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The old Chris Hughton discussion thread

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Just watching the highlights of Leeds game where Beckford has again shone with two goals against top quality sides...all Hughton can do is identify the players, after that it's up to Ashley to secure them using his Arsenal blueprint. I don't recall Arsenal losing out on players early then watching other clubs snap them up to watch their values rocket. Something is wrong here.

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Just watching the highlights of Leeds game where Beckford has again shone with two goals against top quality sides...all Hughton can do is identify the players, after that it's up to Ashley to secure them using his Arsenal blueprint. I don't recall Arsenal losing out on players early then watching other clubs snap them up to watch their values rocket. Something is wrong here.

Do you believe that Hughton is allowed to identify players ?

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Just watching the highlights of Leeds game where Beckford has again shone with two goals against top quality sides...all Hughton can do is identify the players, after that it's up to Ashley to secure them using his Arsenal blueprint. I don't recall Arsenal losing out on players early then watching other clubs snap them up to watch their values rocket. Something is wrong here.

Do you believe that Hughton is allowed to identify players ?


Are you saying Ashley has employed an expert who is successfully identifying players other than Hughton?

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Just watching the highlights of Leeds game where Beckford has again shone with two goals against top quality sides...all Hughton can do is identify the players, after that it's up to Ashley to secure them using his Arsenal blueprint. I don't recall Arsenal losing out on players early then watching other clubs snap them up to watch their values rocket. Something is wrong here.

Do you believe that Hughton is allowed to identify players ?


Are you saying Ashley has employed an expert who is successfully identifying players other than Hughton?


I'd argue with the word "expert", but personally I expect transfers and loans are still being handled by an agency as they were during the Summer when Hughton knew nothing about what was going on. First Artists agency wasn't it? Oh, hey look at some of the players on their books:  http://www.firstartist.com/sports/clients.asp Recognise anyone?

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Don't see Danny Simpson or Williamson on there. While it makes for a nice chuckle to think that Llambias and Ashley are picking players off some random list, in reality I would think Hughton has some input.

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Don't see Danny Simpson or Williamson on there. While it makes for a nice chuckle to think that Llambias and Ashley are picking players off some random list, in reality I would think Hughton has some input.


I never said Llambias and Ashley were picking the players so I don't know where you got that from, but I do think they will have hired an agency to do the job Wise was supposed to do and Hughton will have little say in who the targets are (but will probably identify the areas we need players for).


You do realise the 2 players you highlighted as Hughton targets are Simpson who was loaned mid August and Williamson who we were linked with back then too. 2 months before Hughton got the "manager" job and 2 weeks after he said:


“I don’t think there is disillusionment in the camp. I don’t see that. We have made sure we stress to the players that none of us have any control over what is happening outside of the training ground.


“We don’t know what is going to happen in the future, but we have to make sure we do our jobs properly and prepare in the right way for games. I can’t control who is going to still be here, but I haven’t heard anything about anyone leaving either.”


Or was he just lying as he masterminded it all?


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Don't see Danny Simpson or Williamson on there. While it makes for a nice chuckle to think that Llambias and Ashley are picking players off some random list, in reality I would think Hughton has some input.


I never said Llambias and Ashley were picking the players so I don't know where you got that from, but I do think they will have hired an agency to do the job Wise was supposed to do and Hughton will have little say in who the targets are (but will probably identify the areas we need players for).


You do realise the 2 players you highlighted as Hughton targets are Simpson who was loaned mid August and Williamson who we were linked with back then too. 2 months before Hughton got the "manager" job and 2 weeks after he said:


“I don’t think there is disillusionment in the camp. I don’t see that. We have made sure we stress to the players that none of us have any control over what is happening outside of the training ground.


“We don’t know what is going to happen in the future, but we have to make sure we do our jobs properly and prepare in the right way for games. I can’t control who is going to still be here, but I haven’t heard anything about anyone leaving either.”


Or was he just lying as he masterminded it all?



It was Chris Hughton who was caretaker manager at that time right? In which case you would think he might have made suggestions as to who he would like within Ashley's budget? Or are you absolutely certain that Hughton has no input whatsoever and just trains the players who are expertly bought in by Ashley/Llambias through this agency?

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Don't see Danny Simpson or Williamson on there. While it makes for a nice chuckle to think that Llambias and Ashley are picking players off some random list, in reality I would think Hughton has some input.


I never said Llambias and Ashley were picking the players so I don't know where you got that from, but I do think they will have hired an agency to do the job Wise was supposed to do and Hughton will have little say in who the targets are (but will probably identify the areas we need players for).


You do realise the 2 players you highlighted as Hughton targets are Simpson who was loaned mid August and Williamson who we were linked with back then too. 2 months before Hughton got the "manager" job and 2 weeks after he said:


“I don’t think there is disillusionment in the camp. I don’t see that. We have made sure we stress to the players that none of us have any control over what is happening outside of the training ground.


“We don’t know what is going to happen in the future, but we have to make sure we do our jobs properly and prepare in the right way for games. I can’t control who is going to still be here, but I haven’t heard anything about anyone leaving either.”


Or was he just lying as he masterminded it all?



It was Chris Hughton who was caretaker manager at that time right? In which case you would think he might have made suggestions as to who he would like within Ashley's budget? Or are you absolutely certain that Hughton has no input whatsoever and just trains the players who are expertly bought in by Ashley/Llambias through this agency?


People at the time were wondering who was responsible for the signing. No-one really thought it was Hughton and some thought it was Ashley nicking ideas off the ex manager:


Shearer went on about this on Saturday saying we had sold our only right back and that we have a RM playing there atm in the form of RTaylor.


