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Joey Barton

Guest sicko2ndbest

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I *really* want him to speak out about the s**** going on at NUFC




Not that I expect it, but if he'd be kind enough to wait until after the transfer window closes, then that would be a delight.

Probably why we are only linked with players from foreign clubs, they wont be as aware of the s*** going on behind the scenes at our club...


It's fine with me. I don't particularly want to hide the shiteness forever, I want them done with NUFC asap.

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Another massive blow. So that's a right winger, left back and striker we're looking for now then.


Ignoring the first two results which papered over the cracks, it's obvious that this could be a long, hard season.


Jonas/Marveaux, Obertan, Gosling? Think we're sorted there.


Pieters in at left back. Need a striker and then I'd to see some defensive cover, but I doubt that will happen.

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Disappointing as we will be a poorer side without him. Big character who had a big influence for us on the pitch. Now Nolan and Barton have gone - who will do that job?


Taylor? Coloccini?


Taylor is gormless and Colo doesn't strike me as a big personality even though he is massive player for us on the pitch. I can't see him knocking heads together or rankling the opposition.


Aye Taylor's not the brightest but it's pretty obvious he cares massively for the club. And it's becoming apparent Colo does too.

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Pointless singing for Barton like, he shouldn't be booed, but at the end of the day he's chosen to leave for QPR. He shouldn't be treat as some kind of outspoken hero anymore.


I can now devote my full on NUFC mancrush to Cabaye.



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Back to being the horrible vermin scouse fuckwit again now. Enjoy stubbing some ciggies out in warnocks eye

To be honest i can see him and Warnock clashing this season, especially as they will loose a lot more games than they will win...

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Disappointing as we will be a poorer side without him. Big character who had a big influence for us on the pitch. Now Nolan and Barton have gone - who will do that job?


Taylor? Coloccini?


Taylor is gormless and Colo doesn't strike me as a big personality even though he is massive player for us on the pitch. I can't see him knocking heads together or rankling the opposition.


Cabaye may grow into it as he gets more comfortable. He's been feisty these first few games.

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More concerned with the lack of another player who won't be replaced.


The transfer fees and wages saved by shipping out Barton, Nolan, Carroll, Enrique etc should have meant the entire playing staff being reshaped into a side capable of pummelling anyone in the bottom half, challenging the for the top 6 and giving the top 4 a good game.


Unfortunately it was just a huge money saving exercise by Fat Ash.


Barton had a few good points but his constant whingeing was disingenuous to say the least. He has his nice long term deal so we should move on. Shame about QPR, I always quite liked them.

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Thanks for one season.


Best of luck at QPR.




this. Don't believe the(his) hype


It was there for everyone to see. It's no hype.


My point exactly!


One good season (although faded after AC left), coupled with his twitter rants and media hype and he is thought of as some sort of god-like genius on here, crazy!


No denying he was a very important player last year, but really no need to worry about his departure, worry about no replacement coming in.

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More concerned with the lack of another player who won't be replaced.


The transfer fees and wages saved by shipping out Barton, Nolan, Carroll, Enrique etc should have meant the entire playing staff being reshaped into a side capable of pummelling anyone in the bottom half, challenging the for the top 6 and giving the top 4 a good game.


Unfortunately it was just a huge money saving exercise by Fat Ash.


Barton had a few good points but his constant whingeing was disingenuous to say the least. He has his nice long term deal so we should move on. Shame about QPR, I always quite liked them.

what  QPR did wrong?
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Good luck to him, hats off for getting his life back on track and showing his true self on the pitch. Hope he does well and hope he really meant all he did and treat us right whenever he plays at St James Park.


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