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The Liverpool Thread


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A big club profiting from replacing an outdated manager with one who has a clear vision of passing and attacking football, keeping their very best players even if they want to leave and investing in the squad. Revolutionary stuff I guess.


We just can't expect to compete with sovereign states like Delaware.

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Despised Liverpool for years but can't help but admire them right now.


Got a manager in with the right philosophy, gave him time and let him get on with it and get them trying to play footy the way it should be played after the dross they were served up under Hodgson and Dalglish.  Got rid their record signing because he wouldn't fit into his system and brought in gems like Sturridge and Coutinho for roughly £10m each.  He's even turned Henderson into one of England's best midfielders.


Not really an achievement given he's an above average player in a good run of form. They need to improve on him and Lucas to regularly challenge for the title.

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A good run of form, what, all season?


If he continues to look the player he is, and likely improve more in time, they will have no reason to replace him.  Far worse CM's have played in title winning sides.  Lucas has all the ability, just too injury prone.

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The only way I can win this is if he turns out to be a serial killer.




That would be awesome.  The manager of one of the worlds biggest clubs is a serial killer, hidden in plain sight.  :lol:


Who would be rogers murder victims tho, what kind of person would he kill?

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Whoever's name is in the envelope.




There's three.


I don't know who's in the envelope but Brendan has come down a cup size or two since that picture.  Is he wearing a wonderbra?

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Whoever's name is in the envelope.




There's three.


I don't know who's in the envelope but Brendan has come down a cup size or two since that picture.  Is he wearing a wonderbra?


Obviously feeling randy by the thought of molesting his secret victims post mortem.

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How they are only 1 point ahead of Spurs, I don't know.


3 points to be fair, and 4 if you count the GD.


Having said that, please twat those jammy fuckers on Wednesday, I hate the sight of them. Have to admire their resilience away from home though. That's what has kept them in it.

It's a nuisance to see them behind but their March is Chelsea (A), Arsenal (H), Saints (H), and Liverpool (A), and I am confident we'll beat them at Anfield.

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