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Crumpy Gunt

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tbh our fans are just too good. I went to Fulham away during the relegation season and the support our away fans gave Kinnear was just amazing considering our situation and the fact that he was a f***ing idiot who doesn't deserve to be within ten miles of a managerial job.


The biggest obstacle to the success of any protest movement is the fact that we have too many faithful fans who are willing to stick with the club no matter how much abuse Ashley heaps on us.


Ridiculous how the media places the blame for our instability on the fans sometime. If anything, we are too good to be involved with a c*** like Mike Ashley.

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A negative atmosphere will unfortunately make for a negative performance on the pitch.


Aye like that's ever stopped our fans before. Let's face it the majority are happier using their voices to vent frustration than they are to get behind the team.


The team are against what has happened, kicking off is getting behind the team.  Showing Pardew support, or being complicit in his appointment, is going against the team.


This is an exceedingly dumb argument.


In what way?  Respected players consider what has happened a joke, what kind of message does it send to the players if the fans just go along with it and turn up with football rattles and foam hands?  Where exactly is that going to get us?  Are you expecting the Gallowgate to cheer on Alan Pardew's blacknwhite army to victory against Liverpool?


If you think the players are somehow going to be lifted by an atmosphere of dissent, protest, and orchestrated moaning, you're bonkers.

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A negative atmosphere will unfortunately make for a negative performance on the pitch.


Aye like that's ever stopped our fans before. Let's face it the majority are happier using their voices to vent frustration than they are to get behind the team.


The team are against what has happened, kicking off is getting behind the team.  Showing Pardew support, or being complicit in his appointment, is going against the team.


Aye it worked so well when Keegan left didn't it.


Oh, that was our fault?  Thought it might have been down to disinterested players, a shambolic structure and going through 5 managers in a season.  Can't remember anyone giving Kinnear much vocal shit at matches, how come we didn't stay up just based on that?


I'm simply saying peoples efforts might aswell be put to use supporting the team rather than abusing a manager. Sorry for making such a ridiculous suggestion.

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Just like to add, when I heard Souness had been appointed I felt like I'd physically been punched in the stomach. This appointment just leaves a sense of apathy.


I have to say it's the opposite for me: when Souness was appointed I was thinking "No more Champions League for a while." Disappointment, knowing that it would end in tears but (foolishly) confident we could recover.


Knowing Pardew is coming feels like "Hello, League One" As someone else mentioned, Ashley won't sack Pardew even if we freefall out of the Premiership AND the Championship. As bad as the relegation season was, this is much much worse, because this time we won't come straight back up, and we may end up doing the Leeds thing that everyone (outside the club) seems to wish for...


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What exactly did Hughton do to 'earn the right to be slaughtered' btw? Lose some matches?


I predict it won't be long before Crumpy is slaughtering Pardew using that logic. Ridiculous lack of context.


No Dave you're the one who is blinded by anger. Nobody has said that Hughton's sacking was a good idea, there were some (myself included) that had a bit more reservations of his ability as a manager, but we all agree that what happened to Hughton was unacceptable. The only way that things could have been mitigated/bettered was if we got someone in like Jol or MON. Now I feel as bad as any other that we are not getting those names in and that we will be replacing Hughton with someone seemingly inferior or at best like for like (i.e. average), but what Crumpy is saying (and I agree) is that instead of creating a hostile environment, let's give Pardew a chance. If as expected that we still end up in the bottom 3 by January, then that's the time to get the knives out and give him hell. A hostile environment gets us nothing and certainly won't affect Ashley, it might make our job of surviving more difficult though.

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Fuck. That.


The owners of the club need to hear how the fans feel first hand, and then promptly get the fuck out of NUFC. I wouldn't be chanting against Pardew, even though he is a useless sack of shit, I'd be chanting pro-Hughton and anti-Ashley. I hope that SJP is hostile from first to last.

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'Giving Pardew a chance' is just complacency.  Crossing your fingers and hoping for the best while the plane crashes into the fucking mountain.  It is making a tacit assumption that Mike Ashley and his gambling mates are making an effort to succeed, when they are not.


Wake up.  Football clubs don't run on positive thoughts, good will and pixie dust. 


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Guest Ridzuan

If there is a positive it is that perhaps Mike Ashley will finally back and support a manager he trusts.


Havnt we all gone through the same thing before. How many times we must give it to him before he really gets it?

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'Giving Pardew a chance' is just complacency.  Crossing your fingers and hoping for the best while the plane crashes into the f***ing mountain.  It is making a tacit assumption that Mike Ashley and his gambling mates are making an effort to succeed, when they are not.


Wake up.  Football clubs don't run on positive thoughts, good will and pixie dust. 



Agreed its pretty similar to when Souness was appointed except there were people, myself included willing to give him a chance. There is without doubt much more outcry this time around. At least Souness had his winning record to point to.


I see Hughton a little more like Roeder, the difference is the board have decided to sack him 6 months sooner than they did with Roeder. In that stead I have less problem with the sacking if they felt he wasn't the right man and wanted someone more experience, harsh on Hughton yes, best interest of the club yes. What is stunning and mind blowing is why they would want to risk the team harmony and blow the chance to get a manager in of a much higher caliber by appointing Pardew.


Two steps forward one step back.


The problem we now face is that there is little true option but staying at home and finding something better to do or give Pardew a chance. Ashley has been raping us hog tied over a barrel for the past 3 1/2 years. He is thick skinned and ignorant and going nowhere, Pardew is thick skinned and going nowhere also.


Protests aren't going to do anything positive. However I think the opinions HAVE to be voiced this weekend regardless. Past that I don't really see much else to do than live with it, constantly reminding the board that we want them out but without being a detriment to the team and getting in the way of the most important On field occurrences.


The only thing that will keep the club up is the fans supporting the players and hoping they pull together and do the opposite on the field.


Its a dangerous and at best sideways step that could easily finish this club. Ashley has just bought the coffin and

given the fans the nails.

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I don't think Pardew will stand a chance looking at the quotes coming from the players and the imminent fixtures coming up. Liverpool, Man City and Tottenham in the next 3 weeks. And that's before I have even mentioned the fans, who have every right to be angry and will struggle to be enthusiastic.


If by some miracle he makes a bright start against all the odds people will get behind him, slowly but surely. The odds are stacked against him because he doesn't deserve the job. He won't believe his luck that he has landed at a midtable Premiership club after being sacked in League One.


The fact it's Pardew, someone so desperate he would take the job regardless of the circumstances, suggests to me there is little to no money in the transfer kitty. If Ashley was promising a decent wedge we might have had proper interest in the job.


I don't think it's right to boo someone who is trying to win us games and is just starting the job. But he'll get no support until he earns it because he shouldn't be here. The fans are yet again left in the position of supporting the players while protesting against the club. We can't go on like this, and Ashley certainly won't change. We know no proven manager will ever work under him so the only solution is to force the owner out.

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Guest magpie99

Well, I am supremely pissed off.


I am coming over from Oz for the first time in 5 years and my mate has got us tickets for the boxing day game against Citeh.


I am really beginning to wish he hadnt bothered. Shopping with the missus at the metro centre sounds lioke a better option to me at present.....LOL

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