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Demba Ba (now retired)


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Guest sydneycove

Not that we'll be that great, but Barca don't have a "target" man do they really?  As long as the team is fluid enough (and I think Ba can run/has good movement) then the team can still function at a very high level.


Fairly sure when you have Iniesta, Xavi, Fabregas, Busquets and Messi feeding you all you need to do is stay onside and you will score.


Their biggest first team striker is a 5 ft 9 in Villa  :mackems:


Obviously we won't be Barca but we can play a good possession/passing game without a target man and still win matches.



I know I was just havng a good laugh thinking about people on here are rather negative today and work is boring.

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Guest sydneycove

Would much rather take the technique and flair of a South American than the apparent grit and determination of an Englishman like :lol:


f***ing hell man.


But the English have won so many International competitions and the players so many international awards!

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Cometh the hour cometh the Ba.... please.


Essentially Ba is our Carroll replacement until he the January window is open. Im confident he will prove to be the best striker on our books. I am however confused as to where the hell we should play him. He isnt really a target man is he?


Not that we'll be that great, but Barca don't have a "target" man do they really?  As long as the team is fluid enough (and I think Ba can run/has good movement) then the team can still function at a very high level.


I was thinking more along the lines that we were intending to play 4-3-3/4-5-1 he surely has the ability to hold up the back and knock it on, but I think he looks more suited to the left or right of a 4-3-3 or as a second striker in a 4-4-2.  Barfa, Obertan and Marveaux look like better bets in that kind of role.



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I'm on holiday so I've only just heard about his fasting. Think it's a f***ing disgrace, personally. A professional athlete has no business starving his body for religious reasons. Shouldn't get paid a penny while he's conforming to this crap. We desperately need him to step up, not p*ss about.

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I'm on holiday so I've only just heard about his fasting. Think it's a fucking disgrace, personallty. A professional athlete has no business starving his body for religious reasons. Shouldn't get paid a penny while he's conforming to this crap. We desperately him to step up, not piss about.


you in florida, ron?

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I'm on holiday so I've only just heard about his fasting. Think it's a f***ing disgrace, personally. A professional athlete has no business starving his body for religious reasons. Shouldn't get paid a penny while he's conforming to this crap. We desperately need him to step up, not p*ss about.


It's not complete fasting, just not eating while the sun is up. I was just in Bahrain and Oman for a week and people there seemed to have no trouble eating copious amounts of food after 7PM. Someone even told me that most people actually put on a couple of pounds during Ramadan :lol:


I'm sure the club could arrange a reasonable diet for him where he can get the nutrition he needs through a dinner and a late snack every night. It's not ideal but it's hardly sack-worthy.

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There was an article over here about a NFL player getting ready for the season during the month of Ramadan and how he coped with it.  Basically he gets home at night after practice and eats a big meal, goes to sleep, wakes up around 2 am, has a "lunch" and then has a big breakfast before he leaves in the morning.  It sounded like it was just fine.  I don't think it's a viable excuse to be shit.

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The germans had this sorted:




Germany's Central Council of Muslims said it was advising Islamic professional football players that they need not fast during Ramadan, ahead of the regular season resuming Friday.


"The professional player can make up the fasting days during periods when there is no match and in that way show his respect for God and the holy month of Ramadan," council president Aiman Mazyek said in a statement.


During Ramadan, observant Muslims fast from dawn to dusk. Several Bundesliga players are Muslim, including many players of Turkish origin and Bayern Munich's French international Franck Ribery.


A dispute over the issue in Germany began when the second-division team FSV Frankfurt gave three Muslim players an official warning in October 2009 for fasting during Ramadan and failing to inform their managers.


The German Football Federation (DFB) reached an agreement with Muslim leaders on fasting in 2010 allowing players to respect one of the five pillars of Islam while fulfilling their professional obligations.


The council had initiated talks with the country's leading professional football associations last year and sought the advice of Islamic scholars to resolve the issue.


The Al-Azhar University in Cairo concluded that an exception to the strict Ramadan fasting rules could be made for professional players so their performance would not be compromised.


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most people do seem to put weight on during ramadan. body goes into starvation mode and stores the energy, plus they binge eat, and also eat closer to bedtime which is never good. it's not great if you are training every day.

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Watching Minnesota Vikings starting safety Husain Abdullah on the sun-drenched field during practice on a recent afternoon, you’d never guess he hasn’t had any food or drink since sunrise.


Abdullah is an observant Muslim, which during Ramadan - the Islamic holy month that ends Monday night - means no eating or drinking from sunup to sundown, not even water.


“My religion is very important to me," Abdullah said after practice. "I mean, it’s the basis of my life.”


He credits his parents with instilling the Muslim values he holds dear today.


"The month of Ramadan is something that we wait for every year," Abdullah said. "When it comes, we actually celebrate it.


“People think because we’re fasting that we should dread it, but we actually celebrate the month because it’s the month in which the Quran was revealed," he said. "Everybody gets excited.”


Even, he says, when that means 95-degree heat and high humidity on the practice field here.


This will be Abdullah's fourth full season playing professional football, a stretch that he says has given him time to perfect a Ramadan diet, aided with the team nutritionist.


“Dinnertime, I will eat whatever my wife cooks; I’m not gonna be picky about that,” he laughed. “Then it’s mainly about the fluids.”


“I try to drink until I can start using the bathroom regularly, so I can keep hydrated," he said. "And then around 2 in the morning …we have lunch in the middle of the night. So I just drink a protein shake, probably eat some fruit and again drink some fluids.”


All that followed by what he called a “regular” breakfast of oatmeal, fruit and eggs. Then, he says, he’s set for the day.


The fast lasts until an after-sundown meal, called an iftar dinner.


Earlier this month, President Barack Obama invited Abdullah, along with his brother Hamza, a defensive back for the Arizona Cardinals, to the White House's annual iftar dinner.


“It was kind of surreal,” Abdullah said. “(We) got to snap a couple pictures, they cleared out a room, and we got to pray inside the White House, which is awesome.”

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I'm on holiday so I've only just heard about his fasting. Think it's a f***ing disgrace, personally. A professional athlete has no business starving his body for religious reasons. Shouldn't get paid a penny while he's conforming to this crap. We desperately need him to step up, not p*ss about.




Okay mate. How about we don't pay all footballers on Christmas too then, and Easter for that matter? How about no-one gets paid when they're not working...


He has every right to take part in his religious festival, despite the fact me thinking religion is bollocks.

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Just as good on paper as Maiga, Roux or anyone else bar Gamiero we were linked with. If we are only playing with 1 striker, why isn't Ba good enough to be Carroll's replacement?


If HBA isn't playing then who plays off Ba? Lovenkrands?

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Just as good on paper as Maiga, Roux or anyone else bar Gamiero we were linked with. If we are only playing with 1 striker, why isn't Ba good enough to be Carroll's replacement?


If HBA isn't playing then who plays off Ba? Lovenkrands?

Obertan,  Vuckic

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I certainly think people get a bit caught up in the fact he was free.  If it wasn't for the dildo twins negligence, he probably would have left for £5m-£8m, didn't they buy him for about £7m?


Hope the fans at the match are a bit more supportive of him.  Seemed to be quite a few near me at the Fulham game that had already decided he was utter shite and were pretty much jeering him and looking for negatives  :-[

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