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I remember him when he was working under Oliver, he was a tit then.


Used to call him mini-Lee (as in mini-me) about that on another forum, he complained to the admin and tried to get me banned.


Spoke to him on the phone about his support of Shepherd at the time, he just whined about me abusing him on the forum.


His reporting and the way he acts are very similar to Oliver.

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I remember him when he was working under Oliver, he was a tit then.


Used to call him mini-Lee (as in mini-me) about that on another forum, he complained to the admin and tried to get me banned.


Spoke to him on the phone about his support of Shepherd at the time, he just whined about me abusing him on the forum.


His reporting and the way he acts are very similar to Oliver.


he has zero knowledge about the clubs transfer business or targets

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Guest johnson293

SkySportsNews Sky Sports News

Tottenham manager Harry Redknapp to undergo minor heart surgery today #SSN



Harry Redknapp Statement:


I have heard the rumours that I am going to ‘av a heart transplant… what do I say? … well it would be disrespectful of me to talk about another person’s heart and there is no truth in the rumour I have tried to get it. But it is a wonderful heart and have had it watched a few times by our scouts…. If a heart of its calibre ever became available then of course I would be interested, who wouldn’t be as it would fit right in here. But until it hands in a transfer request it would be wrong of me to talk about it.










:iamatwat: (nicked from Facebook)

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Pretty good article on recent madness in Argentina...




Hooligans being given access to changing rooms and punching players? Another player needing 12 stitches to his face and throat after a stamp? Only in Argentina...

We’ve been here before. A year ago, almost to the day, The Football Ramble looked at the climate of violence and aggression in Argentine football. Abrasive comments in the press from players, career-threatening tackles and aggressive chants emanating from a violent group of ‘supporters’ in the stands who double up as hatchet men for the unions (or whoever happens to be paying) all converged. The murder of political activist Mariano Ferreyra highlighted the extent to which the business of football overlaps into other arenas.


Twelve months on, nothing has changed, and broadly speaking the situation is only worse. Speaking at a debate on violence in football some time ago, the journalist Carlos Stroker spoke of how violent incidents were rare when he started covering football, years ago. ‘Then they became monthly, and then weekly. I fear,’ he admitted, ‘the time when they are daily, and even hourly.’ We are not so far away from that situation.

At the weekend Boca Juniors beat second-placed Atlético Rafaela 3-1, taking a nine-point lead at the top of the table. With five youth team players taking part in the win - Facundo Roncaglia, Cristián Chávez, Pablo Mouche, Nicolás Blandi and Nico Colazo - it seemed like after a couple of disappointing years, Boca were back. They are top of the table and playing well with a team filled with quality drawn from the youth system.

But in the stands they fielded two barra bravas. One at each end, competing with each other to dominate the chants, only coinciding briefly to celebrate the three goals.


The business behind the barra bravas is well documented elsewhere, but the sight of two barra bravas from the same club at the same match is unprecedented. Rafa Di Zeo, the leader of one group, told Radio La Red on Tuesday that he has ‘an army’ of supporters who follow him. Di Zeo wants parity in terms of the ‘privileges’ that Mauro Martín (who replaced Di Zeo as leader) allegedly enjoys, but the photos of Martín miming cutting throats during the game against Rafaela would suggest there is only one way this battle ends.

While the situation at Boca Juniors escalates, it was far from being the only news of its kind.


San Lorenzo, another of the Big Five, are teetering on the verge of the relegation zone. To display their dissatisfaction with the current form and the performances, and as the self-ordained minders of the ‘fans’ interests, a group of 6 or 7 barra bravas went to the training session last week to tell them to buck up their ideas.


Able to enter the changing room after the session, the exchange with players quickly boiled over and ended up with centre back Jonathan Botinelli punched several times in the head by the barra bravas. Team captain and goalkeeper Pablo Migliore reportedly stood by, in turn clashing with Botinelli himself and in the confusion ended up punching another team mate.


With so much going on in the first division, it is understandable that news from the lower tiers struggles to make the front pages. But what about 4th division side Argentino de Merlo’s goalkeeper, Rodrigo Ponce, who was shot by an air gun twice during the match versus Excursionistas? His name and very situation of an air gun being in the stands may verge on the comical, until the story - as told by the keeper - continues and we learn their team bus was followed after the match by a group of armed men wearing Excursionistas shirts. When they reached their destination they were chased by the gun- and bat-wielding group, the players fortunately managing to escape.


On the pitch, Newell’s Cristián Díaz needed 12 stitches to his face and throat after being rugby tackled to the ground and then stamped by Carlos Soto in the Newell’s-All Boys fixture two weeks ago. While it may have not have been a deliberate stamp, it seems Soto could have – at least – avoided treading on a fellow colleague.


