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The Liverpool Thread


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Guest antz1uk

Normally, I don't do the whole "supporters of club x are all y" thing. We're all fans, ultimately, and have more in common than divides us.


However, really, Liverpool's support at the match on Sunday was horrific.


I did a full circuit of the stadium before the match, and really, it was a vision of football hell. So many red foam hands, jester hats, f***ing half and half scarves, whole nervous looking families clad in replica shirts, grown adults looking like they'd been in a hurricane inside the club shop.


During the match I was bang on the halfway line in the middle, neutral level, and the lack of noise from them was almost total. Bar YNWA at the start (which got booed out, anyway) and an outburst of that horrible "Fields of Anfield Road" song after they scored, that was pretty much the lot.


I appreciate it's partly because they get to big matches far more often than we do, so maybe they're blase' about it, but really, it was absolutely shocking stuff.


I thought maybe I was being overly critical, so looked on RAWK and there's a thread there of them saying exactly the same thing. Their away support (which is similar when they come to VP) seems to be disproportionately made up of passive day trippers who have bought into the "brand", the result of which is that they manage to combine impressive numbers with truly poor noise.


I have little against Liverpool. I hated them winning everything in the 70s and 80s, yes, but I have way, way more distaste for Man United. What I don't get is how, when, say, Man United come and play us, their support seems to be made up mostly of Mancs, who make very good noise, yet when we play Liverpool, there's hardly a scouse accent amongst them? Do Liverpool have some strange ticket allocation system going on which makes this possible?


Before, during and after the match, we got chatting to some scouse Liverpool fans, who were, to a man, a good bunch, and after the match, really magnanimous in defeat, but coming home, I was thinking how I actually feel sorry for them.


That RAWK thread is really worth a read. I know Liverpool traditionally have a bit of antagonism between their regional support and the rest, and thought that Reclaim the Kop thing was cringemaking, but after Sunday, I am starting to understand the problem a bit more.


Love that  :lol:


But TBH when we got to wembley a few year ago the man u and arsenal fans were like that, it's just the norm to them, both times they'd won the cup and they trotted out of their at the end like it was just another standard match day, boiled my piss. however you may see it a bit different at the final, as sun was just the Semi, which in itself is something that has become depressing, I would love a trip to wembley, but for the right reasons, not to go for a semi, it takes it away from it too much



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I agree with you re the semis being at Wembley, but you soon forget about that when you're there.


re fans with a sense of entitlement, we played Man United in the carling cup final in 2010. We lost, and I shit you not, at most half of their fans bothered to stay for the cup presentation.



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Think Rodgers will be a viable option for you guys, come this summer.  :whistle:

Today the sad reality hit that he's likely to be a "winner without winning" type of manager. Moyes-esque.

Aston villa were made to look like prime Barcelona, whereas we played with so much fear and a non-existent game plan. 3rd big game bottled in space of less than a month. You can't expect to win trophies when you play players out of sentimentality in cup semis or refuse to adopt to to your ideals. Idealism is very dangerous.


You reminded me of us this season under Lambert.


Constant tactics fiddling, enough passing the ball around, zero purpose. Team didn't look like they knew what they were doing.


What on earth was Rodgers thinking bringing Rickie Lambert on on 91 minutes? You're losing, Brendan. You're wasting time, which is what we're supposed to be doing.


We played well, but I can honestly say I've seen us play better than that this season, and come away with less, and sometimes nothing.


Rodgers strikes me as an informed tactician, but one who doesn't really get how to make it work on the pitch, especially when the opposition aren't making it easy for you.


It's also worth noting that only QPR currently have more injured players than we do. We played on Sunday with a not very good right winger at right back and a really poor midfielder at left back. We also had our best defender this season - Clark who has improved out of all recognition this year - out, and also were without Agbonlahor, who, despite not being exactly prolific, usually does well for us in matches like this.


On top of that, we lost Baker in the first half, and had a 19 year old who had only started one game in his life playing.


I'm the most pessimistic Villa fan you'll find, but I genuinely didn't think we'd lose that game for a moment on Sunday.


