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Sammy Ameobi released


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Once you get over his surname you'll be fine. :thup:


It's got nothing to do with his name.


Of course it does. What's daft is that: what you said there isn't hugely different to what everyone else is saying - ie, he's got potential. You've put a negative spin on it though because you can't stand his brother.

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Of course it does. What's daft is that: what you said there isn't hugely different to what everyone else is saying - ie, he's got potential. You've put a negative spin on it though because you can't stand his brother.


You're talking bollocks, I don't rate shola as highly as some but when everybody was calling him shit I was sticking up for him because he's not very good and he's not shit either.

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Guest Dontooner

Actually think he has some potential in a couple of positions. If he grows bigger would like him to try the midfield position like Yaya at Man City. Just need to work on his stamina , which ever position he wants to excel in.

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Actually think he has some potential in a couple of positions. If he grows bigger would like him to try the midfield position like Yaya at Man City. Just need to work on his stamina , which ever position he wants to excel in.


Yeah, I've noticed he tends to be blowing a bit quite early on in games.


Shola has also suffered from stamina problems. It could be a family trait that we just have to accept.

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Guest icemanblue

Nah, he takes massive gasps of air all the time. Looks like he's choking. :lol:


Wasn't sure about him last year, but he's definitely got something about him. Amazing feet.

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People see this bambi-esq character stroll onto the pitch and immediately think hes going to be shit as hes not your stereotypical big clattering midfielder that the premier league seems to love.


But you can tell he has huge potential some of his touches are way above his years, he just needs to learn the mental side of the game which will come with time. The club need to recognise he is somewhat of a unique footballer and with the right guidance and hard work i can easily see him becoming a England full timer


Like Ben Arfa I think you need to encourage him to beat the man, early on he will make mistakes but aslong as you don't vilify him for doing so in the long run it will be worth it. His link up play with Shola was good tonight, I wonder if they have been practising in the gardern?


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I wonder if they have been practising in the gardern?




You've reminded me of when Carroll went to live with Nolan... I used to have this class mental image of Nolan's lass hoying footballs off the roof into the back garden for Carroll, to flick on to Nolan, who'd bury them into one of them little dinky nets you had in the garden as a bairn. :lol:

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I wonder if they have been practising in the gardern?




You've reminded me of when Carroll went to live with Nolan... I used to have this class mental image of Nolan's lass hoying footballs off the roof into the back garden for Carroll, to flick on to Nolan, who'd bury them into one of them little dinky nets you had in the garden as a bairn. :lol:


:lol: :lol:


That in turn has gave me a mental image of Sammy and Shola practising in the garden, with John Carver tasked with trying to get the ball off them like the guy off Mike Bassett trying to get the ball off the Brazilians, puffing and panting  :lol:

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I hope im wrong, but Sammy will never make a PL footy player, or at least not a better PL player than his bro.


He already is a better football player than his brother ever was as far as I am concerned. Shola has bulked up quite a bit and shaken some of that clumsiness that frustrated the hell out of me earlier in his career, but Sammy looks like he can reach a much higher level as long as he develops like he should.

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Sammy is going to be a fantastic footballer for us. He has that unpredictability that is generally coached out of youngsters these days in England.  Pards and the staff will have already identified that Sammy's style is not to dissimilar to HBA in that they are tremendously talented at running at defenders and causing havoc with their dribbling.  It will only be another reason to NOT coach that out of Sammy and make him something he's not, ala his brother Shola or a typical "English-winger"

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