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Chris Hughton


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Please for him, one of my favourite manager and person


That said, he was sacked not because of squad performance, but because of his relationship with those "senior" players e.g. Nolan and Barton. You have to admit that without that sacking the clearing process wouldn't be that smooth out. CH relies a huge lot on them to bounce back up from Championship and I do understand why Ashley did that, which is a great gamble which actually "worked" unti this summer.


Every manager has those. For Pardew, it seems to be Jonas.


I agree. But what I mean is Ashley and Llambias probably had an agenda to sell Nolan and Barton even before the sales of Carroll, and the sacking of CH was just the beginning of the clear up.



On the other hand, Jonas is a more complicated problem. You need to consider Colo's reaction as well. I am all for dropping him from the starting 11 but selling Jonas might have negative effects on Colo, which we can't bear the consequence at this moment.

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Far to early to say whether hughton is vastly superior or not. Fact of the matter is we're doing far worse than should be under Pardew; though all this ultimately highlights is the completely shambolic approach our owners have to running every aspect of this club, respect for the clubs fans, heritage, progress and ambition. 5th may have been flattering and there are those who will no doubt accuse us of 'expectation', however we cannot and will never progress under this regime. I'm certain of that now.


Whatever my opinion of Pardew tactically, the way he was brought in and the lack of investment since are abysmal and his hands are tied to a degree. These 'aggressive' people have no forethought for this football club beyond the profits they see the likes of the top 4 are making. They know that the decent, little folk'll pay their dinner money no matter what and come what may and this club is being stagnated as a result of it all.




Surely we have seen financial progression under this lot? If nothing else....

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Far to early to say whether hughton is vastly superior or not. Fact of the matter is we're doing far worse than should be under Pardew; though all this ultimately highlights is the completely shambolic approach our owners have to running every aspect of this club, respect for the clubs fans, heritage, progress and ambition. 5th may have been flattering and there are those who will no doubt accuse us of 'expectation', however we cannot and will never progress under this regime. I'm certain of that now.


Whatever my opinion of Pardew tactically, the way he was brought in and the lack of investment since are abysmal and his hands are tied to a degree. These 'aggressive' people have no forethought for this football club beyond the profits they see the likes of the top 4 are making. They know that the decent, little folk'll pay their dinner money no matter what and come what may and this club is being stagnated as a result of it all.




Surely we have seen financial progression under this lot? If nothing else....


They say we haven't.

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  • 5 months later...

Bit different when opponents don't bother turning up, like. Still, no defence for how crap we've been against City in recent years.


Manager-less opponents at that. Not that I'm taking away from Chris' success. He did a phenomenal job to get his team where they are. We've phenomenally under achieved this season.

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I don't know what it was that persuaded Mike to sack Hughton, maybe he was a pushover behind the scenes and the players took advantage. But to see that squad finish ahead of ours is a massive indictment of the board's judgement. Keeping that Norwich side up was no mean feat, and I've no doubt he's a far superior manager to the clueless twat we have replaced him with.

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Bit different when opponents don't bother turning up, like. Still, no defence for how crap we've been against City in recent years.

So bitter.



About what?


Chris Hughton not failing in management.

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The same Chris Hughton who I defended on here when he was made permanent manager and again when he was sacked?


I've nowt against him other than the fact I don't rate him as a manager.

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The same Chris Hughton who I defended on here when he was made permanent manager and again when he was sacked?


I've nowt against him other than the fact I don't rate him as a manager.


Better than Carlo Ancelotti



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  • 2 weeks later...

11. Norwich City FC - 44 points - Chris Hughton


16. Newcastle Utd - 41 points - Alan Pardew


Then lets add up how many international caps each team's starting eleven has and weight it by the country's FIFA ranking (lol).


Seemed a shocking decision at the time, and with hindsight is still shocking to me right now. He may not be a world beater but he's better than what we have now.



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