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Chris Hughton


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Who's using that period? Hughton has a set of Championship players two points off 4th. He's one of the best managers in the league, or soon will be anyway as he continues to progress.


Simply far superior to the likes of Martinez and Rodgers, they're too one dimensional while Hughton is tactically excellent and can mix it up depending on his players. Only a matter of time before Spurs bin Villas Boas and give it to Hughton.


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Since the two managers are being inevitably compared, ask yourself whether Pardew would have that Norwich team playing the football they are now. My answer to that is  definitely not.


Would Hughton have had Newcastle United finishing fifth last season?


Both hypotheticals are impossible to prove.


Can't answer a question with a question man, that's cheating!  O0

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Who's using that period? Hughton has a set of Championship players two points off 4th.


Yet it's basically the same group of players - or replacements at a similar level, minus Cabaye - you were expecting a 5th place finish from.



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Who's using that period? Hughton has a set of Championship players two points off 4th.


Yet it's basically the same group of players - or replacements at a similar level, minus Cabaye - you were expecting a 5th place finish from.


What the hell are you waffling on about?


Is this you still attempting to claim Pardew is a better manager? You've made yourself look bloody stupid man, give it up.

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“Chris Hughton would never have taken us where we want to be.  “That’s my decision by the way.” 


“Chris can’t make decisions. If I am asking about a player, Ben Arfa? he says ‘I’m not sure, blah blah blah’.”  “With Chris, he couldn’t cope with where we are ­mentally. We are ­aggressive.” 


“You need to be aggressive. I don’t want a manager below me who can’t argue.”  “You guys don’t ­understand how f****** ­horrible we can be.”




Lest we forget. He's mentioned "being capable of arguing with me/us" as a vital part of the job a few times. What a chairman (I don't actually know what his title is)

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Guest neesy111

“Chris Hughton would never have taken us where we want to be.  “That’s my decision by the way.” 


“Chris can’t make decisions. If I am asking about a player, Ben Arfa? he says ‘I’m not sure, blah blah blah’.”  “With Chris, he couldn’t cope with where we are ­mentally. We are ­aggressive.” 


“You need to be aggressive. I don’t want a manager below me who can’t argue.”  “You guys don’t ­understand how f****** ­horrible we can be.”




Lest we forget. He's mentioned "being capable of arguing with me/us" as a vital part of the job a few times. What a chairman (I don't actually know what his title is)


I've never seen those quotes before where are they from?

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Way to avoid explaining yet another double standard. :thup:


You're the one who repeatedly makes yourself look stupid man, coming out with stuff everyone knows you wouldn't dare utter in person.




To be fair to Wullie, I don't have a clue what you're on about.

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In a short space of time, Hughton has certainly learned a lot and has developed into a respectable manager. He rallied us back up to the PL, did a great job at Birmingham (considering their situation when he was appointed manager) and now he's doing a good job at Norwich. Brilliant bloke too so I wish him all the best.


It has to be said that his sacking to this day was unjustified and pretty much uncalled for. He was completely mistreated by Ashley/Llambias, he didn't really do anything wrong, he just got on with the job. He didn't say a single bad thing about the club when he did get sacked too and that again just demonstrated his brilliant demeanour.


Now, we will simply never know how he would have got on if he was still in the NUFC job today. Sure, his achievements at Norwich so far could be an indication of what he could/would have done here but there's no point in dwelling/thinking about it - it will just make things worse than they should be and then you'll ultimately become frustrated. I just don't see why people are going on and saying "Hughton would have done this/that and is better than Pardew etc." - it's a waste of energy. What's done is done (and one which I didn't agree with) so we have to move on. We've got Pardew now and that's the man we should be concentrating our praise/criticism on in terms of what's happening on the pitch - there's no point in bringing Hughton into it all (again).


FWIW, I'm still content in having Pardew as manager - his acheivements from last season has earned him his right to be given the chance to try and turn it around and recent signs suggest that he's slowly but surely getting the formula right...

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Pleased for Hughton - had my doubts that he would ever be a really top manager, but he didn't deserve to be fired when he was....people on here keep claiming that Pardew needs 'more time, finished 5th last time'..blah blah, but they forget that Hughton brought us straight back up and we were in a respectable position in December...has Pardew got the club into a respectable position this December, 2 years after he joined ?


Not sure whether Hughton will do really great things with Norwich but they certainly won't have any complaints about him right now and they are a club with far lower expectations that NUFC should have so if they finish top 10 they will be delighted.


How many on here would be gloating about Hughton if Norwich were now in our position ? Seems to me its the Norwich fans who should be laughing...

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Please for him, one of my favourite manager and person


That said, he was sacked not because of squad performance, but because of his relationship with those "senior" players e.g. Nolan and Barton. You have to admit that without that sacking the clearing process wouldn't be that smooth out. CH relies a huge lot on them to bounce back up from Championship and I do understand why Ashley did that, which is a great gamble which actually "worked" unti this summer.

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Please for him, one of my favourite manager and person


That said, he was sacked not because of squad performance, but because of his relationship with those "senior" players e.g. Nolan and Barton. You have to admit that without that sacking the clearing process wouldn't be that smooth out. CH relies a huge lot on them to bounce back up from Championship and I do understand why Ashley did that, which is a great gamble which actually "worked" unti this summer.


Every manager has those. For Pardew, it seems to be Jonas.

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Far to early to say whether hughton is vastly superior or not. Fact of the matter is we're doing far worse than should be under Pardew; though all this ultimately highlights is the completely shambolic approach our owners have to running every aspect of this club, respect for the clubs fans, heritage, progress and ambition. 5th may have been flattering and there are those who will no doubt accuse us of 'expectation', however we cannot and will never progress under this regime. I'm certain of that now.


Whatever my opinion of Pardew tactically, the way he was brought in and the lack of investment since are abysmal and his hands are tied to a degree. These 'aggressive' people have no forethought for this football club beyond the profits they see the likes of the top 4 are making. They know that the decent, little folk'll pay their dinner money no matter what and come what may and this club is being stagnated as a result of it all.

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