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Alan Pardew


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Dont really dislike him tbh. despite fully expecting to. Really think its about time we tried giving a manager a full window- followed by a whole season in charge.


edit- when was the last time we finished a prem season with the manager that started it?




so was that 7 years ago?


its just this crazy idea I had about trying.

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tbf, Roeder did miss out by about four days :lol:



:lol: fk completely forgot about him, one of my fav club captains from my youth anarl.



but the point stands up cos he got us to 7th.

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Dont really dislike him tbh. despite fully expecting to. Really think its about time we tried giving a manager a full window- followed by a whole season in charge.


edit- when was the last time we finished a prem season with the manager that started it?


If West Ham had given Pardew the full season during 2006-07 they would have probably been relegated.

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Dont really dislike him tbh. despite fully expecting to. Really think its about time we tried giving a manager a full window- followed by a whole season in charge.


edit- when was the last time we finished a prem season with the manager that started it?


If West Ham had given Pardew the full season during 2006-07 they would have probably been relegated.



ok- sack the bastard.

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You can throw stats round all day long, none of it means that much unless you are looking at a long stint and we aren't yet. I've said it before but it all comes down to a judgement call at this stage - and I think he's alright. 

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See, I think win% is a useful tool to compare managers but only over the long term.


I think it's questionable at best and intellectually dishonest at worst when comparing managers on half (or less) seasons.  I mean, I'm not willing to state for the record Allardyce is a better manager than Keegan, due to KKs win % in 07-08 after taking over being 23.5% and Fat Sam's being 33%.  Oh and Pardew's is higher than 23.5% too, so I guess he's better than KK?  Doesn't make much sense to base opinions on small samples like that. 


Points per game is a much better metric - again over time - because it's trivial to construct scenarios where you're worse off with a higher win % (e.g.  -5W0D33L would get you relegated, 4W34D0L would see you comfortable most seasons) but impossible to construct one where a higher points tally over time is worse. 


Allardyce is still "ahead" in both measurements but I think over time Pardew will pass him. 


Keegan had a win percentage of 28.57 second time round.  I agree that you can get a better idea of how somebody is doing over a longer period and that points per game is better than win percentage,  The only problem with points per game, it doesn't seem to be shown anywhere so historically it's almost impossible to compare on that basis.


He took a squad that was rock bottom in confidence half way through a season and eventually got them playing pretty damn good. Had he stayed on longer and not been dicked about by Ashley I reckon we would be in/around Europa now.. easily.. Just my opinion like  :shifty:

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He took a squad that was rock bottom in confidence half way through a season and eventually got them playing pretty damn good. Had he stayed on longer and not been dicked about by Ashley I reckon we would be in/around Europa now.. easily.. Just my opinion like  :shifty:


Just your opinion indeed! Relegation was a blessing in disguise no doubt about it. Just look at our finances now and think about what would have happened if KK was still in charge knowing his willingness to spend way too much on average players. Hughton did an awesome job in the transfer market and I can't recall one bad deal(apart from Sol Campbell) in his era. Pardew has a whole lot to prove in the summer as his dealings doesn't seem very impressive so far(well...both two of his signings Kuqi and Ireland have been more or less dissappointments, HBA was CH's deal IMO). Loaning out our youngsters is one thing which has improved as they won't get ready for the challenge by playing against youth teams.

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imo it's too negative to aim for just a draw against Blackpool, which obviously we have the abilities to get all the 3 points.


Though I understand that if we lose the match we are in real trouble and the 1 point we gained is probably just enough for staying in EPL.  That's the experience we hope for.

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Guest BooBoo

I don't think we aimed for the draw. It was more the case that none of our attacking players played well and we witnessed one of Ameobi's most dismal performances of the season.

