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Cheick Tioté (1986-2017)


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I'm actually embarrassed by him these days. I've gone from being just about his biggest fan to literally embarrassed. It doesn't get any lower than that for me, the guy should be ashamed of himself for his performances this season and i can't wait for him to piss off to the ACoN.

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He has lost his ability to break up play as well really, last few times he's actually been a hindrance to the team.


He hasn't like, he's still been doing that side of the game to a fairly impressive degree.


He was bad tonight in most aspects, though, and he has had numerous absolutely dogshit moments in games since the season began.


He's misplacing too many simple passes/losing the ball and then losing his head far too frequently, basically.

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What the hell happened? All I can say, Bigi has been twice the player he has been this season in all honesty.

on the ball yes, off the ball no. that role is as much what you do when they have the ball.
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Any idea who the new scapegoat will be when Tiote goes to the ACON?


It'll be back to being Jonas despite us being arguably even more disgustingly shit since he's been injured, certainly defensively.


Basically it's anyone Ronaldo can point his finger at just so he doesn't have to blame the utter turd of a manager that he's put all his money on.

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Or a midfielder that couldn't get into the first team in the Dutch league, had one very good season with us and has since hovered between being average and a liability?


Not rocket science, like. I can find plenty of posts where I've said that Tiote isn't the right player for this team before this season, for the record. Same with Jonas.

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Or a midfielder that couldn't get into the first team in the Dutch league, had one very good season with us and has since hovered between being average and a liability?


Not rocket science, like. I can find plenty of posts where I've said that Tiote isn't the right player for this team before this season, for the record. Same with Jonas.


Piss off man. All the players you reckon aren't good enough are being priced at least twice their worth since they've been signed. Let's see some club activate the release clause to sign Pardew as a manager if he's as good as you seem to think he is.

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Think he's just given the most downhearted interview I've ever seen from any player on NUFC TV :anguish:


Some bits of slight interest:


"When you do some mistake, they take that and then they score. I think that's the problem at the moment. We give them one free-kick and they have a chance and they score. The second goal I think we lost the ball at the front, on the right-hand side I think it was. At the moment it is so difficult for the team.


"We had a great season last year and this year is completely different.


"It's not like last year because I think we lost too many players and I've got sometimes injured and suspended. I'm not in a good way (form-wise), but I do my best. I try to do my best against every team. Some seasons are like this, I'm still the same and when I'm on the pitch I work for the team and everyone wants to win games.


"That's football (Demba leaving), if you play with someone and he scores every game you expect him to move. So that's happened to Demba, but I'm happy for him because I think he deserves to go to a top club. Now we have to focus on us.


"I think it's good news for the team (Debuchy arriving) and for the fans also. Mathieu Debuchy is a great player and I think he is gonna be a boost for the team. I hope we will see some (more) players (arriving)."

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Or a midfielder that couldn't get into the first team in the Dutch league, had one very good season with us and has since hovered between being average and a liability?


Not rocket science, like. I can find plenty of posts where I've said that Tiote isn't the right player for this team before this season, for the record. Same with Jonas.


p*ss off man. All the players you reckon aren't good enough are being priced at least twice their worth since they've been signed. Let's see some club activate the release clause to sign Pardew as a manager if he's as good as you seem to think he is.


Aye, right. We've clearly had loads of offers for Tiote and Jonas.


We buy bargains and rubbish that nobody else wants, with a handful of exceptions. Pardew is the managerial equivalent, for the record.

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