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Sylvain Marveaux - arrested

Guest neesy111

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Most of our quality deliveries came from Marveaux, I get that he isn't the most invloved player, but he is one of the few who will run with intent and can put in a good ball. Jonas was wide in a couple of great positions a couple of times but his crosses were into empty space.

Did Cisse not hit the post from a Jonas cross in the 1st half ?
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Most of our quality deliveries came from Marveaux, I get that he isn't the most invloved player, but he is one of the few who will run with intent and can put in a good ball. Jonas was wide in a couple of great positions a couple of times but his crosses were into empty space.

Did Cisse not hit the post from a Jonas cross in the 1st half ?


More of a side note, but it looked like he shanked that cross as it went behind everyone including Cisse. Cisse just adjusted himself better than everyone else in the box.

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He is what I call a luxury player when we don't have the ball, that's why I think to put him outwide really unbalance the team.


Therefore I think a only a central role can be afforded to him with two midfielders sitting behind him doing the grafting.


I like him but you really have to cater around him, and sadly in a Alan Pardew system you will find he will always prefer sissoko, Nolan ,and even Ba type of cumbersome players to be played in that role so they are more equipped to receiving counter long balls.

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I'd always play him with no Hatem too, one of the few players who may pop up and do something even when rest of team playing badly. Invaluable creative outlook even if I wish he could impose himself better


i think Pards could give him more responsibility kinda like how he did with Ben Arfa. Big him up a bit, tell him he's our dude and he's important. When he came on against Stoke he looked more authoritative.


I've probably not agreed with any of your posts in quite some time, but you're 100% spot on here.

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A real quality footballer but just does not do anywhere near enough in a game.

2 or 3 runs and a couple of passes (all with his left anarl as if he'd got a right foot he'd have played Cisse in at 1-0 to make it 2) aren't enough. He's good neat and tidy player who can beat a couple of players with a mazy dribble but he only plays for 10 to 15 minutes a game and goes missing for the other 75.


Thats a result of the way that the team is set up as much as anything.

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since january we've been set up basically as a 4-2-3-1, two attacking minded full backs, sissoko,gouffran and jonas (2 of which do very little defensivly) playing off cisse. i'd hardly call that "set up defensively"


if anything it's a lack of defensive thinking when they have possession that leads to that situation.

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Jonas and Gouffran do plenty defensively, to be fair.

it was sissoko and gouffran i was referring to and they put a foot in if the balls near them, do little chasing down and take up poor positions when out of possession, 3 of our front 4 (first line of defence)offer very little resisitance. from the little i saw of sissoko for toulouse he was a much more dynamic player now he's only involved when we have the ball, not sure if the game is just too quick for him at the moment but i certainly want to see him deeper, alongside cabaye as soon (hopefully) as we are safe.
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I think it's fitness issue more than tactical. He nearly shines everytime when coming on as a sub against tired opponents, but he also disappointed us everytime when playing as a starter.

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Jonas and Gouffran do plenty defensively, to be fair.

it was sissoko and gouffran i was referring to and they put a foot in if the balls near them, do little chasing down and take up poor positions when out of possession, 3 of our front 4 (first line of defence)offer very little resisitance. from the little i saw of sissoko for toulouse he was a much more dynamic player now he's only involved when we have the ball, not sure if the game is just too quick for him at the moment but i certainly want to see him deeper, alongside cabaye as soon (hopefully) as we are safe.


I know it was, and I'm in agreement on Moussa. Gouffran does a lot more (effective) defensive work than you're suggesting, though.

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Jonas and Gouffran do plenty defensively, to be fair.

it was sissoko and gouffran i was referring to and they put a foot in if the balls near them, do little chasing down and take up poor positions when out of possession, 3 of our front 4 (first line of defence)offer very little resisitance. from the little i saw of sissoko for toulouse he was a much more dynamic player now he's only involved when we have the ball, not sure if the game is just too quick for him at the moment but i certainly want to see him deeper, alongside cabaye as soon (hopefully) as we are safe.


I know it was, and I'm in agreement on Moussa. Gouffran does a lot more (effective) defensive work than you're suggesting, though.

I don't see it now, he did in his first couple of games (eager to impress ?) but not so much since then.
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Would like to see him on the left in games like today. His reluctance to use his right-foot with Simpson behind him doesn't work for us. Especially as for some reason he kept on running himself into blind alleys down the touchline instead of trying to cut inside onto his left foot.


Think on certain occasions when the opposition are playing really deep like Fulham did today he could put some decent balls in from the left-hand side for Cisse to attack.


Think he would look a lot better on the right with Debuchy playing as he has added quite a lot to our play.


I'm not having a dig at Simpson either, I just rate what Debuchy brings to us. :thup:

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One of my absolute favourite players. He's shown heart and desire in recent weeks, coming back from his injuries and being on the bench for long periods, he's done superb this year.


Such a creative force, so much intent and energy and one of the few players exploiting space and running at defenders. Has to start.

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He's getting his momentum back - now that he's starting game after game, he's regaining that confidence and sharpness. Some really good positive attacking from him today.

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