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Other clubs' transfers

Guest palnese

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Maybe Chelsea? Feels like there might be a desperation summer coming from Roman.


The reason i didnt include any english clubs in my original post on the subject is because i dont believe he would leave Arsenal for any english club. (even City)


If he leaves he will go abroad IMO.

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psg after suarez in the summerwould love to see that c*** out of this league


Same here. He is a great player like but his presence has really poisoned the PL this season. The sooner the c*** f***s off, the better.

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psg after suarez in the summerwould love to see that c*** out of this league


Same here. He is a great player like but his presence has really poisoned the PL this season. The sooner the c*** f***s off, the better.


Thirded, he's odious.

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Actually agree with mole. The only reason a club would sign him is for FM type lolz of getting a world class player for the sake of it. He couldn't play as a #9 for Barca because Messi does and Madrid have Ronaldo plus 2 of the best strikers in the world already.


Depressingly I'd say Man City is the only likely destination.


He would play centrally for Barca, with Messi wider or in a more withdrawn role. Pep would make it work (although it remains to be seen whether he'll still be there), and Barcelona need goals to come from more players. Van Persie would provide this, and certainly would only strengthen the squad.

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Actually agree with mole. The only reason a club would sign him is for FM type lolz of getting a world class player for the sake of it. He couldn't play as a #9 for Barca because Messi does and Madrid have Ronaldo plus 2 of the best strikers in the world already.


Depressingly I'd say Man City is the only likely destination.


He would play centrally for Barca, with Messi wider or in a more withdrawn role. Pep would make it work (although it remains to be seen whether he'll still be there), and Barcelona need goals to come from more players. Van Persie would provide this, and certainly would only strengthen the squad.


You just wouldn't move the world's best player into another position to accommodate anybody.

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Why not? It's not like Messi couldn't be as effective in other positions on the field. He often drops into midfield. Could easily work like this:


          Van Persie

                  Messi    ^


        Iniesta Xavi    | 



  Abidal Puyol Piqué




Messi would probably score less, but Van Persie would more than make up for that



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Messi plays as the #9 now, he isn't moving position for the rest of his career. That's why Ibra went and that's why Villa has been playing wide.




This isn't going to change. Ever.

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Why not? It's not like Messi couldn't be as effective in other positions on the field. He often drops into midfield. Could easily work like this:


          Van Persie

                  Messi    ^


        Iniesta Xavi    | 



  Abidal Puyol Piqué




Messi would probably score less, but Van Persie would more than make up for that




We tried exactly that with Zlatan, didn't work. RvP might be more adaptable, but the truth is that Messi will always dominate the play through the center, and a CF risks being isolated. RvP assuming the Villa role, where he helps the build-up play and makes runs into the box from the wing, would work better.

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Zlatan said as much in his autobiography that Messi demanded the central striker position halfway through that season. His productivity is at an insane level there, so who is to argue and why the hell would you risk moving him to accomodate somebody else? van Persie is great but he's 29, injury prone and would cost a fortune.


The only reason Barca would consider signing him is mindless posturing and chest-beating towards the capital. I can't see it, they've had their fingers burnt with Ibra already and that was BEFORE Messi became the focal point of the attack.

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Besides, you'd think they're finally gonna wake up to the fact that getting a new CB on board is priority.


Barcelona should do everything in their power to get thiago Silva from Milan. Pique - Silva would ensure winning everything.

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