but it shouldn't be on twitter or in the press.  If you're unhappy, it should be discussed behind closed doors.


absolutely. seems unlikely though doesnt it? the players will know as well as us it's pointless talking to pardew about it.


So go above Pardew's head then.


If I'm unhappy with something and my boss doesn't do anything to rectify it, I speak to his boss.




So you really don't think this whole Barton thing has gone up to Pardew's boss?


all i was doing was making a point about speaking out vs saying nothing because of 'the wages you're on'

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he'l end up signing a new contract


Unreal if he did, a billion miles away last night but this morning? Who fuking knows.


I feel its an attempt by the club to win favour with the fans, to show they tried everything...either that or he's not getting the offers he was told e would get and the club have turned round and said sack your agent and we can settle this with a new contract.


Would be brilliant to see that c*** sacrificed in all this.


Think it's all straw clutching and he'll still leave though. Barnetta will do me as a replacement though.


if barton did sign a new contract it would be win win for every party. he would hold abit more value for when he does move in the future and he is likely to take a small wage cut. for the pardew he gets to keep a senior pro and a good squad member with some quality.


it sounds like the board just have some personal dislike for him, but that said, if there willing to sort it out, then whats stopping him sign a new contract down the line?


i still think barnetta will come in whatever now routledge has gone, we are very short on attacking players in general, and having barton and barnetta would give us alot more options on the right hand side.

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Footballers, with the wages they are on, should keep their mouths shut no matter what goes on at boardroom level at their clubs. It's part of being professional role models. At the end of the day they are sportsmen, who are meant to serve a noble purpose. Spouting off at every opportunity shows they don't take their position seriously enough. Fantastic as Barton has been for us recently, he can now f*** off and will have no sympathy as far as I'm concerned.


i respectfully disagree. it's more than a little short sighted to believe that because someone's paid well they should keep their opinions to themselves, and that goes for anyone not just footballers. I'm not sure about you but if I wanted a footballer to be a 'role model' which i'm not sure about anyway! Then I'd certainly want my kids to look up to the sort of person who speaks out on what they perceive as injustices or wrong doing, not the sort of person who takes the money and shuts up, that's an appalling example for any kid.


Sportsmen? Noble purpose? What are you talking about? They're paid to play football, that's it.


I think there are channels where unhappy players can vent their anger, but it shouldn't be on twitter or in the press.  If you're unhappy, it should be discussed behind closed doors.


absolutely. seems unlikely though doesnt it? the players will know as well as us it's pointless talking to pardew about it.


So go above Pardew's head then.


If I'm unhappy with something and my boss doesn't do anything to rectify it, I speak to his boss.




So you really don't think this whole Barton thing has gone up to Pardew's boss?


all i was doing was making a point about speaking out vs saying nothing because of 'the wages you're on'


And I was just responding to the point about speaking to Pardew's boss, who I think has been involved in this since the beginning.

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Footballers, with the wages they are on, should keep their mouths shut no matter what goes on at boardroom level at their clubs. It's part of being professional role models. At the end of the day they are sportsmen, who are meant to serve a noble purpose. Spouting off at every opportunity shows they don't take their position seriously enough. Fantastic as Barton has been for us recently, he can now f*** off and will have no sympathy as far as I'm concerned.


i respectfully disagree. it's more than a little short sighted to believe that because someone's paid well they should keep their opinions to themselves, and that goes for anyone not just footballers. I'm not sure about you but if I wanted a footballer to be a 'role model' which i'm not sure about anyway! Then I'd certainly want my kids to look up to the sort of person who speaks out on what they perceive as injustices or wrong doing, not the sort of person who takes the money and shuts up, that's an appalling example for any kid.


Sportsmen? Noble purpose? What are you talking about? They're paid to play football, that's it.


I think there are channels where unhappy players can vent their anger, but it shouldn't be on twitter or in the press.  If you're unhappy, it should be discussed behind closed doors.


absolutely. seems unlikely though doesnt it? the players will know as well as us it's pointless talking to pardew about it.


So go above Pardew's head then.


If I'm unhappy with something and my boss doesn't do anything to rectify it, I speak to his boss.




So you really don't think this whole Barton thing has gone up to Pardew's boss?


all i was doing was making a point about speaking out vs saying nothing because of 'the wages you're on'


The wages dictate the level of responsibility that falls on the shoulders of any employee. In the case of top tier footballers it is the responsibility to honor their contracts by staying fit, giving 100% on the pitch, pulling in whatever direction that serves the team, as well as staying well away from any behavior that may disrupt the team and the club that pays their wages. In Barton's case specifically he has violated his contract, now and in the past, on more than one count.


Fuck Ashley and Llambias. They're running our club into the ground. It's still no reason for Barton's (and Enrique's) outbursts, as they will not result in Ashley leaving or owt.

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he'l end up signing a new contract


Unreal if he did, a billion miles away last night but this morning? Who fuking knows.


I feel its an attempt by the club to win favour with the fans, to show they tried everything...either that or he's not getting the offers he was told e would get and the club have turned round and said sack your agent and we can settle this with a new contract.


Would be brilliant to see that c*** sacrificed in all this.


Think it's all straw clutching and he'll still leave though. Barnetta will do me as a replacement though.


if barton did sign a new contract it would be win win for every party. he would hold abit more value for when he does move in the future and he is likely to take a small wage cut. for the pardew he gets to keep a senior pro and a good squad member with some quality.


it sounds like the board just have some personal dislike for him, but that said, if there willing to sort it out, then whats stopping him sign a new contract down the line?


i still think barnetta will come in whatever now routledge has gone, we are very short on attacking players in general, and having barton and barnetta would give us alot more options on the right hand side.


