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John Carver

Guest neesy111

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In @TheJournalSport tomorrow, Colback and Krul back Carver if he gets job #NUFC


Fucking scum. Krul should know better.

well they're hardly going to bad mouth him and say he's completely unsuited for the job are they?

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The last time we listened to the players and appointed the assistant manager after the only other time in our history where a manager has left for another club, we went down the next season. Richard Dinnis had way more claim to the job than Carver does, having done a respectable caretaker job when Gordon Lee bailed on us. Too many symmetries between then and now for my liking. And way too many pro Carver stories about :(

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Hang on, he was blatantly jumping on mourinho for hugs.. Even when stone was having a go at him at half time. Carver ditched stone and leeched himself unto Jose. Same before the game too.


No doubt Jose would love him in charge another easy 3 points guaranteed. Carver is equally as detestable as the king.. Hope he is long gone sooner rather than later.

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To be fair, i think he set up the team to have a go at Chelsea. Atleast it's something.


Agree with that we didn't look to sit back, however to bang on about how well we played while still losing 2-0 is mental, 2nd half we didn't turn up again and suggests he doesn't know how to motivate at half time, I think he should have made changes sooner as well.


The one thing I noticed and I think to his credit is we looked to play the ball out from the back as much as possible, Krul was noticeably not trying to launch it everytime.

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Well he says if he doesn't get the job here, he will be looking for a manager's job somewhere else. So we might not need to sack him after all.


There again, who would offer him a job? Best to sack him just to be sure.

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Have to feel for Carver a bit though, I mean he'd be quite well respected here if he hadn't stuck up for Pardew. Which you could argue he had to do (although obvs not to the exten he did).


I don't rate him and I don't want him as manager, but he's been caught right in the crossfire of the shit situation we've been in.

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Have to feel for Carver a bit though, I mean he'd be quite well respected here if he hadn't stuck up for Pardew. Which you could argue he had to do (although obvs not to the exten he did).


I don't rate him and I don't want him as manager, but he's been caught right in the crossfire of the s*** situation we've been in.


Just when I thought you were recovering  :lol:

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Have to feel for Carver a bit though, I mean he'd be quite well respected here if he hadn't stuck up for Pardew. Which you could argue he had to do (although obvs not to the exten he did).


I don't rate him and I don't want him as manager, but he's been caught right in the crossfire of the s*** situation we've been in.


No.  No sympathy at all. He has done nowt in his career.

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Have to feel for Carver a bit though, I mean he'd be quite well respected here if he hadn't stuck up for Pardew. Which you could argue he had to do (although obvs not to the exten he did).


I don't rate him and I don't want him as manager, but he's been caught right in the crossfire of the shit situation we've been in.


Don't be daft Ian. He's mouthing off about how he bollocked Cabella in front of the rest of the team and claiming credit for his performance. Then name dropping Mourinho in every other sentence. He manages to sound pissed when he's stone cold sober. "Jozay, whey aye, he's me besht pal like."



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Have to feel for Carver a bit though, I mean he'd be quite well respected here if he hadn't stuck up for Pardew. Which you could argue he had to do (although obvs not to the exten he did).


I don't rate him and I don't want him as manager, but he's been caught right in the crossfire of the s*** situation we've been in.


Apart from the having a go at Newcastle fans at Southampton incident and the pathetic 'apology' on .cock afterwards, very unsavoury as it was, he could attempt to carry himself with a bit of dignity as the caretaker manager. I don't mind him throwing his head in the ring, but he should have kept it away from the media. The incessant quotes about him working with the best, Mourinho giving him the seal of approval, etc. when he hasn't done anything to prove he might be worthy of the job is desperate beyond belief. I sincerely hope we appoint someone else and he leaves in order to manage in the lower leagues where he belongs.

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He's every inch as bad as Pardew with regards to every single quote I read making me want to strangle him. This guy has worked with Keegan and Robson yet picked up most of his "knowledge" and personality traits from Alan f***ing Pardew.


Carver didn't need Pardew to learn from regarding his personality, the prick threw a chair at Bellamy, he's unstable.

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