Could it be Shearer? 2+2=568876:)


More likely Ashley picking the cheap options from Shearer's list and quietly sidelineing the ones where he will have to pay a fee.


So like I said if it was him in charge of transfers, he did a good job of keeping quiet and pretending he knew fuck all about what was happening. :ninja:

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Beckford was IIRC a Shearer target, and I'm fairly confident that Hughton is/was still pursuing a couple of those on Shearer's list as well. That hardly amounts to Hughton having no say whatsoever in any future targets since he's been made manager which is what I think you are implying. It might be the case...but more likely IMO that Hughton is given a small budget and then he identifies who he wants then Ashley fails to get them. 

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Don't see Danny Simpson or Williamson on there. While it makes for a nice chuckle to think that Llambias and Ashley are picking players off some random list, in reality I would think Hughton has some input.


I never said Llambias and Ashley were picking the players so I don't know where you got that from, but I do think they will have hired an agency to do the job Wise was supposed to do and Hughton will have little say in who the targets are (but will probably identify the areas we need players for).


You do realise the 2 players you highlighted as Hughton targets are Simpson who was loaned mid August and Williamson who we were linked with back then too. 2 months before Hughton got the "manager" job and 2 weeks after he said:


“I don’t think there is disillusionment in the camp. I don’t see that. We have made sure we stress to the players that none of us have any control over what is happening outside of the training ground.


“We don’t know what is going to happen in the future, but we have to make sure we do our jobs properly and prepare in the right way for games. I can’t control who is going to still be here, but I haven’t heard anything about anyone leaving either.”


Or was he just lying as he masterminded it all?



It was Chris Hughton who was caretaker manager at that time right? In which case you would think he might have made suggestions as to who he would like within Ashley's budget? Or are you absolutely certain that Hughton has no input whatsoever and just trains the players who are expertly bought in by Ashley/Llambias through this agency?


People at the time were wondering who was responsible for the signing. No-one really thought it was Hughton and some thought it was Ashley nicking ideas off the ex manager:


Shearer went on about this on Saturday saying we had sold our only right back and that we have a RM playing there atm in the form of RTaylor.


Could it be Shearer? 2+2=568876:)


More likely Ashley picking the cheap options from Shearer's list and quietly sidelineing the ones where he will have to pay a fee.


So like I said if it was him in charge of transfers, he did a good job of keeping quiet and pretending he knew fuck all about what was happening. :ninja:


That quote from Hughton doesn't suggest anything in terms of who had the say on transfer targets, just that the clubs future was up in the air and who could say who may have to leave depending on what financial decisions were made by the current or future owners.


Hughton has been pretty up front about his interest (or indeed lack of interest i.e Nol Solano, Davis etc) and has been open about the persuit of Perch, Beckford, and in terms of Williamson, he has stated his interest in bringing the player in was there before he moved to Portsmouth.


The idea that he has significantly less say than the vast majority of his fellow managers regarding possible targets is balls imho. 


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Don't see Danny Simpson or Williamson on there. While it makes for a nice chuckle to think that Llambias and Ashley are picking players off some random list, in reality I would think Hughton has some input.


I never said Llambias and Ashley were picking the players so I don't know where you got that from, but I do think they will have hired an agency to do the job Wise was supposed to do and Hughton will have little say in who the targets are (but will probably identify the areas we need players for).


You do realise the 2 players you highlighted as Hughton targets are Simpson who was loaned mid August and Williamson who we were linked with back then too. 2 months before Hughton got the "manager" job and 2 weeks after he said:


“I don’t think there is disillusionment in the camp. I don’t see that. We have made sure we stress to the players that none of us have any control over what is happening outside of the training ground.


“We don’t know what is going to happen in the future, but we have to make sure we do our jobs properly and prepare in the right way for games. I can’t control who is going to still be here, but I haven’t heard anything about anyone leaving either.”


Or was he just lying as he masterminded it all?



It was Chris Hughton who was caretaker manager at that time right? In which case you would think he might have made suggestions as to who he would like within Ashley's budget? Or are you absolutely certain that Hughton has no input whatsoever and just trains the players who are expertly bought in by Ashley/Llambias through this agency?


People at the time were wondering who was responsible for the signing. No-one really thought it was Hughton and some thought it was Ashley nicking ideas off the ex manager:


Shearer went on about this on Saturday saying we had sold our only right back and that we have a RM playing there atm in the form of RTaylor.


Could it be Shearer? 2+2=568876:)


More likely Ashley picking the cheap options from Shearer's list and quietly sidelineing the ones where he will have to pay a fee.


So like I said if it was him in charge of transfers, he did a good job of keeping quiet and pretending he knew fuck all about what was happening. :ninja:


That quote from Hughton doesn't suggest anything in terms of who had the say on transfer targets, just that the clubs future was up in the air and who could say who may have to leave depending on what financial decisions were made by the current or future owners.


Hughton has been pretty up front about his interest (or indeed lack of interest i.e Nol Solano, Davis etc) and has been open about the persuit of Perch, Beckford, and in terms of Williamson, he has stated his interest in bringing the player in was there before he moved to Portsmouth.


The idea that he has significantly less say than the vast majority of his fellow managers regarding possible targets is balls imho. 


can't see Ashley or Llambias having a clue who Perch or Williamson since how many of us knew who they were until we bid for them so thats why I think hughton is picking the targets and running it by Llambias and Ashley before moving for them, more or less how every other club works on transfers

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