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Realistic Transfer Targets January 2011

Guest koenji

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Can we please have a good, solid, replacement for Jonas. We should keep him, cause' he's funny and stuff, but we need someone who can cross and create chances.



When's Benny back?


out of all the positions that need looked at, you choose to spend money to replace Jonas? Fucking Hell.

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Anderson as an offensive midfielder would bring a lot to our game if he goes back to how he played outsie of England. However if he plays like Sir Alex has changed him into I would rather not go for him.


And we have no time it trying to make him settle into an offensive minded player again. So no thank you!

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Guest Heneage

Can't find anywhere reporting that he's been released?


Seems Hagi is on a roll, he intends to send back Insua to Liverpool because no team needs loan players. He has also said Kewell's best days are behind him and he is concerned with several players attitudes.

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Havent seen to much of Anderson the two last years,remember a friend of mine who is a man utd supporter rated him 2-3 years ago but now he says he is shite. It might be the right move for Newcastle to bring in Anderson and give him back his confidence. But its up to CH to judge if he needs him..


imo we should look at Annan at Rosenborg as a cover for Tiote, just got voted as the best player in the Norwegian League. He also has one year left of his contract and has also said that he is ready to leave the norwegian league for a bigger one.

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