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Hatem Ben Arfa

Guest sicko2ndbest

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We don't have two wingers getting crosses in though, we have Guti's whose going to try and pass to the feet of players from edge of box, and Obertain whose...not going to do anything. Barfa sitting between defense and midfield will pull a defender further up the pitch and expose the box more, leaving room for Ba.


Not that I disagree entirely, there are games where you want to pack the box, and have two strikers there, but a lot of defences are pretty canny against crosses, players operating between the lines is arguably harder to deal with. Think he'll be alright on wing but doubt he's going to lob in many crosses really.

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Well I'm going to remain on the unconvinced list that  it is a better style of play until I see it.


If we are going to have two wingers getting crosses in, do we not want to strikers getting on the end of them?



we dont play like this, at all

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He will become our best player in time, but that time doesn't have to be right now. We're playing well, the players in the XI have pretty much all performed, HBA is getting back to full sharpness. No problem, just ease him in slowly.



Yep. If we play like we did against Spurs, i'm sure Best/Ba will score and we should win. That's the most important thing. HBA will have to wait. I definitely wouldn't drop the strikers and i'm 95% sure Pardew won't either.


Only players that deserve to be dropped are Simo and Obertan.

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Well I'm going to remain on the unconvinced list that  it is a better style of play until I see it.


If we are going to have two wingers getting crosses in, do we not want to strikers getting on the end of them?



we dont play like this, at all




Did Jonas not cross for a striker on Sunday......who scored.

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I wonder if we see how keen this lad is by his insistence on playing for the reserves this week and getting a few 90 minute games under his belt like Marveaux did.


He's not playing for them today. He'll play a bigger role against Wigan.

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Well I'm going to remain on the unconvinced list that  it is a better style of play until I see it.


If we are going to have two wingers getting crosses in, do we not want to strikers getting on the end of them?



we dont play like this, at all




Did Jonas not cross for a striker on Sunday......who scored.


I think he meant balls from outwide high into the box, rather than a short ball to a player from already inside the box. in the 4-2-3-1 with HBA playing behind lone striker, there's obviously less ability to get heads to long balls, but with both wingers essentially trying to get into the box rather than to the corner having HBA behind striker makes sense as that creates space if a centreback tracks forwards...


While 2 strikers is working thouch understand not changing it, but do think we should rotate systems. I think Barfa behind Ba would terrorise the Wigan defence this weekend, doubt they'd know what to do.

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He will become our best player in time


I wouldn't jump to that conclusion. Cabaye and Colocinni are better players in their positions, imo.


Yeah, maybe, not worried anyway, I just meant that in time he would become an excellent player for us and arguably our most exciting.

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He will become our best player in time


I wouldn't jump to that conclusion. Cabaye and Colocinni are better players in their positions, imo.


Yeah, maybe, not worried anyway, I just meant that in time he would become an excellent player for us and arguably our most exciting.


Agree with that. He's the kind of player that will excite the masses. I just hope for all his wankery he has consistent end product - something he has thus far lacked at the highest level.

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Are some people in here kidding me ??? not starting Arfa against Wigan...wtf


I'll be honest like, I'm not sure if he's done enough in his cameos to warrant a start yet. We still need to make sure we put our strongest possible team out on Saturday, and it's not really up to us to decide whether that includes Ben Arfa yet. Certainly he needs a bigger role this weekend (maybe 30 mins), but I'm not sure about starting him.


Done enough? How can you require someone to do anything in 10-15 minutes of play? If you see it like that than Shola has to start on Saturday since his cameo on Sunday was better than what both our strikers did.


Ben Arfa has to start, he has the most talent of the lot in our squad and there ain't a better match than against Wigan at home to build up his confidence. You could always take him off if he has a really bad game or gets really tired. But he HAS to start.

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Can't remember if it was before or after Shola scored, but there was some good wing play by Shola which led to someone putting a ball in the box which beat the Spurs defence and Friedel, but Ben Arfa was too far under the ball. I would have fancied Ba Best or Shola for that and it shows the one folly of having Ben Arfa in the hole.

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Well I'm going to remain on the unconvinced list that  it is a better style of play until I see it.


If we are going to have two wingers getting crosses in, do we not want to strikers getting on the end of them?



we dont play like this, at all




Did Jonas not cross for a striker on Sunday......who scored.


yeah, that doesnt translate to an intentional and constant method of play though. howay man :lol:

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Well I'm going to remain on the unconvinced list that  it is a better style of play until I see it.


If we are going to have two wingers getting crosses in, do we not want to strikers getting on the end of them?


What happens when Maiga comes? I wonder if Pardew does see Ben Arfa as part of his long term plans. (I know that will sound stupid to most).


Maybe him and cabaye will work wonders with each other or maybe they will get in each others way.


As I said, not convinced yet.


Not convinced with what? With time, Ben Arfa will be a regular. Simple as that.




I'm confident the lad will add an extra dimension to our play, no doubt.

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