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Alan Pardew


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I really think you're living in a different world if you think there's been 20 games where you've not been happy this season.


You supported Souness, didn't you?

Hated Souness.


If we're here at the same time next year and not making progress I'll be unhappy. We've had good results and played some good football. In our 2nd season back in the Premier League I'd say things are going very well. Very easy to stick the boot in on Pardew after a tough month but he's doing a good job.

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The thought that Pardew and Hughton are anything but as average as each other is really starting to grate on me.


It's just because Hughton is more likeable that the discussion is even taking place.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Hughton's team could smell blood when we took the lead and it was f***ing fantastic to watch. Some of the wins at the back end of the Championship and against Villa and on Hallowe'en were champagne stuff.


Today should have been 5 or 6 nil.


Exactly. He was a positive manager in terms of team selections, tactics and subs. I cannot see anyone from our midfield getting double figures like Nolan did under Hughton. Pardew doesn't want our midfielders to get a nose bleed, he's far too worried about who is marking who, tracking back etc.


I know who I'd rather have in our dugout any day of the week.

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Just to pre-empt the responses to my post, performances against Blackpool, Stoke, Wigan, Blackburn, Bolton and West Brom last season were just as poor as any poor performance we've had under Pardew.

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The thought that Pardew and Hughton are anything but as average as each other is really starting to grate on me.


It's just because Hughton is more likeable that the discussion is even taking place.


Indeed. I'm unhappy with Pardew's mentality, Hughton doesn't even need to be mentioned.

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Cabaye is playing far too deep, that's for sure.


Guthrie seemed to be much more advanced against Villa than Cabaye has been in recent times, I wonder if any of it is Cabaye? His record at Lille would suggest otherwise, can't say I watched them much though so I don't know.


Either way he needs to be playing further forward, the gap between midfield and attack is shocking.

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Hated Souness.


If we're here at the same time next year and not making progress I'll be unhappy. We've had good results and played some good football. In our 2nd season back in the Premier League I'd say things are going very well. Very easy to stick the boot in on Pardew after a tough month but he's doing a good job.


I remembered you having strong views on him.


I don't see the good job that Pardew is doing, he's starting to look like a one dimensional manager who is looking out of his depth.  Our results have been better than expected but our quality of football has been poor except for a few games, we've played more bad than good and a lot of games where we've come out of them with more than we have deserved.  He's been lucky and he's lived off that, when things aren't going our way he's got no answer to what is going wrong.

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The interview with Pardew  :rant:, what a complete load of bollocks. The man does not give a fuck about NUFC, he's purely a "professional" doing his job, or at least half trying to do his job. FFS it's cockney mafia vibes this shit.

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Can't really reply at length to HTT or Wullie's posts as on Blackberry (and on holiday - this hasn't helped my mood), but there is some fantastic revisionist history going on about Hughton's reign. I can remember many a match under Hughton where we were bloody awful, certainly as bad as anything served up by Pardew (blackpool, west brom, bolton???).


Some of the examples given are questionable as well. Not sure why any matches in the Championship should even be considered for obvious reasons.


Villa - we played a Villa team without a manager and they could have been out of sight in the first few mins we were that bad. Lucky Carew took that penalty.


Arsenal - but for Krul's brilliance we would have lost that. Good backs to the wall performance, but not a tactical masterclass in any way. Rose tinted glasses on that performance or you didn't see it.


I'd also love to know what this ideology you think we had under hughton...


Anyway - genuinely can't be arsed debating Pardew anymore on here. If you spole to any non-NUFC fan and told them that there were a significant proportion of people advocating his sacking they would think you were mental. Unbelievable stuff.

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We are top 6 in the main thanks for Ba's goals and the individual performances of Krul and Colo. Of course Pardew deserves credit but I'd say he deserves less than the likes of Ba, Krul et al. His input in our season is similar to R.Taylor's. He's contributed but not starred.


Our tactics are all wrong, at the start of a game, during the game and especially when the opposition start to nulify us and attack us. We simply drop back, revert to hoof and end up with no real shape. His team selections are often baffling and his use of subs almost always wrong.


He helped instill a very good team-spirit and a very good work-ethic and earlier on in the season we were defensively very strong which he deserves a lot of credit for and this has helped us to make a good start to the season and to get into a really good psoition in the league. But good team spirit and work ethic will only take you so far as does individual performances from star players but star players need direction, they need to play in a system that helps them.


