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Cheick Tioté (1986-2017)


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Guest ykmkmdd

Personally I think this spell out makes it less likely he'll leave in January, if for example he played tomorrow against Chelsea and had an absolute stormer the rumours would go into overdrive, but hopefully it will be out of sight, out of mind.....

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I'm actually quite pissed with this situation and it has nothing to do with speculative rumors. I hate it when we are unable to be even reasonably accurate with injury comebacks. I get the whole nobody knows with injury and return dates sometime moves depending on pace of recovery but with us, its always, "he'll play next week" (with some confidence), then when next week comes, "oops sorry he is not ready yet". It's taking the piss and feels like being stringed along, basically Pardew is doing an Enrique to us. If we are not sure on recovery dates, I'd rather Pardew just come out and declare that "Tiote has a bad injury and recovery takes time, at this moment we can't give any range of dates for his comeback" the the whole "he is close to comeback" bullshit!

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I don't really understand the difference between "he's got a nagging injury so won't be fit for Chelsea" and "we don't know when he'll be back". Either way he misses the game. People need to chillax.


You're right, there's not much difference except that the statement you just quoted wasn't what was told to us last week or the week before that...etc. It's always he's close to a come back, a come back that has been continuously deferred for quite a few times already.

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I don't really understand the difference between "he's got a nagging injury so won't be fit for Chelsea" and "we don't know when he'll be back". Either way he misses the game. People need to chillax.


You're right, there's not much difference except that the statement you just quoted wasn't what was told to us last week or the week before that...etc. It's always he's close to a come back, a come back that has been continuously deferred for quite a few times already.


There's clearly parallels with what Pardew was saying about HBA at the end of last season. With that in mind it could just be Pardew keeping Tiote's spirits up while he's trying to get over a very frustrating injury. Ligaments are a bugger,you simply don't know when they're fixed until you actually test them in a match,it's different to a broken bone.

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ALAN PARDEW has revealed that he is to blame for conspiracy theories surrounding Cheick Tiote’s continued absence from the Newcastle United first-team picture.


The Ivory Coast midfielder has not been seen in action since October when a knee injury resulted in his omission from the starting XI.


Many of the United faithful are growing concerned that Tiote is being primed for a January exit with Chelsea, Manchester City and Manchester United all linked with interest in the African star.


Tiote’s knee problem will definitely rule him out of the clash with Chelsea, while Pardew refused to confirm his participation at Norwich City in eight days’ time.


However, responding to fans’ fears that Tiote’s injury is linked with a transfer window exit in January, Pardew told the Chronicle: “I want to apologise to them. That’s my fault, in a way.


“It’s a niggling injury. He hasn’t had a setback. It’s not his groin, and there’s nothing else going on.”


Tiote has made a slow start to the season following his superb introduction to life in the Premier League.


And giving a further insight on Tiote’s injury, Pardew said: “It’s still his knee, but it’s taking longer than we had hoped.


“I said he would play this week, and he’s not going to play, so I’m not going to say he’s going to play at Norwich.”


There is every chance that Tiote could be missing for a further period, with Danny Guthrie and Yohan Cabaye currently occupying the two engine room slots.


Pardew said: “It’s going to take a while.


“Cheick’s a bit down about it. He’s desperate to play as he’s missed three big games.


“We’ve got to manage Cheick and get him back to his best as quick as we can.


“He’s a very important player.”



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Is anyone genuinely suggesting we aren't playing him so we can sell him? :lol:


I hope not, but I wouldn't be surprised.


I reckon there's an appearance clause fee in the deal with Twente tbh. Not like it hasn't happened before. :thup:

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If fit .. I would be tempted to throw him in at centreback for the next coupl of games. Guthrie and Cabaye is working well enough and I think Tiote could do a very good job there.


Think he would be wasted there and also not sure he has the discipline to play there - not one for staying on his feet for example. I think he'd be much more of an asset to us doing what he does best than trying to shoehorn him into a position that is not natural for him.

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Tiote is like a midget. No way he plays CB and definitely not alongside Perch.


We're not Barcelona who keeps possession for 88minutes of the game.

Simpson is even smaller..

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Tiote is like a midget. No way he plays CB and definitely not alongside Perch.


We're not Barcelona who keeps possession for 88minutes of the game.


He's about 5ft 10"-11"  :lol: still, I agree about putting him at centre back, mad idea.

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Tiote is like a midget. No way he plays CB and definitely not alongside Perch.


We're not Barcelona who keeps possession for 88minutes of the game.


He's about 5ft 10"-11"  :lol: still, I agree about putting him at centre back, mad idea.


That's shorter than me. MIDGET

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