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Should Celtic & Rangers be allowed to join the Premiership?

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Once again there is a lot of talk about Celtic & Rangers being allowed to join the Premiership.


I don't think they should be for the following reasons: -


They are Scottish clubs so why should they play in England?


Both clubs have done nothing to make the Premiership what it is today so why should they get the benefits of it at the expense of two English clubs?


The Scottish Premiership don't want them to leave.


A large number of their fans cause trouble whenever they come to England. I can't imagine the Police being happy about Celtic & Rangers playing in England more or less every week. The friendlies Newcastle have held against Celtic & Rangers over the last few years has always resulted in a large number of their fans acting like scum in the city. They hate the English and treat trips to England as 'raiding parties'.


The distances away fans would have to travel.


We don't want their religious politics in our league.

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Scotland voted for Devolution and take great delight in making English students pay to study at their Unis whereas other European students get in free ; why should their football clubs get into the Prem so they can make more money(the Scots already get more per head than the English through the Barnett Formula in grants, despite having their own Tax raising powers) ?


A definite, and PERMANENT No from me.


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Nope - they's be coming down over the border every weekend trying re-enact the battle of Bannockburn.  If we let them in then where would they start in the league? If it's straight into the Prem who would they replace as we're already under pressure from UEFA to cut the number of teams - a five team (or even seven team) relegation season to shoe-horn in two economic immigrants?

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Guest Roger Kint

No, for many reasons including:


1. They belong to a different countries FA and removing them from SFA will signal the end of football North of the border as virtually all revenue will cease bankrupting most of their teams, crowds will be non existant as most follow Celtic & Rangers anyway, UEFA will also lower their positions to that of Maltas(or worse) making it almost impossible to get near qualifying.


2. Their fans are largely scum, the problems would be huge when visiting teams en masse. Bringing hooliganism back to dangerous levels.


3.  It will be detrimental to English football as we will get the blame for any crowd trouble plus the influx of Scottish players(and no doubt even more foreigners) will push young talent further from first teams.


4. Why the hell should they push English teams further down the ladder just to accomodate them? Would Newcastle(or whoever won the Championship in the year they came in) find their season is worthless as they wouldnt get promoted?

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If the sweaty socks insist on joining the English leagues then they should start at the bottom of the pile and then earn the right to play in the top flight

Out of interest if they did go straight into the prem what would happen if they both finished in the bottom 3?

Would they be prepared to play in the Championship?

Would they throw their toys out of their pram and storm back to Scotland?

Would the SFA take them back?

Or more likely would the FA bend over backwards to find a way to keep them in the Prem?

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I don't know why this is even being discussed, except that the clubs in question would make a fortune from it.


And Phil Gartside needs to take his wacky suggestions for a two-tier premiership elsewhere IMO, he's got far too much power for the chairman of a nothing club like Bolton.

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Guest Roger Kint
  On 12/11/2009 at 11:37, abcdefg said:


For anyone saying "yes" it would be interesting to hear why you think that.


Might be a bit of a laugh.


Much of the country is laughing at what happened to us, doesnt make it a good thing.

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no and if thy were allowed into the english league system they should go through the proper channels ie have  to play through the pyramid.


i'd also like to know the legalities of dumping them straight into the prem or championships as regards to legal challenges from clubs below them.

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No, why should they be given a priority pass straight into the top English league when every other club has to work their way up.


If they want to join then in my opinion they should start right at the bottom like every other club and work their way up AFC Wimbledon style.


I dont think they should join as they aren't an English club, what's the point in it being the English Premier League if all the teams aren't English (Swansea and Cardiff I can accept if they ever get promoted as they've been in the English league since they started out as far as I know).


As mentioned I believe their fans would come down here wanting to cause trouble by treating every game as the battle of Britain and would you really want to go up to Glasgow for an away match knowing you're likely to end up with several chavs glassing you?


I am dead against the idea of them joining, but if they were I hope they start at the bottom like I said and work their way up, right now they're a big fish in a small pond and if they were to join the PL they'd add no value as far as I'm concerned.

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Guest Brummiemag

No way


The Premier League is the worst thing that has ever happened to English football. A Premier League 2 would compound the situation, cut off and cripple the rest of the football league clubs. It would be become even more sterile, predictable and uncompetitive.


Sadly its all about money so it will probably happen eventually     

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Guest toonlass

I voted no, but the ignorance and hostility in this thread show that England has its own bigots and so cannot really complain about others.

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