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Newcastle United 3 - 1 Liverpool - 11/12/10 - post match reaction from page 29


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Krul - 6

Simpson - 8

Taylor - 6

Campbell - 4.5

Enrique - 5.5

Barton - 9 MOTM

Nolan - 7

Tiote - 8

Jonas - 5.5

Carroll - 8

Ameobi - 5


Ranger - 8




Top stuff from Ranger. His introduction, albeit enforced, was pivotal.

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Good win, hope Pardew doesn't take any praise from this result as it was a Houghton Team

Why should Pardew not get credit?People were predicting the team would collapse when we relieved Hughton, but this was not the course of events at all. In the second half, Liverpool equalised and were beginning to dominate, when he made a substitution that changed the course of the match in our favour.

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Cracking win after such a tough week.


Fair play to the players, they could have folded and not bothered their arse and nobody could have really blamed them. But they gave it their all and completely deserved the win.



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Lots to say - little time, so I'll bullet point it:


- Importantly (to me), full credit for this win goes to Hughton - who made the Barton-Nolan-Carroll partnership develop as it did. Massive thanks.

- Now at least someone can STFU up about Williamson-Colo starting. This individial was, as usual, massively wrong. Nothing against Taylor or Campbell, they try hard and have covered reasonably well for a club of our standing but they are nowhere near Williamson.

- Just how fucking bent was that ref. Definitely some money under a table somewhere.

- That game reminded me of the Man City game, and given the circumstances I wouldn't have celebrated the second so much had I not felt it to be thoroughly deserved (what with the ref playing in red).

- Ranger was brilliant. I hope his teammates begin to respect him a bit more in the coming games. In this game and previous ones, it seems as though when he's been on the ball they begin to get back into defensive position with expectation he'll lose it immediately. He's showing a lot of talent and deserves a start ahead of Ameobi IMO.

- IF Pardew does continue to persist with Ameobi-Carroll, I would suggest swapping them around as Barton can ping balls over to the far-side and Shola-Barton seemed to link up well (surprising and irrational, but true!).

- FUCKING LOVED THE THIRD GOAL. Very worried about our perception as a set-piece team/long-ball side, and their standing off Carroll was a disrespect - and I think it's fair to say he handled it quite well.


Oh, and then there's the other stuff:


Still think Ashley is a twat, and Pardew has a helluva lot of work to do to win me over (as he should have to).


Happy that we won though. Hughton lives on :)

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Congratulations to the players and the management team, including Pardew. All did their job under difficult circumstances and you thoroughly deserved the 3 points.


Also, take away the fact it's Liverpool and the fact Torres comes across as a total arse, from a purely footballing perspective it's a shame to see him play (or indeed not) as he currently is. Just doesn't look interested, and I say a shame because on his day he is impossible to stop.

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Did anyone see that interview with Joey Barton and Nolan?


Barton was asked how impressed he was with Pardew and his answer was "its only been two days.."


Then he got asked "well, a win in his first game" and his answer was "it was more of us this group of lads than him really"


Gareth Southgate went mental on the analysis :lol:

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Guest Dr. Mambo

Text from my Liverpool supporting mate:


"We're shit against lower teams, you're better against better teams."


He has a point, but I called him a c*nt anyway...

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Did anyone see that interview with Joey Barton and Nolan?


Barton was asked how impressed he was with Pardew and his answer was "its only been two days.."


Then he got asked "well, a win in his first game" and his answer was "it was more of us this group of lads than him really"


Gareth Southgate went mental on the analysis :lol:

That's an idiotic thing to say to the press, tbh. Keep up appearances at least.

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Did anyone see that interview with Joey Barton and Nolan?


Barton was asked how impressed he was with Pardew and his answer was "its only been two days.."


Then he got asked "well, a win in his first game" and his answer was "it was more of us this group of lads than him really"


Gareth Southgate went mental on the analysis :lol:


Barton :clap: :clap: :clap:

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