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Guest Craig-NUFC

Them even discussing "finishing above the mags" is a reflection of their under achievement so far. According to them, before a ball was kicked this season, finishing above us was a given, a formality, never in question.

I listened to the Guardian's podcast last night and one jounalist on there, a mackem, said in response to the mention of MON "We are only about 10 points behind Newcastle now, we are catching them up, we can do this, COME ON!" (or words to that affect)

So even the supposedly educated ones are obssessed with us.


He laughed after he said it and didn't sound at all serious. He also praised Cabaye, Tiote and Ba.

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Called it


Got a feeling we may sign Zamora


Proper London boy imo, couldn't see him moving elsewhere.  Was linked with Spurs last week in the Standard.


I think MON will try and get him for the mackems in Jan. He can be his new Heskey.


Literally weeks ahead of you.


They need a left back so £15m on Gary Cahill and some goals so £5m on Emile Heskey.


Europe here they come.


He'll blow half on a pacey but average striker, probably with experience due to the pressure to find goals...Zamora or Odemwingie.



Great minds and all that.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Zamora's a decent player to be honest. He'll not get you 20 goals like, but he'll cause problems up front with his running and power. He works the channels well and is a good all-rounder up there. A bit like Best in many ways. He's not worth 8m at 31 though and isn't someone who will take the mackems to the next level. Mind, Bent who would get you those 20 goals, couldn't take them to the next level either. They need 60m or more to do that and then will have to rely on others like ourselves, Villa, Everton et al not standing in their way. It is hard for any side outside of the top 6 really these days. Spurs are so well run they are a step above the rest of us while Man Utd, Chelsea, Arsenal and Man City have too much money. Liverpool are looking the odd one out but they still have a big pull and seemingly lots of money too. CL footy is very important to them on that front though.

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Zamora's a decent player to be honest. He'll not get you 20 goals like, but he'll cause problems up front with his running and power. He works the channels well and is a good all-rounder up there. A bit like Best in many ways. He's not worth 8m at 31 though and isn't someone who will take the mackems to the next level. Mind, Bent who would get you those 20 goals, couldn't take them to the next level either. They need 60m or more to do that and then will have to rely on others like ourselves, Villa, Everton et al not standing in their way. It is hard for any side outside of the top 6 really these days. Spurs are so well run they are a step above the rest of us while Man Utd, Chelsea, Arsenal and Man City have too much money. Liverpool are looking the odd one out but they still have a big pull and seemingly lots of money too. CL footy is very important to them on that front though.


The mackems' squad needs a massive overhaul really, don't know if £60 million would be enough.

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The trouble with their squad I think is lack of a style, it just seems a fairly random assortment of players of varying quality. Do they counter-attack? are they passing or hoofing? Martin O'Neil may go some way towards this, but their lack of quality wide players seems to be letting them down, and they're not especially solid at back.


I doubt they'll do much in January, after splurging over the Summer and not achieving much, I doubt a rebuild is in order too much, especially in the more expensive window.

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Is it not more the case that good players, er, aren't going to go to Sunderland? They've spent a fuckload on shite for 2 reasons IMO - incompetent transfer activity, yes, but just plain and simple, why would a good-ish player go to Sunderland when almost certainly clubs of a higher standard will be interested?

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Guest neesy111

Howard Webb making up for his gaffe for us at the SoL.

what was that again?


The save by Larsson on the goal line from Barton.

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