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Re jdc: personally think everyone is to blame at that club for their predicament. I genuinely believe the fans causedthem to drop a fair few points last season. Kean is awful but their fans are complete fools the way they behaved. I hope they don't get promoted

yup I'm usually not a big believer in the crowd having much of an effect on how a team perform but there's no doubt at all its affecting the players confidence in this case. I actually rather like Kean, sure he's hardly the worlds greatest manager but he at least try's to play football and they've made a pretty good start this season

Have to disagree with this. Their fans could see from a mile off that Kean is completely out of his depth, a pathetically poor manager. They did what they thought would be the best for their team; try and get him replaced by a proper manager, which in all honesty is what should have happened at Blackburn last season. I'd be damned if anyone tried to criticise our fans for wanting Kinnear replaced during the relegation season.

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Guest firetotheworks

Just on another note, just how sick must Van persie be watching Cazorla for Arsenal and then receiving passes from Carrick  :lol:



well ok he's just laughing on a pile of money


You say that as if Carrick is Cattermole. Besides, Kagawa would be the correct comparison really, and Kagawa is fucking mint.


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Yeah it's entirely fair but their midfield is still desperately unimpressive. They'll get it together though and prolly will challenge for the title with Man U. If he'd stayed with Arsenal tho with their form atm and assuming (wrongly prolly) they would have got cazorla and podolski anyway that's a pretty brilliant side.


Also apparently Pulis went on a rant after chelsea game blaming clubs for bringing in foreign players ruining football. No Stoke are ruining football you fucking twat.

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Foreigners ruining football ? :spit: that's f*cking absurd the reason this is arguably the most competitive league in the world is because of the world class foreigners plying their trade in the league.


Don't get me wrong some of them are shite, but i'd much rather watch Hatem than Matty f*cking Etherington every day of the week.

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Theo Walcott says his future at Arsenal is partly dependent on whether he is selected as a striker in the future.


The 23-year-old, who plays predominantly on the wing, is in the final year of his contract and rejected a new five-year deal worth £75,000 a week in August .


"I've been judged, with people saying it's all about money. It's never been that with me," Walcott told BBC Sport.


"Playing up front is important. It's one of the main factors for me."


This was interesting to me, because a) I'm shocked he was offered so much money, and b) I agree with him entirely. The guy is ridiculously hot and cold, but still has a chance to be a very good player. I think he needs to play upfront to do this. I think he's proved enough times against us that he's pretty dangerous when hovering on the shoulder of the centre back.

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Bet Liverpool sign him as a striker. He won't have anywhere near as much space to run into and his hot and cold finishing will be infuriating, he'll hit the post as much as Suarez. Says something Wenger has moved Gervinho central before Walcott. It may solve his lack of judgement though, he clearly wants only the responsibility to shoot

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Theo Walcott says his future at Arsenal is partly dependent on whether he is selected as a striker in the future.


The 23-year-old, who plays predominantly on the wing, is in the final year of his contract and rejected a new five-year deal worth £75,000 a week in August .


"I've been judged, with people saying it's all about money. It's never been that with me," Walcott told BBC Sport.


"Playing up front is important. It's one of the main factors for me."


This was interesting to me, because a) I'm shocked he was offered so much money, and b) I agree with him entirely. The guy is ridiculously hot and cold, but still has a chance to be a very good player. I think he needs to play upfront to do this. I think he's proved enough times against us that he's pretty dangerous when hovering on the shoulder of the centre back.


Can only really play upfront in a 4-4-2 due to him being piss weak and having no touch, 4-4-2 is a redundant formation, unlucky Theo.

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Theo Walcott says his future at Arsenal is partly dependent on whether he is selected as a striker in the future.


The 23-year-old, who plays predominantly on the wing, is in the final year of his contract and rejected a new five-year deal worth £75,000 a week in August .


"I've been judged, with people saying it's all about money. It's never been that with me," Walcott told BBC Sport.


"Playing up front is important. It's one of the main factors for me."


This was interesting to me, because a) I'm shocked he was offered so much money, and b) I agree with him entirely. The guy is ridiculously hot and cold, but still has a chance to be a very good player. I think he needs to play upfront to do this. I think he's proved enough times against us that he's pretty dangerous when hovering on the shoulder of the centre back.


Can only really play upfront in a 4-4-2 due to him being piss weak and having no touch, 4-4-2 is a redundant formation, unlucky Theo.


Not sure I agree that 4-4-2 is 'redundant'. It maybe dead at the very top level, but I'm sure Walcott can make a go of it at a mackem-esque team. He'd be perfect for their terrible counter-attack tactics. There's no chance it's happening at Arsenal though, I agree that he definitely can't play that leading-man role upfront.


I just think that he should be given a year upfront, 1st team, at a shitter club. I think he'd do better than many would assume.

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Not sure where to put this




Newcastle United Foundation is hosting its first ever charity film screening of the new James Bond film 'Skyfall' on Monday, 29th October at the Tyneside Cinema.

This red carpet event promises to be a very special night as Newcastle United first-team players and manager Alan Pardew will also be in attendance. So not only will you get to see Bond's latest adventure, you will also be sitting in the same cinema as your Newcastle United footballing heroes.

Richard Hibbs, Hires and Events Officer at the Tyneside Cinema said: "Tyneside Cinema is thrilled to be working closely with the Newcastle United Foundation to deliver this exciting event. We hope that everyone who comes along enjoys the show!"

Admission is by advanced ticket only. Tickets are £20 each (breakdown £8 film charge, free drink and free popcorn, donation to charity). To purchase your tickets click here.


All profits will go to the Newcastle United Foundation (registered charity number 1124896).

- Newcastle United players will arrive at the cinema from 7pm and will then be escorted to a private bar area. Players will sign autographs for a short period before entering the cinema

- The 'Skyfall' film will start at 8.30pm (please arrive no later than 8.15pm for standard ticket holders). Ticket holders are welcome to arrive in advance and purchase food and drink from the Tyneside Coffee Rooms, Intermezzo Coffee Bar and food stalls at the cinema, however you will receive a free popcorn and free drink in the cinema screen before the film starts

- Dress code is smart casual

- Tickets will be sent out prior to the event with allocated seating

The Foundation uses the local passion for football to encourage learning, promote healthy eating and encourage communities to reach their potential. We work with over 38,000 disadvantaged children, young people and families every year throughout the North East. Our annual running costs are over £1.2 million so thank you so much for supporting us by attending this event.


Tempted to...but on Stag do that weekend so hmmm, prolly sold out before i make mind up

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It will never, happen every club in Europe will not let it happen, it's just asking for trouble even suggesting it. Can clubs not let players go?

Fifa/Uefa have to reach agreement with the clubs every few years to force the clubs to release them, recently more concessions have been given to keep the clubs happy such as the upcoming scrappage of the august friendly and a couple more. Fact is UEFA and FIFA are entirely dependent on the European clubs since thats where the vast majority of the leading players from around the world are playing, piss them off enough and they may decide they'd be better off without the likes of Blatter and Platini and do their own thing

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