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The best goal I ever scored........


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Playing Home Farm in the North Tyneside Youth Tournament, wouldve been under 14s i think. The game was nicely set and drawing, so extra time it was. On as a sub, the ball comes to me from our left back just past halfway. I cut infield with a defender on my arm, shrugged him of and rifled the best shot ive ever managed to this day from 30yards into the top corner. Cue mental celebrations and a final place. And loads of complimentary Irish people haha

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Some cup semi final, had to travel to Enfield to play a Greek team who called themselves Panathinaikos. Dirtiest cunts I've ever played against. Stamping, elbows everywhere and sly digs when the ref wasn't looking. They were pretty shit footballing wise but obviously intimidated teams with these tactics. We had quite a few lads who could be cunts as well so we were ok. Remember we attacked from the first kick off, just me and my strike partner and managed to play a couple of one twos through them and we scored within about 8 seconds. :lol:


Same game we are about 5-0 up the defender misjudged a GK, it bounced over his head, come over my shoulder and I hit it on the half volley exactly like Bellamy did against Villa st Sjp a few years back, but from about 20 yards. Smashed the underside of the crossbar, down and back up into the roof of the net. Take that you greasy wankers!

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Just earlier this season. We played a friendly match against a team on tour from Peru.


Picked the ball up inside my own half on the left, cut inside and beat two men. Carried the ball a bit further, beat another man and whacked it from about 40 yards out. Flew straight into the top corner. Absolute wonder goal.


Still don't know why I stuck it anyway. I can safely say that I'll never score one like it ever again, and i've got years and years of football ahead of me.


Great day, great occasion.

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I scored a true beaut when I was 18. I was playing as a striker and held the ball back to the goal, closely marked. I relayed it to one of the midfielders who then lofted it above the defence as I got behind them. However, the ball had too much power to it and was going for a goal kick when I jumped and scored from an overhead kick.


I remember landing awkwardly and hurting myself, but not f***ing caring. Will never forget that goal.

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Fuck this has stirred the memories again. There's nothing like scoring in a proper game. Urgh, man - if i ever stick one in for NOFC i'm gonna be beside myself, i'd fucking love it. I scored three in about six years of school footy so they really meant something at the time.

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Never scored in "proper" games though since I was a goalkeeper and only indulged the striker bug in games with friends. Well I actually started out as a forward when I was a kid but after an injury I moved to the goal until I regained fitness, and found out I was a much better goalie than forward.

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When I was 13 or 14 I scored from the angle Maicon had last night, closer to the sideline. Got a long through ball, goalie came out and try and beat me, got to it first and touched it by him, outbender right in. It was pretty beautiful.


Also scored a nice one recently indoors, had my back to the net, turned it back and put it as top corner as possible, it made me  :colo:

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This was only a couple of months back in a 5/6 a side in doors and I was walking towards my own goal with the ball with a defender in close company and I pulled off a cruyff turn and left him heading the opposite way then for some reason as I ran towards the next player I did a Zidane turn and as I completed the turn the ball rolled through the legs of the defender picked it up and slotted it in the bottom left where I got a round of applause off both teams.  :thup:

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This was only a couple of months back in a 5/6 a side in doors and I was walking towards my own goal with the ball with a defender in close company and I pulled off a cruyff turn and left him heading the opposite way then for some reason as I ran towards the next player I did a Zidane turn and as I completed the turn the ball rolled through the legs of the defender picked it up and slotted it in the bottom left where I got a round of applause off both teams.  :thup:


Round of applause's are great. When I scored my indoor one I didn't think much of it, I was scoring a few every game, then our whole bunch went insane and other players were shaking my hand and shit. It was pretty cool.

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I was the Emile Heskey of my team, so I didn't score much. Got a couple though, the best of which was from just outside the box to make it 4-4 (coming back from 4-1) on a muddy champions league final night (the liverpool - AC one). Happy memories.

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Guest firetotheworks

35 yards out, right side of the box, curled with the outside of my right foot into the top left hand corner. The crowd went wild.

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I was eight, playing up front for probably the first and last time in my life. I was closing the keeper down as he made a goalkick, and the ball flew straight into my face, gave me a nosebleed, and rolled into the net.