Racing-Lanús, from the same round of fixtures, produced the astonishing sight of Mauro Camoranesi kicking Patricio Toranzo full-on in the face while the Racing midfielder was on the ground. The World Cup winner could receive up to an eight-match ban for his reaction, which was closer to GBH than mere violent conduct.


In the meantime, the police at Newell’s last weekend, for example, while dealing with trouble at the end of a game were then caught on security cameras whipping fans lying in the corner far from any trouble. Staying with Newell’s for a moment, midfielder Lucas Bernardi’s family business was broken into earlier this week, the perpetrators leaving a warning note ‘don’t fuck with Newell’s’…


There is only one worse than this snapshot from the last ten days which continues to spiral out of control. It is the collective silence and inertia from clubs, the players’ union, the police, the FA, and, particularly, the state, which means absolutely nothing is done to stop this.


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A funny description of Ryder from Toontastic that made me laugh:


I picture him in Thompson house most days wandering about half-cut with his nylon suit smelling of the night previous, frantically scouring Twitter or whatnot. By lunchtime I see him as being glad of a bit of fresh air - a Greggs sausage & bean melt, a ham & peasepud stottie and maybe a cheeky packet of cheese n onion why don't'cha. Its Lee's chance to forget, to switch off from his daunting task. Extended (facebook orientated) lunchtime over , panic sets in. Feeling slightly fresher for now having sobered up , he comes into his own and a story emerges like a butterfly from a crysalis, Dekka on call to approve, offer guidance . Spell and grammar checker ignored, it's just submitted before his deadline.

Happy Days thinks Lee.


Off he then pops for his 8 cans of Kronenburg for £7.50 , closely joined by a Dominos pizza box and a 'soap night' viewing schedule .

The process is then repeated throughout the week.



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A funny description of Ryder from Toontastic that made me laugh:


I picture him in Thompson house most days wandering about half-cut with his nylon suit smelling of the night previous, frantically scouring Twitter or whatnot. By lunchtime I see him as being glad of a bit of fresh air - a Greggs sausage & bean melt, a ham & peasepud stottie and maybe a cheeky packet of cheese n onion why don't'cha. Its Lee's chance to forget, to switch off from his daunting task. Extended (facebook orientated) lunchtime over , panic sets in. Feeling slightly fresher for now having sobered up , he comes into his own and a story emerges like a butterfly from a crysalis, Dekka on call to approve, offer guidance . Spell and grammar checker ignored, it's just submitted before his deadline.

Happy Days thinks Lee.


Off he then pops for his 8 cans of Kronenburg for £7.50 , closely joined by a Dominos pizza box and a 'soap night' viewing schedule .

The process is then repeated throughout the week.




Tbf his life sounds great if you could also include a bit of sex

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A funny description of Ryder from Toontastic that made me laugh:


I picture him in Thompson house most days wandering about half-cut with his nylon suit smelling of the night previous, frantically scouring Twitter or whatnot. By lunchtime I see him as being glad of a bit of fresh air - a Greggs sausage & bean melt, a ham & peasepud stottie and maybe a cheeky packet of cheese n onion why don't'cha. Its Lee's chance to forget, to switch off from his daunting task. Extended (facebook orientated) lunchtime over , panic sets in. Feeling slightly fresher for now having sobered up , he comes into his own and a story emerges like a butterfly from a crysalis, Dekka on call to approve, offer guidance . Spell and grammar checker ignored, it's just submitted before his deadline.

Happy Days thinks Lee.


Off he then pops for his 8 cans of Kronenburg for £7.50 , closely joined by a Dominos pizza box and a 'soap night' viewing schedule .

The process is then repeated throughout the week.




Tbf his life sounds great if you could also include a bit of sex


"IF" being the operative word here.

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A funny description of Ryder from Toontastic that made me laugh:


I picture him in Thompson house most days wandering about half-cut with his nylon suit smelling of the night previous, frantically scouring Twitter or whatnot. By lunchtime I see him as being glad of a bit of fresh air - a Greggs sausage & bean melt, a ham & peasepud stottie and maybe a cheeky packet of cheese n onion why don't'cha. Its Lee's chance to forget, to switch off from his daunting task. Extended (facebook orientated) lunchtime over , panic sets in. Feeling slightly fresher for now having sobered up , he comes into his own and a story emerges like a butterfly from a crysalis, Dekka on call to approve, offer guidance . Spell and grammar checker ignored, it's just submitted before his deadline.

Happy Days thinks Lee.


Off he then pops for his 8 cans of Kronenburg for £7.50 , closely joined by a Dominos pizza box and a 'soap night' viewing schedule .

The process is then repeated throughout the week.




Tbf his life sounds great if you could also include a bit of sex


Aye, shame Oliver doesn't work there anymore.

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