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Alan Pardew


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"We need to upgrade the manager eventually"


He's been in the job just over a year. You have been saying we should bin him at the end of the season, so after a year and a half? A year and a half in which we've had a large player turnover and he's improved league position substantially (barring a huge uncharacteristic slump in the remaining fixtures ofc)?



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He has from now and until the end of the season to win me over and get this side playing some kind of football. I'm not expecting Barca levels of football or even Sir Bobby levels, but attacking football and some possession with our best players selected if fit and that includes Ben Arfa. He has no excuses now, the African lads are back, Cabaye is back and there is a European spot to aim for. There are also some very winable games on the horizon, games where we should be performing well in. Lets see if he can deliver because this could set the scene for next season with the promise of even more good players joining. Although we will lose Tiote to fund things no doubt.


And then what? :lol:


I'll probably start a Parky esque HTT vs Pardew thread :D


You'll be infringing copyright and all hell will be let loose form Parky Industries. © :lol:  :knuppel2:

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I'd love someone to actually come up with a viable alternative to Pards.  The silence is deafening.


Cue HTT compiling a 3000 word report on how he could come in and successfully succeed Pards. 




Only 2 badges behind him. Not bad for someone who has never played the game like :lol:


Tactically I'd wipe the floor with him to be honest.


I think you genuinely believe that too :lol:

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Guest Howaythetoon

I think Shak has come into this thread and dismantled the anti Pardew agenda with one well constructed post. Cap doffed to him.


Considering where we are after what's gone on in the last few years...and people are still unhappy? It's genuinely laughable. It's not enough now to just win games....we must win with fabulous football. How many teams achieve this? Nobody will tell me that Manchester City serve up wondrous stuff, but f***ing hell I wish we were as effective.


Who is wanting fabulous football as you put it though? No-one. Again, can people f***ing read.


I've had the anti-Pardew carp thrown at me, the agenda crap and so on.


What I have offered is solid and reasoned analysis of our football or rather our inability to play football and how that can hurt us, has hurt us and will continue to hurt us. I have offered a reasonable opinion that if we are to keep improving in the way our recruitment and scouting side of the club is progressing, then we will need to upgrade our manager eventually. That is my opinion which to be fair, I have put across well enough without resorting to "OMG Pardew is crap, sack the c***".


I liken my thoughts to how many felt towards the end of Sir Bobby's time here (although most dared not submit their thoughts) that perhaps we need a change. Admittedly it would be a brave and bold change not guaranteed to work, but I genuninley believe this team and our players require the things Pardew lacks and will never have.


I know I'm in a minority but I have spotted certain things which I've expressed in this thread, things that we as a side or club simply cannot gloss over with "well we are sixth man" or "well look where we used to be, we were a Championship side not long ago" or "we started the season unbeaten" or "who else could we get" or "he's not been here long enough", our football is absolutely p*ss poor and so are our tactics in the main. Team selections are often wrong, negative and in need of changing not long after.


Yes we are 6th but performance wise, I'd have us mid-table to just below at best based on what we have served up and thsi group of players are capable of far more. We are sixth because Arsenal and Liverpool in particular are p*ss poor this season, that top 7 stalwarts like Villa and Everton are likewise. In any other season, we'd be top 10 based on our football.


We are 6th and deserve to be 6th but its been painful watching us get there and I guarantee next season even if we were to sign even more better players we'll not reach such heights. Not unless our football, tactics and team selections improve. Can pardew improve those areas? We'll soon find out in our final run of games.


If I were a betting man I'd say nope. I bet he starts Taylor or Obertan ahead of Ben Arfa at home to Wolves and it wouldn't surprise me to see Cisse on the bench in place of Shola. We'll probably win it by a single goal margin with a scrappy performance as well.


I agree on some of these points and the lack of sustained - cogent football being the main bugbear....But Pards has earnt himself at least another season at the helm. This is the wall you are coming up against in this thread and will continue to do so while our results remain fairm (regardless of the workmanlike football). Most will swallow it while we remain in the top 7.


Well not me, not when we have the best side we've had since Sir Bobby's days with the promise of more quality additions.


Its been said before but I look at the likes of Swansea and Nowrich and there is no excuse for the way we play football other than the plainly (or painfully?!) obvious which is that Pardew simply doesn't know how to set his teams up to play possession attacking football despite all the bold claims and insistances which he's talked of delivering pretty much from day one.

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I'd love someone to actually come up with a viable alternative to Pards.  The silence is deafening.


Cue HTT compiling a 3000 word report on how he could come in and successfully succeed Pards. 




Only 2 badges behind him. Not bad for someone who has never played the game like :lol:


Tactically I'd wipe the floor with him to be honest.


Let's try and keep it real yeah? :lol:

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What don't you understand?


How would he have struggled to fit those two into the side? As said it seemed more political than 'I have these two, really hard working, really talented players in the side but just how will I fit them in!?'.


Given Pardew's whole 'thing' seems to be based on an organised side which will work as a unit and contribute to all round play I don't understand how those 2 can be compared to the Ben Arfa thing.