That's the story of one of the two goals I've scored in my entire life. The other one was a pen :lol:

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i remember once in a kick about, my mate's taller brother was in goal and was a couple of yards off his line, i chipped him from about 20 yards left footed. the ball cleared his hands as he jumped, hit the angle of the crossbar bounced back off the bar, hit him on the back of the head as he was landing and it went straight in the goal. i nearly died laughing  :laugh:

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Listen now, because this is complicated.


I was running towards goal to receive a pass. The ball was drilled in quite hard at me, and at about knee height. I stretched my right leg backwards, and took the ball on the volley with the outside of my right foot. It looped over my right shoulder and as the keeper came out, I feinted to take the ball past him on the half volley with the outside of my right foot. He moved to his left, and as the ball hit the ground, at the last second I switched the ball to the inside of my right, tapped it to my left foot and side footed it into the empty net in the same movement. Cue round of applause from both teams.


Absolutely true story. Replaying it in my head always cheers me up.

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5-a-side: Playing in the middle at the back, intercepted a pass for their CF in front of our D, two of their players closed me down, shifted it L-R-L to ghost between them while accelerating to full speed, beautiful body swerve to leave their CB on his arse and was heading towards the other D at pace on the right hand side. Problem is, my right foot is fucking dreadful. Rather than bury it, as the keeper came to narrow the angle I stepped over the ball and backheeled it right into the far corner. Mind, I did it when running close to full pelt. Keeper called me a fucking cunt.


...and you can score scorchers in 5-a-side. Was playing indoors in Falkirk with over-head-height allowed, I'd hit an ambitious shot from the left that their keeper held. He tried to release their RM by throwing it down the line but I'd got back up to cover. Jumped to intercept with my head and nodded it to our CF, who cushioned a volleyed pass down the left wing. I ran onto it and from halfway inside their half hit an absolute peach of a half volley that crashed into the far top corner. Still remember how sweetly I hit it now.

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I only ever used to score good goals, being a left back / left mid.  I once scored from inside my own half, a half volley that was pumped up to allow the striker to challenge the goalie, but the wind carried it over the keeper and into the net, from a full 60 yards.  Also scored a volley, Robert esque, a corner was headed straight out to me on the edge of the box and I smashed it straight down the middle of the goal over the keeper.  Not sure which was the best, but the second was definitely better skill.

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Last season, I scored our fifth in a 5-2 thumping of a title rival in the Intramural league (11aside, ovvo).


We'd already scored a screamer of a free-kick to equalise after going a goal behind in the first half; second half, we ran riot - I'd deliberately left four of our best players on the bench for the first half :aww: brought us all on at half-time.


Ball was played up to the striker just inside the area, he shuffled about and then laid the ball off to me at the edge of the box, instinctively I dinked the ball up, over the 2 defenders and the stranded keeper - who was only a couple of yards off his line - the ball brushed the face of the crossbar as it came down over the flailing hand of the keeper.


Did the whole Cantona pose (for THAT mackem goal) as it was pretty special.


It even surpassed my halfway line lob over the coach's head when doing NUFC trials at Darsley Park all those years ago...got voted goal of the day by the 'scouts' :D

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Guest Haris Vuckic

Cross came into the box about knee height I done a round the world with my left foot over the ball and then back heel volleyed it into the top corner with my right - in seven a side.


And I once scored from a corner!

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Picture the scene: a tiny village in rural France. There is a fete on the football ground with games, crafts, a tombola, music and booze. There is a penalty shootout competition. I step up as sole representative of this island and our fair city. I place the ball on the spot as the fat keeper from the village team hurls insults at me. I turn my back, walk three steps, spin 180 degrees and curl the ball into the top-right corner. England's pride is intact. Geordies are viewed in awe.


I played for the village team a bit later and they soon came to learn how shit I really am, but for a moment I was Alan Shearer, Gazza and Bobby Moore rolled into one.

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Guest firetotheworks

35 yards out, right side of the box, curled with the outside of my right foot into the top left hand corner. The crowd went wild.


Roberto Carlos posts here?


Hahaha, nah I wasnt that far wide, I was in equidistantly parallel :) of the penalty spot and the side of the box.

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