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The other games today - 2010/11


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I think we'll get 10th tbh, I realy cannot see us not beating West Brom (it should be a home send off at SJP) and City should at least get a draw with Bolton.


And aye, i'd be chuffed with a top half finish, honestly would have never expected it at the start of the season

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Going to be loads of Millwall fans in the mackems end at West Ham tomorrow apparently. Should be fun.


What, because West Ham are being relegated to a level they've firmly been in, or below, for years? They almost make the mackems look like intelligent, upstanding citizens. :lol:

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Pep's really going to town on resting his players.


Barcelona line-up (official): Pinto - Adriano Bartra Abidal Maxwell - SergiRoberto Fontas Thiago - Jeffren Bojan Afellay

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