Are we really suggesting that Pardew doesn't like Ben Arfa because he is talented?


A response more than 'Eh?' may open up a more fluent discussion :)


I'm a bit confused by what you're getting at tbh. The comparison between Tevez/Masch and HBA is because Pardew's struggled to fit them into his sides, rather than any like-for-like comparison based on playing style or position. Not sure what else there is to say on the matter. Why would Pardew struggle to fit them two into his side? You'll have to ask him, as that's the reality of what happened and it ultimately cost him his job as the side went on an awful run.


2 completely non-comparative situations though. Pardew isn't putting Ben Arfa into the side because he thinks he is a risk. I am certain he wasn't leaving the two at West Ham out for the same reason.


The situations have a similarity in terms that in both cases there's players far more talented than those in the first XI but Pardew couldn't make the adjustments to fit them into the side. In both cases the players present difficulties - one is a mercurial talent who has been out for a year, missed pre-season and wasn't in the side during early season good form. In the other the players arrived on deadline day speaking no English without Pardew personally identifying their signings. Both testing situations in terms of transitioning the players into the first XI. Situations where he'd have to make difficult decisions about the team and suffer a period of adjustment to make the right change for the longer-term.


Perfectly valid to point out a previous situation like that.


Sorry I still completely disagree (and I have voted you most knowledgeable football poster for the last so many years), the situations are only comparable to the point they are all good players. Other than that there is nothing in it than lazy tedious links that help some feel aggrieved for one player they are desperate to succeed as far as they will blame/dismiss everything else.

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This notion that Norwch and Swansea play great football is tosh btw. Nothing more than plucky upstarts having a go. They'll both be scrapping against relegation next year after the first season adrenaline has worn off.

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Has to be said that Pards has got decent performances out of two crap full backs for most of the season (before santon became a starter). This has a lot to do with one of his strengths imo that he is a very good organiser and data gatherer pre-match.

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Guest Howaythetoon

I'd love someone to actually come up with a viable alternative to Pards.  The silence is deafening.


Cue HTT compiling a 3000 word report on how he could come in and successfully succeed Pards. 




Only 2 badges behind him. Not bad for someone who has never played the game like :lol:


Tactically I'd wipe the floor with him to be honest.


I think you genuinely believe that too :lol:


There is no reason to believe, its an actual truth. I'd fuck him up all ways tactically. The man may have been a professional footballer and is currently a professional manager but tactically he's very poor as he's shown plenty of times this season. I'd go into depth regarding my own tactical analysis of our side but I fear the forum doesn't have enough bandwidth. ;) I'll remain content that a prominent FA senior coach said he's not seen such tactical ideas at grassroots level before as my own. I plan to run my business empire for another 10 years, sell up, and start my own footy academy, keep your eye out for coach HTT.

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I reckon you should start stalking Pards...You know jump out of the bushes with tactics in hand that kind of thing. ;)



Oi Pards! Fancy a bit of 433!



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Guest Howaythetoon

This notion that Norwch and Swansea play great football is tosh btw. Nothing more than plucky upstarts having a go. They'll both be scrapping against relegation next year after the first season adrenaline has worn off.


Fuck off man :lol: Plucky upstarts. No-one says they play "GREAT" footy by the way, but they do try to play great football and more often than not succeed. I watched a half hour long analysis of Swansea a few weeks back prior to their game against Arsenal and they clearly do play very good football, especially possessionaly.

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Yeah, if he was wrong about that then he must automatically be wrong about everything else ever. :thup:


That's obviously what I said.  :rolleyes:


Nothing has been dismantled by one post.  We're doing well position wise in the league which is as much down to having Demba Ba than anybody else this season and I would include Pardew in that.  One person’s opinion is supported by some but that doesn’t make them right and others wrong.  I would be speechless if anybody had the audacity to counter claim that our football has been good other than for short periods of games or other than maybe 3 or 4 games where we’ve done it for longer. 


I understand that results aren’t subjective and I don’t think many think that over the season so far the results have not been better than expected, even if some of the results have been individually poor.  Pardew said that he was going to change the way that we play and I can’t say that I’ve seen much of that.  I do think Cabaye is better in central midfield than the bloke he’s replaced.  I would probably say that Ba has been better than any of our forwards since Shearer.  We have lost 1 player who I think most people would agree that we are weaker for losing and that is Enrique.


We have a good spine to our team in Krul, Coloccini, Cabaye, Tiote, Ba and probably Cisse yet for too often we do hoof the ball as if it was a bomb that we were getting rid of before it explodes.  Two seasons in a row we’ve had a manager who has fielded a very strong team in the FA Cup without understanding that top players just aren’t motivated against lower league teams, at least ours aren’t.  I think both games could have been won without so many unmotivated players who turned up thinking that was enough to win the games.  Both times the unmotivated team have had a player sent off which has had an effect on our league campaign.  I’ll put money on it that a lesson hasn’t been learned and we’ll do the same again next season, we’ll play an unmotivated team against opposition that motivated but less used players would beat.