Liverpool really need to be a bit worried.


We look devoid of identity because we chop and change formations 5 times a game. As a fan watching from a 150' projector at the pub, I was confused what's going on, let alone the players.


This whole pissing about at the back passing between centerbacks needs to stop. Center backs should be able to find midfield players in pockets of space to build up the play..the Lovren-Skrtel passes together achieves NOTHING except inviting pressing from opposition and us not finding a way through it due to lack of a proper holding midfielder, hence surrounding momentum and initiative to you. That's why we massively miss Sakho at the back when he doesn't play (And despite all the media-driven agenda crap, he's statistically by far our best forward passing defender as his 90% pass completion rate per game, with near 75% of his passes of the time find a midfielder rather than another defender).


Still zero excuse for that pathetic excuse that the whole team looked like they had had a collective wank before the game. Yet another big game of going to our shell and being outfought and losing 50/50s. Not marking the opponents obvious biggest threat (Something Mourinho did with Zouma on Fellaini, but we didn't do anything to stop Benteke) and more.


6 dead rubbers left, but 6 dead rubbers that could decide his faith IMO. If the team gives up on the league like they did with Kenny in 2012, I think his ass will be twitching come end of the season. He needs to keep them motivated and finish the season on a somewhat high spirits....still, my fear is if they sack him, they'd replace him with another inexperienced flavour of the month like Monk or Howe, as opposed to proven managers like Klopp or Rafa (Who'd give his left nut to comeback).


Time will tell. Meanwhile, good luck to you guys next month. Be nice to see you win it for Sherwood's celebration vine alone. :D

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:lol: Don't think it'll happen. Brendan Rodgers is the next coming, with his philosophy, playing the Liverpool Way, pass and move, not bothered about Suarez leaving, Balotelli a shrewd signing, don't want to your name in that envelope.


Yet you'd chew off your own arm to have him here.

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:lol: Don't think it'll happen. Brendan Rodgers is the next coming, with his philosophy, playing the Liverpool Way, pass and move, not bothered about Suarez leaving, Balotelli a shrewd signing, don't want to your name in that envelope.


Yet you'd chew off your own arm to have him here.


Totally irrelevant. Would I have him over Pardew and Carver? Definitely. But that's like saying I'd rather have a broken leg than AIDS.

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Hull charge Liverpool fans £50 for there game the other night meanwhile a few weeks ago

"Newcastle United supporters have reacted with outrage to Liverpool’s decision to charge visiting fans £52 for next month’s televised Anfield clash – and called for the Reds to reduce the price immediately".

feckin hypocrites

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Hull charge Liverpool fans £50 for there game the other night meanwhile a few weeks ago

"Newcastle United supporters have reacted with outrage to Liverpool’s decision to charge visiting fans £52 for next month’s televised Anfield clash – and called for the Reds to reduce the price immediately".

feckin hypocrites


Who are? The fans? There are plenty of legitimate reasons to think Liverpool fans are cunts, but I'm not sure they have a direct say in ticket pricing. :lol:

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Hull charge Liverpool fans £50 for there game the other night meanwhile a few weeks ago

"Newcastle United supporters have reacted with outrage to Liverpool’s decision to charge visiting fans £52 for next month’s televised Anfield clash – and called for the Reds to reduce the price immediately".

feckin hypocrites


Who are? The fans? There are plenty of legitimate reasons to think Liverpool fans are cunts, but I'm not sure they have a direct say in ticket pricing. :lol:

hate anything Liverpool tbh O0
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Guest Roger Kint

NUFC are still category A at Anfield for some fucking bizarre reason.

Because it's a garuanteed win with plenty of goals going in?


No doubt you will claim another hillarious joke here but jesus christ man :lol:

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TBF Liverpool fans are equally critical of their own club's pricing policy as they are of other clubs.


On the radio the other night there was a spokesman for the Spirit of Shankley group that were protesting about the prices for the Hull game who also criticised Liverpool for charging £52 for NUFC and said they did it purely because of the numbers we bring but that our fans had wised up to being exploited hence the smaller take up of tickets than in previous years.




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