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He took a squad that was rock bottom in confidence half way through a season and eventually got them playing pretty damn good. Had he stayed on longer and not been dicked about by Ashley I reckon we would be in/around Europa now.. easily.. Just my opinion like  :shifty:


Just your opinion indeed! Relegation was a blessing in disguise no doubt about it. Just look at our finances now and think about what would have happened if KK was still in charge knowing his willingness to spend way too much on average players. Hughton did an awesome job in the transfer market and I can't recall one bad deal(apart from Sol Campbell) in his era. Pardew has a whole lot to prove in the summer as his dealings doesn't seem very impressive so far(well...both two of his signings Kuqi and Ireland have been more or less dissappointments, HBA was CH's deal IMO). Loaning out our youngsters is one thing which has improved as they won't get ready for the challenge by playing against youth teams.


Like Bassong perhaps?

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Despite Pardew not being anywhere near my ideal manager for the job, I think that next season their is really a lot of potential to be fulfilled for the club. We have a small squad but within our best 11 there is a lot of quality which, if given the right investment during the summer, can potentially push for a top 7 place. But then again it's back to the same old story, isn't it? That being we probably wont get that and will end up going around in mediocre circles and it will become eye wateringly obvious that Ashley is trying to get away with running us on a shoe string. I pray I am wrong but I just don't see it happening.


Pardew has a tendency to leave tactical changes too late, however despite having very little options to choose from he's got a good consistency in terms of picking the team. I seem to remember at the start of Hughton's reign here he was criticised heavily for not changing things quick enough. But I think we can only judge Pardew fairly when he has a fair chance- that does not mean being given about 24 hours to find a replacement for our best striker- to mould the squad the way he wants it and if he is given a good financial backing and allowed to keep his best players. If any of those factors are missing then quite frankly, it doesn't matter who the fuck we have in charge we won't be going anywhere exciting in a hurry.


In a way I simply cant wait to see what this summer brings but deep down there's a that horrible reminder of reality...

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I'm going to a talk in on Friday, and it will be interesting to hear what he has to say.


If N-O could ask him a few questions what would it be?


Does Jose Fonte's bird take it up the hoop?

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MIghty pardew might have found out why we're getting all theese shitty injuries all the time now, as we didn't have the undersoil heating the training ground should be rockhard during the winter months and thus create alot of injuries.


Of all the managers we've had lately, I didn't think he would be the first one to spot it out.

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Former Reading boss Alan Pardew has retold the story of when he first brought Brian McDermott to the club.

Newcastle boss Pardew chose to bring Brian to Madejski Stadium when he himself was manager more than ten years ago, and McDermott has now gone on to enjoy great success in his own tenure as our manager.

Speaking to our online TV station Reading FC Player in a new video interview, Pardew said, "I've got strong connections in the non-league world where Brian was operating at the time. He was out of work and I took an instant liking to him.

"He did a super job for me and obviously he has gone on from that to do the reserves, first team and find himself well established now as a Championship manager and hopefully a Premier League manager.

"He has good people skills. As you can tell his communication to the players is good, he's a guy that you warm to and that's why players will like to play for him. He's not in your face - unlike myself! He has other qualities that stand him out."

McDermott's men have just enjoyed an eight-game winning run, the fifth best winning sequence ever in our history, and Pardew said, "It's important to go into the play-offs with momentum and when you have that you have a great chance.

"I speak to him a couple of times a week about this or that, he's a super guy, it's a great club and I hope I'm coming back to Reading next year with Newcastle."

McDermott recently paid tribute to Pardew for starting the Reading way of playing with pace, dynamism, and width, and Pardew said, "My style was just to get energy on the pitch and that's been carried through with Nick Hammond, through Steve Coppell and to Brian.

"It's about athleticism, that's one thing Reading have had over the last five years and when you couple that with quality then it's very difficult to beat."

The full video interview with Pardew is available now on Reading FC Player.

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not so much a pardew quote or something but i'm convinced the mackem bitch fancies pardew judging by recent positive coverage from her on him including this



Seemed more about Ashleys direction for the club rather that focusing on Pardew. Either way, a positive enough piece coming from her. :thup:

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