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Danny Guthrie

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Alot better without Cabaye. Likes being the main man.


Yep. His fitness is a worry still.


At home Guthrie's probably a better bet than Yohan on this display.


Don't really agree with saying who's better.


I think it would be great if we did it the same way Man Utd do it - rotating the players around. Cabaye, Tiote and Guthrie - on the form of recent - are on about the very same level and have their different strenghts and weaknesses.

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Alot better without Cabaye. Likes being the main man.


Yep. His fitness is a worry still.


At home Guthrie's probably a better bet than Yohan on this display.


Don't really agree with saying who's better.


I think it would be great if we did it the same way Man Utd do it - rotating the players around. Cabaye, Tiote and Guthrie - on the form of recent - are on about the very same level and have their different strenghts and weaknesses.


Guthrie's been more of a creative, architect like player this season. Although he tries hard, he just doesn't have the legs and bite of a Cabaye. Hence saying he's a better bet at home.

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Tiote will probably be away a month next season as well, absolute necessity that we get him on a new contract. He's been great, and today he was fucking immense. Worked his bollocks off, great passing and could have had two assists. Fair play for proper stepping up this season :thup:

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He's improved his stamina immeasurably. A couple seasons ago, you'd have forgotten he was on the pitch in that game by around the 70 minute mark.


Tireless and tenacious, and a bit of quality too. Massive player for us at the moment.

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Been absolutely brilliant this season and a vital player in the squad. Great to have someone of his class contesting the midfield. Hope we are generous enough to secure him with a good deal.

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Excellent performance today. Worked really hard and made some great passes :thup:


Having Perch alongside him gave him a bit more freedom in the middle too - gave him more reason to attack and be more of an influence.

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Looking full of confidence the last few weeks and I think that's the major factor as he's always been one of our best midfielders technically. The only game I really saw him struggle this season was against Chelsea where Ramirez was just too fast for him. We haven't really missed Cabaye in the last couple of games so he's doing a sterling job.

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Very good today, though he still switches off defensively a bit at times.


Really thought we benefited today having one true DM and one more attack minded player. Perch never got  near the Villa box and it really gave Guthrie license to play further forward.


Sometimes I think that we lack that definition with our CM's, especially when Guthrie and Cabaye play together.

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