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Football's greatest - where does Lionel Messi rank?


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Guest Roy the Irish Magpie

the fact he has equalled warding's record for most goal in one domestic season in any of the major leagues set back in 1931 tells you everything you need to know. He's not even in the "prime years" of 26-32.

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He also says that other Argentine players - including Real Madrid ones like Heinze and Higuaín - called him and Diarra that. And that even though the word irked him he understands they weren't being racist.


As I said when the Suárez fracas happened, they use that word very commonly down there.

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Well, I said that Suárez' excuse was factual back then. He still should have been aware of the culture he's in though, and the fact that he used it so many times against Evra was very odd and made me think he was probably using the cultural misconception as a shield. But yeah, Messi, Heinze and Higuaín too should be aware of how that word is received in Europe.

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Is he allowed to get away with it though ?


It would be hypocritical of the majority of this board to sweep this one under the carpet after the reaction to Suarez.


But Messi is a nicer person. I'm 100% sure it was done in jest. Unlike that scumbag.

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As much as I do love Messi, he has no excuse for saying it, he's lived in Spain since he was 12 so he can't plead ignorance as he's lived there long enough to know the culture.


He can't claim that he didn't know or it's a term of affection as he has lived there long enough to know otherwise.

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As much as I do love Messi, he has no excuse for saying it, he's lived in Spain since he was 12 so he can't plead ignorance as he's lived there long enough to know the culture.


He can't claim that he didn't know or it's a term of affection as he has lived there long enough to know otherwise.


Messi has been schooled in Catalan since age 12 and still doesn't speak a word of it, and still stumbles with some Argentine/Peninsular Spanish language differences in interviews. I'll be honest, he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed outside a football pitch.


And yes, he should have know, but I really doubt there was any kind of malicious intent.

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Standard RTG response to it.


This racism shit is tedious, couldn't give a fuk about it personally. A lot worse things happen than simply using a racial slur. Its not like the old days where black people would get beaten to death or even way far back as slaves.


Bury it under the sand and forget about it, will always happen.


He's right tbf, this whole lets act all offended because some one called a a black man is outrageous imo, i couldn't give a fuck tbh. I know that makes me sound a proper c unt, but I'll survive.


Remaining classy, as always.



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Just got asked who I thought no1 was ever. So I say pele and say thats what most people would say. Got given a big talk on maradona.


Wherever he went, took a struggling side to the top

Could do things no one else could at the time

Went to an Arab country to play. And they said his daughters couldnt go due to the law. He said he wouldnt play. So the Arabs bent the rules for him, could anyone else do that?

Cant remember exactly what else but it was a pretty decent argument


Tbh I didnt have anything to say in reply. I just said pele scored the most goals and generally is the most respected


All I have to go on is the odd video which I said straight away


He actually said ronaldinho is closer than messi in terms of what they could do with a ball

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