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Shola Ameobi


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:lol: I'm actually dumbfounded by this.


He currently has Dwight Gayle, Glenn Murray, Marouane Chamakh and Yaya Sanogo, and he has used the clubs money to sign Shola Ameobi.


If there was any doubt that Pardew would have signed absolute shit for us if he was ever given a chance to bring in players, well that doubt must be eradicated now. He's absolutely mental.


And what does this say about Shola? You see guys like Heskey and Eidur starting games for Championship teams, and there is no doubt Shola would get the chance from someone in that league to lead their line.


Honestly, the guy seems work shy. He's gone his whole career without ever taking the responsibility on his shoulders as the main man, and he could have got the opportunity to do so, because he's talented enough, or he at least used to be.


Not good enough Shola. Absolute rubbish.

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Pards and Shola against us next month could be embarrassing.


Aye, people are laughing now but they f***ing won't be when inevitably he scores past us, they win and they go above us.


Thanks a f***ing lot Ashley, you c***.

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Had Pardew stayed here no doubt he'd have been banging on Charnley's door to resign Shola  :jones:


He already was.  There was talk of him pushing for a new contract for him before he went off to the Turkish 2nd division :lol:

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Aye he clearly wanted him to stay like and luckily for us they didn't listen.  But imagine Pardew had stayed, Shola came back from Turkey and Pardew had kept at it "he's free, willing to play for lower wages than before, we've lost Cisse to the cup of nations we need a striker!" and they eventually allowed it?  Can you imagine re-signing Shola?, then he starts the next game ahead of Perez?  That would surely have been the end for some people, suicides across the region.


Shouldn't even think about the possibility, sends shivers down my spine.  But at least it can never ever happen now :smug:

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Don't be ridiculous as if he is going to turn down this chance.


He clearly hadn't lost the players given how much they battled back from losing positions to save his job.

The chance to play for the mighty Crystal Palace and be coached once again by the biggest cunt to have ever managed NUFC? I'd rather retire thank than having to work with Pardew for one more day.

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This hasn't actually been confirmed by anyone other than @MR_LWMedia ?


I refuse to mock until I see that it's 100% done.


Sky Sports News HQ‏@SkySportsNewsHQ·9m9 minutes ago

Crystal Palace sign former Newcastle striker Shola Ameobi on contract to end of the season #SSNHQ

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Guest firetotheworks









He won't start like. It'll be fucking hilarious when he takes off Bolasie for him and you hear the grip from the penny being released. :lol: It'll take a while to drop though.

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