Our last league game was lost before a ball was kicked because Pardew told everybody that we weren’t under pressure and that the players could let their hair down and they did that all right.  Not a single player turned up yet we were later told that we were expecting too much attacking football or words to that effect. 


Last weekend wasn’t the one off people try to make out and when this is pointed out the excuses are straight out.


I’ve seen nothing from Pardew to suggest that we’ll play games any different to how we have so far and I’ve seen nothing to suggest that he’s ever going to be able to change a game once the game has kicked off if it is going against us.  We may have a game that will change but I don’t think it will be down to our manager, like Arsenal last season it’ll be down to a player getting sent off or something will happen during a game that will change it.


I know bringing Shola on against Spurs changed a defeat into a draw but bringing on Shola is more likely to have no positive effect on a game as it does having a positive effect, yes, sometimes we have luck on our side. 


Some people on here are like kids and can’t handle that others don’t share whatever opinions they hold.  Not everybody thinks Pardew is any better than average, not everybody looks at our league position and automatically thinks that we must be playing well because of where we are.  Not everybody thinks that things can’t be wrong just because we’ve won a few games.


Nobody is predicting our demise but I think a few people are wondering if we can maintain our results without improving the way that we play.


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Howay man HTT. I respect you as a poster but a few courses and a quick bash on Football Manager does not ready one for Premier League management. Now stop being bloody daft.

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What don't you understand?


How would he have struggled to fit those two into the side? As said it seemed more political than 'I have these two, really hard working, really talented players in the side but just how will I fit them in!?'.


Given Pardew's whole 'thing' seems to be based on an organised side which will work as a unit and contribute to all round play I don't understand how those 2 can be compared to the Ben Arfa thing.


Are we really suggesting that Pardew doesn't like Ben Arfa because he is talented?


A response more than 'Eh?' may open up a more fluent discussion :)


Would Pardew not playing Tevez and Mascherano for political reasons at the expense of the team and club make it more acceptable?  Is it acceptable that Pardew put his feelings before the well being of the club?

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Guest Howaythetoon



Howay man HTT. I respect you as a poster but a few courses and a quick bash on Football Manager does not ready one for Premier League management. Now stop being bloody daft.


In all seriousness, I coached my nephew for 1 season and he had NUFC scouts wanting to bring him into the academy. I coached an under 10s side and they went unbeaten during a season, the season after they were almost relegated down a league. We finished second mind :D


I developed several unique drills for example that guarantee to improve your weaker foot or rather guarantee to make you two-footed. I'm not shitting you but I sent them to several clubs, including Newcastle, and I got some very favourable responses.


I've also developed a game for kids that enables them to learn the basics of the game in just one hour of playing 'football' which I reckon could become a big thing.


Coaching badges mean fuck all by the way, Steve Bruce as a UEFA B for example :lol: I've never played footy manager in my life by the way.


I'd give him a run for his money like ;)


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Howay man HTT. I respect you as a poster but a few courses and a quick bash on Football Manager does not ready one for Premier League management. Now stop being bloody daft.


In all seriousness, I coached my nephew for 1 season and he had NUFC scouts wanting to bring him into the academy. I coached an under 10s side and they went unbeaten during a season, the season after they were almost relegated down a league. We finished second mind :D


I developed several unique drills for example that guarantee to improve your weaker foot or rather guarantee to make you two-footed. I'm not shitting you but I sent them to several clubs, including Newcastle, and I got some very favourable responses.


I've also developed a game for kids that enables them to learn the basics of the game in just one hour of playing 'football' which I reckon could become a big thing.


Coaching badges mean fuck all by the way, Steve Bruce as a UEFA B for example :lol: I've never played footy manager in my life by the way.


I'd give him a run for his money like ;)



Jesus fucking wept :lol:


James's sexual exploits have been blown so far out of the water they are orbiting Saturn :lol:

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What don't you understand?


How would he have struggled to fit those two into the side? As said it seemed more political than 'I have these two, really hard working, really talented players in the side but just how will I fit them in!?'.


Given Pardew's whole 'thing' seems to be based on an organised side which will work as a unit and contribute to all round play I don't understand how those 2 can be compared to the Ben Arfa thing.


Are we really suggesting that Pardew doesn't like Ben Arfa because he is talented?


A response more than 'Eh?' may open up a more fluent discussion :)


Would Pardew not playing Tevez and Mascherano for political reasons at the expense of the team and club make it more acceptable?  Is it acceptable that Pardew put his feelings before the well being of the club?


I have already said it was a failure on his part, the point is they are not comparable at all.


Pardew didn't play those two because of the way they came into the club, not because of how he thought their style would affect the team (which seems to be exactly why he is reluctant to play Ben Arfa).

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I have already said it was a failure on his part, the point is they are not comparable at all.


Pardew didn't play those two because of the way they came into the club, not because of how he thought their style would affect the team (which seems to be exactly why he is reluctant to play Ben Arfa).


You assume that you know why he didn't play them, the end result is the same anyway, he didn't play 2 of his best players at West ham and he isn't playing one of his best here.

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