This isn't happening. Pumping long ball after long ball up to Ba is not what he needs or wants. How are we meant to dominate a side when the area that achieves this - the midfield - are constantly being bypassed by long balls or restricted due to a flat and unballanced set-up?


Our tactics are so hopeless and dumb its embarrassing and is costing us and will if we persist, end up costing us big time. We have as much chance of finishing mid-table as we do a European spot and forget about 4th. A position we could actually finish in if we did play better football.


Been trying to work out what happened there myself. Don't think it's as simple as Wilko for Saylor, but Santon's forward play certainly has Colo pulled out to the wings more than I would like.


It really is Willo for Saylor like. Saylor's Bramble-esque with the mistakes no doubt about it. But he can be a colossus at times. He's faster, stronger and better in the air than Willo (and Colo too tbf) but crucially, he's a pretty good footballer like. He's not afraid to have the ball at his feet and he naturally plays short passes. Mike & Danny are shit scared of the ball and it has a huge overall detriment to the team.

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Think his main mistake was to drop Guthrie today, a) because it would have been a big knock to his confidence and b) because it's too big of an ask, in my opinion for Cabaye and Tiote to come back in having not played in the side, or together, for a long run of games. Guthrie has been in the side, knows his job, and has played well. Poor decision, probably should have left Cabaye on the bench. That probably cost us a bit of the initiative.

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His team is built on being very narrow and tight and all banks of four are very straight and well ordered. We could get away with it if we had steven taylor but we look a shambles defensively with Williamson and Simpson. he's become extremely scared of other teams counterring us since chelsea did in december but in fact since then we hvave done far worse and the hoof ball has increased (norwich, fulham, spurs). The stranget hign is I don't remember us playing quite this ugly last season.


it's a strange set up really. he wants everyone pressing and filling back in high up the pitch and quickly reorganising into very rigid lines. he has no idea how to utilise cabaye or ben arfa.


--full back--deep centre half--ball playing centre half--full back


--defensive wide man--box to box cm--stopper--defensive wide man--


------------------------deep forward----poacher--------------------


There's no room for flair because it won't allow the rigid side of our game to work. Cabaye's been adjusted to just be a constant runner and tbf he can do it because of his sheer stamina but he's wasted imo.


I'm not sure he's that tactically strong, he knows how to be a tough immobile unit that is hard to break through the middle and poor full backs are backed up by strong defensive wingers but in terms of possession play and movement he has no clue. He either just hopes Cabaye, Jonas, Ba (Hatem when he plays) already have a good enough footballing knowledge to do it without instruction or he genuinely believes the best method is to stop them penetrating us and hitting it towards Ba/player capable of magic. I really hope he has some new formation or plan lined up but I doubt it. My best hope is we manage to sneak 6th come the end of the season and he has pre season to attract some better technical players and rethinks his strategy- hopefully moulding a specific role for Ben Arfa.


This post needs more love. Good tactical insight.

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Oh come on HTT and Wullie would never get satisfied unless we win the league.  I am serious, not being sarcastic. So to argue who is better manager with them is pretty non-sense. SBR is a minimum benchmark. Mourinho would be appropriate.

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Just seen the interview. FFS. Does he really believe it was a big improvement on Spurs? Looked pretty much the same to me only this time we weren't playing Spurs.




There was a moment when the camera caught him shaking his head. I genuinely felt sorry for him. The games gone Alan. It's gone mate.

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Hughton's team could smell blood when we took the lead and it was f***ing fantastic to watch. Some of the wins at the back end of the Championship and against Villa and on Hallowe'en were champagne stuff.


Today should have been 5 or 6 nil.


I'm not one for glorifying Hughton's tenure but this was truly the best part of his time. When teams where there to be beaten, he wouldn't hold the players back.


Today we let Wolves into it for no reason. It took 30 minutes of submissive play from us and a jammy goal to get them really going. Had we come out in the second half, dominated for the opening 15 minutes and not conceded (or scored) Wolves would've gone back into their shell and the game would've been over. "Defensive tilt" is Pardew's predisposition.

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"But for us I'm not overly disappointed. It could be a lot worse. After Spurs we needed to just get ourselves back to something like our normal selves, which we were today. But we still should have won."


Staggering quote.

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