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The Liverpool Thread


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That article is bang on the money.


Rodgers is completely deluded in his own way of thinking. This bit in particular tickled me:


"It is great for the public here at Sunderland to see us," he said after the game. "They must have been wondering what this team everyone is talking about are all about and now they have seen. We were wonderful. Our intention is always to pass teams to a standstill, but give credit to Sunderland, they defended ever so well when other teams might have wilted." Sunderland had just beaten Swansea 2-0.



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We on two - West Brom and Chelsea? Spurs doesn't count, surely.


Why on earth not? :lol:


First day of the season. They weren't top half.


Depends when you count it from I suppose. I assumed it meant on the day you played them.

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Sturridge does seem to have improved since last i saw him but honestly think shoving suarez out on the wing has somewhat neutered him. Man City were  a shambles and Liverpool's strength was operating between their lines but weren't clinical enough. Telling their two goals we're both pretty great goals, not standard ones.


Any functioning midfield is going to close down Gerrard and Liverpool's central midfield which isn't anything to shout about. It'll deny service to their forwards and if you pressure them high up they'll give you goals as their defence is nothing to shout about either. You allow them to pass it about a bunch for no good reason they'll probably score a few lovely goals mind.



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