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Alan Pardew


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About to be a bit controversial here, so bare with me.


Firstly, I think Ashley was mental to sack Hughton. It stinks of his face not fitting, and I honestly think he's treating the club like an extension of his favourite casino. It is pathetic, pathetic behaviour.


To sack Hughton and replace him with a manager who is, at best, of the same level, and introduce needless uncertainty and instability at a time when you're doing OK is just ridiculous.


BUT having said that - and this is the important bit - if you accept that he's replaced him with a manager of that level, is Pardew really that bad? Personally, I'd rather have him than Curbishley, for example.  Or Sven, probably. Or David O'Leary - absolutely no doubt whatsoever on that front.


Just a thought.


What if you think he's worse than Hughton?


Good question.


Is he worse than, say, David O'Leary?

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About to be a bit controversial here, so bare with me.


Firstly, I think Ashley was mental to sack Hughton. It stinks of his face not fitting, and I honestly think he's treating the club like an extension of his favourite casino. It is pathetic, pathetic behaviour.


To sack Hughton and replace him with a manager who is, at best, of the same level, and introduce needless uncertainty and instability at a time when you're doing OK is just ridiculous.


BUT having said that - and this is the important bit - if you accept that he's replaced him with a manager of that level, is Pardew really that bad? Personally, I'd rather have him than Curbishley, for example.  Or Sven, probably. Or David O'Leary - absolutely no doubt whatsoever on that front.


Just a thought.


What if you think he's worse than Hughton?


Good question.


Is he worse than, say, David O'Leary?


No. But he's also not worse than Thomas the tank engine either.

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About to be a bit controversial here, so bare with me.


Firstly, I think Ashley was mental to sack Hughton. It stinks of his face not fitting, and I honestly think he's treating the club like an extension of his favourite casino. It is pathetic, pathetic behaviour.


To sack Hughton and replace him with a manager who is, at best, of the same level, and introduce needless uncertainty and instability at a time when you're doing OK is just ridiculous.


BUT having said that - and this is the important bit - if you accept that he's replaced him with a manager of that level, is Pardew really that bad? Personally, I'd rather have him than Curbishley, for example.  Or Sven, probably. Or David O'Leary - absolutely no doubt whatsoever on that front.


Just a thought.


I was stunned at first and quite underwhelmed, but hugely relieved that it wasn't Kinnear again or O'Leary who is supposedly another pal of Llambias. Would have had Sven though!

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About to be a bit controversial here, so bare with me.


Firstly, I think Ashley was mental to sack Hughton. It stinks of his face not fitting, and I honestly think he's treating the club like an extension of his favourite casino. It is pathetic, pathetic behaviour.


To sack Hughton and replace him with a manager who is, at best, of the same level, and introduce needless uncertainty and instability at a time when you're doing OK is just ridiculous.


BUT having said that - and this is the important bit - if you accept that he's replaced him with a manager of that level, is Pardew really that bad? Personally, I'd rather have him than Curbishley, for example.  Or Sven, probably. Or David O'Leary - absolutely no doubt whatsoever on that front.


Just a thought.


What if you think he's worse than Hughton?


Good question.


Is he worse than, say, David O'Leary?


No. But he's also not worse than Thomas the tank engine either.


Ah, but Thomas the Tank Engine did some good work with Lokomotiv Leipzig.

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I could just about get my head around sacking Hughton for Jol or O'Neill, but to just put your mate in charge (who has never proven that he's anything other than average) - and on a 5 AND A HALF YEAR DEAL - it's just dispicable!!!


To be honest, even if there had been no other issues (money, control), I doubt MON would have gone to you having seen Ashley treat Hughton like that, and Jol's agent actually said that was the case, didn't he?


It's a mess, but the unbelievable thing is that it is all so avoidable.

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Guest Roger Kint

Dont forget thats FIVE AND A HALF MORE YEARS of Mike Ashley too for all those who think a few nasty songs will teach him to get out of our club.



100% my last season ticket until he is gone now, thats a pisstake and then some there. Could well be finished after Saturday if i am honest :weep:

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