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Spain win World Cup 2010

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I thought Carragher was surprisingly solid at the back. King's situation is just epic facepalm.


Carragher reads the game so much better than King imo.They're both slow,but Carragher buys himself time with his nous.

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I thought Carragher was surprisingly solid at the back. King's situation is just epic facepalm.


He got murdered for pace off Altidore and looked like he was blowing out of his arse towards the end.


Shocking indication of Capello's trust in Dawson and Upson if they don't get the nod ahead of him.

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Words can not describe how fucking angry I am now.






The moment where you suddenly realise that not only are literally tens of millions of people now going to think forever that you're a wanker, but also that you are, in fact, a wanker.


Feel bad for the guy, honestly. One in a million mistake.


True, true. Maybe West Ham should look to loan him out to an MLS team to give him a confidence boost?


Are you implying that he should learn how to play goaltender like an American? I don't think Howard would have let the soccer ball beat him like that.


Indeed. I mean he might never start, but learning by watching can work.


Thinking about the goal, I'd loan him to a hockey team, tbh.

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Guest firetotheworks

I can't believe the Heskey-baiting here tbh...I thought he was our best player tonight by some distance.


Tru dat. Maybe not by a distance, but definitely the most effective.

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I thought Carragher was surprisingly solid at the back. King's situation is just epic facepalm.


Carragher should be ok if he's actually given the chance to play and train alongside Terry consistently. King should be kept away from the pitch unless we lose all other possible defenders. Carragher got in trouble with Altidores run because he was already booked, if he hadn't been you can be sure he'd have put a stronger challenge in.

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I can't believe the Heskey-baiting here tbh...I thought he was our best player tonight by some distance.


Tru dat. Maybe not by a distance, but definitely the most effective.


You would have lost if you didn't play Heskey.

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Also the problem with Carragher is he can't seem to pass forward for shit.


Seeing him and Terry pass it back and forth with minutes to go only to launch eventually anyway was torture.

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He got caught offside about three times didn't he? One where he was a good two yards onside.


Heskey plays the target man role with absolute ease for England. It's just not beneficial to the team on the whole if he's up there completely on his own. We've got to be sticking Rooney upfront; we've got players in the middle to pull the strings and do the donkey work. He has to be in and around the box; build the team around him. I'm not necassarily saying change the partnership, because they do bounce off each other quite well, but the guy's got to be further forward. With the quality that Gerrard and Lampard have, we should have everything we need from deep, without getting Rooney to drop back.

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Also the problem with Carragher is he can't seem to pass forward for shit.


Seeing him and Terry pass it back and forth with minutes to go only to launch eventually anyway was torture.


That also tells you quite a lot about our midfield tbh.

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Also the problem with Carragher is he can't seem to pass forward for shit.


Seeing him and Terry pass it back and forth with minutes to go only to launch eventually anyway was torture.


That also tells you quite a lot about our midfield tbh.


And how much more of a footballer Ferdinand is than the pair of them.

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Onyewu played the game of his fucking life.


:nope: No he didn't, man. That's an average Onyewu international performance. No idea what happens to him when he plays for a club, but he's pretty much always like that.


This is the truth. Really. Par for the course Gooch in internationals. 


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Onyewu played the game of his fucking life.


:nope: No he didn't, man. That's an average Onyewu international performance. No idea what happens to him when he plays for a club, but he's pretty much always like that.


This is the truth. Really. Par for the course Gooch in internationals. 



Gooch and the right-back..Cherycoke or summat were outstanding mind the right back would have had a harder night against Douglas Bader as Milner and SWP were woeful.

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He got caught offside FAR more than 3 times :lol:  and every one wasn't him gambling on an opportunity, it was him being too stupid to realise/look across the line. I can forgive a player doing it if they are doing it in an attempt to get that one chance but when you are just holding up the ball it's unforgivable at that level.


If he passed the ball directly to their players in promising positions half a dozen times he would be slated and being caught like that is no different imo.

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Barry frees our midfield up, and is a big loss. Neither Lampard nor Gerrard seemed to be getting forward very effectively tonight.


Just a moan about Terry as well. He was secure defensively, but there were two or three occasions where an American attack broke down and he had the chance to pick a forward pass and catch them on their heels. Instead, he played safe and knocked it backwards. I wouldn't mind if he didn't have the ability to do better, but he does. I just feel that whenever he's in an England shirt, he plays within himself.


Johnson and Lennon produced our best openings down the right. We don't have a left footed wide player who can combine well with Cole so we should forget about a straight 4-4-2.

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Never want to peak too soon is one way of looking at it.


Oh aye, definitely. We'll get away with tonight - without a shadow of a doubt. And not just because we've got easy opponents in our group.


It's just so fucking frustrating that the errors are still being ironed out in the tournament itself. The friendlies were just fucking rubbish. If he's supposedly known his team all along (more or less), why didn't Milner get a shot at the left-wing then? Why didn't Green play against Platinum Stars? What was the fucking point of playing Joe Hart if he was gonna be third choice all along? That last friendly was a great opportunity to relax a few nerves and try and begin some continuity.


If we're still chopping and changing by the Second Round we'll not get anywhere memorable. We should have had more friendlies and we should have done more with the ones that we did have.


I also think, and i've said this from the moment the draw was completed, we would have benefitted a heck of a lot more by having atleast one decent opponent in the group. Set the tone and raise the bar from the very first kick off. We're liable to get into a stride of dilly-dallying past these also-rans, then getting caned against someone good. It's a risky game.


We'll be reet though. :D

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Never want to peak too soon is one way of looking at it.


Oh aye, definitely. We'll get away with tonight - without a shadow of a doubt. And not just because we've got easy opponents in our group.


It's just so fucking frustrating that the errors are still being ironed out in the tournament itself. The friendlies were just fucking rubbish. If he's supposedly known his team all along (more or less), why didn't Milner get a shot at the left-wing then? Why didn't Green play against Platinum Stars? What was the fucking point of playing Joe Hart if he was gonna be third choice all along? That last friendly was a great opportunity to relax a few nerves and try and begin some continuity.


If we're still chopping and changing by the Second Round we'll not get anywhere memorable. We should have had more friendlies and we should have done more with the ones that we did have.


I also think, and i've said this from the moment the draw was completed, we would have benefitted a heck of a lot more by having atleast one decent opponent in the group. Set the tone and raise the bar from the very first kick off. We're liable to get into a stride of dilly-dallying past these also-rans, then getting caned against someone good. It's a risky game.


We'll be reet though. :D


Think that's because James is carrying a knock.


I think he might drop Green for the next game if James is fit.

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If Capello was planning to play Heskey, why on earth didn't he start a single game out of the three friendlies?


We cannot play him beyond the group stage, his presence in the team puts all the goalscoring pressure on Rooney, who just won't rise to it. Sir Alex has shown how to get the best out of Rooney this season, and Capello seems to have ignored it.

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