What this episode has shown us is, that far from the insane ramblings of Barton's agent would suggest, Barton doesn't hold any resale value. No club has taken up the option to sign even on a free transfer. If Barton wants to climb down off his high horse and sign a new contract on reasonable terms, fair enough, but if I was Pardew I'd have difficulty in trusting him again. If he stays it will be just to play out the last year while behaving himself I would have thought.

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The realisation might be setting in that few, if any, clubs think Barton is quite as good as he thinks he is.


If there is any reluctance from other clubs I doubt it is based on footballing ability (he's good enough for most clubs in this country imo).


It's more down to the fact that he has such a formidable record of behaving like a class A dick. With Joey it isn't just a bit of bad press or an occasional lapse it is always a full blown saga with a few juicy add ons, all of which gives him the attention that he cannot live without. Clubs are going to seriously question whether they want to run the risk of that happening again on their doorstep, and managers would be wary of having to deal with it.

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Pardew is a ball-less manager.

He is possibly the worst manager in the Premiership.

Our owner doesn't understand, even after 4 years in charge, what this club means to the region.

He insults the fans by continuously spinning and lying to them - some don't seem to care about this - through his assistant/gofer Derek Llambias.

Joey Barton is, on occasion, a decent footballer. Who, despite his past discretions, has genuinely improved as a player and as a human.

He is definitely one of the most intelligent footballers I can remember.

Yet despite all this we are getting people on here talking about 'stories' from the gutter press, like there is anything but guessing and bullshit in any of them.

The tabloid/gutter press in this country, in case you haven't noticed, is the most despicable, corrupt and moronic anywhere in the western world.

I for one hope Joey stays and, when we finally are bought out (doubtless by some middle-eastern despot), can finally tell us the truth about these shysters running down this great club.

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he'l end up signing a new contract




Unreal if he did, a billion miles away last night but this morning? Who fuking knows.


I feel its an attempt by the club to win favour with the fans, to show they tried everything...either that or he's not getting the offers he was told e would get and the club have turned round and said sack your agent and we can settle this with a new contract.


Would be brilliant to see that c*** sacrificed in all this.


Think it's all straw clutching and he'll still leave though. Barnetta will do me as a replacement though.


if barton did sign a new contract it would be win win for every party. he would hold abit more value for when he does move in the future and he is likely to take a small wage cut. for the pardew he gets to keep a senior pro and a good squad member with some quality.


it sounds like the board just have some personal dislike for him, but that said, if there willing to sort it out, then whats stopping him sign a new contract down the line?


i still think barnetta will come in whatever now routledge has gone, we are very short on attacking players in general, and having barton and barnetta would give us alot more options on the right hand side.


What this episode has shown us is, that far from the insane ramblings of Barton's agent would suggest, Barton doesn't hold any resale value. No club has taken up the option to sign even on a free transfer. If Barton wants to climb down off his high horse and sign a new contract on reasonable terms, fair enough, but if I was Pardew I'd have difficulty in trusting him again. If he stays it will be just to play out the last year while behaving himself I would have thought.


yeah, thats a good point about the resale value.


i dont think pardew comes into this really. as its became apparent this summer (and possibly with every other manager under ashley) pardew has to just deal with what hes dealt. I cant imagine he has any say in this saga, his priority is winning games, and he'l have to play his strongest team with maybe barton in it whether he trusts him or not. pardew has publicly backed every decision the club has made, so lets not be surprised when he comes out with the usual bullshit how he always wanted 'joey' to stay when the club board make a uturn, likewise if he goes it will be quite the opposite.

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Pardew is a ball-less manager.

He is possibly the worst manager in the Premiership.

Our owner doesn't understand, even after 4 years in charge, what this club means to the region.

He insults the fans by continuously spinning and lying to them - some don't seem to care about this - through his assistant/gofer Derek Llambias.

Joey Barton is, on occasion, a decent footballer. Who, despite his past discretions, has genuinely improved as a player and as a human.

He is definitely one of the most intelligent footballers I can remember.

Yet despite all this we are getting people on here talking about 'stories' from the gutter press, like there is anything but guessing and bullshit in any of them.The tabloid/gutter press in this country, in case you haven't noticed, is the most despicable, corrupt and moronic anywhere in the western world.

I for one hope Joey stays and, when we finally are bought out (doubtless by some middle-eastern despot), can finally tell us the truth about these shysters running down this great club.


A stunning statement tbh - so the stuff about the cigar, the various incidents of violent behaviour and the jail sentence were all down to guesswork and bullshit and didn't happen.

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I for one hope Joey stays and, when we finally are bought out (doubtless by some middle-eastern despot), can finally tell us the truth about these shysters running down this great club.


Good to see that once you are rid of the current owners you are prepared to hold the new ones in such high regard :lol:

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We've found out Barnetta will cost wage wise what Barton is already on, probably thinking we will try keep Barton for the year, then go in for Barnetta for free next year when he leaves giving him a big signing on fee to top up his wages.

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Llambias telling the Express we could change our mind and keep him.




probs thought they could get barnetta on the cheap then found out that his wage demands are higher then bartons.


Useless pricks, they have no man management skills.



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Hmm, this latest twist makes a lot more sense after reading the Barnetta thread...


If we change our mind on Barton because of the Barnetta snub then it totally undermines any authority or principle involved with putting Barton on the list in the first place.

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